More valuable than money: 12 ways to make new friends

When we were young children, the problem of finding new friends in front of us was not. Who is next to the right age - he and a friend. Friends from kindergarten, school yard - even "friends for a day" of the train car in which the family was traveling south. When schools and institutions have been left behind, and old friends, life has scattered geographically and by the families from which they will not pull out of the ears, the case was quite different. Where to look for new good friends are adults, then to become someone of them real friends? Sociable extroverts this question and ask themselves, and introverts have to learn about the "fish" places and techniques.

1. Revive old contacts

More valuable than money: 12 ways to make new friends

Make a list of old friends and so-called "nodding acquaintances". Remember, what you do about them was the opinion, on which it was based, where you met or crossed. If they are in social networks, review their pages - not all, of course, but only the most interesting characters. Most likely, you will find a few people with whom would not mind to continue the acquaintance. Go for it! Write them and socialize virtually call an old friend, or even invite someone to walk. Old acquaintances often undervalued fraught with a lot of treasures.

2. Meet your friends friends

If you have a few good friends to your company, then ask them to introduce you to her. Not necessarily ask for it directly, if you hesitate. Ask a friend for life, and when he tells about any event that he will spend in the company of friends, the call is also to participate in it. Joint celebrations in large companies - also a good option, and your old friend or a friend happy to tell the details of the identity of new friends, so you can find a suitable person to continue the dialogue.

3. Join the club

The fight club to join is not desirable, but the interest clubs - a great place to find friends. So you'll know exactly what to talk about with others, how to start a conversation. In addition, it is likely that people with similar interests will be easier to make friends and spend time together with your favorite leisure activities. Book club, chess, cooking - most importantly, choose something you really like.

4. Look into social networks

Getting in social networks - are absolutely normal and there were few possible ten years ago. Now, so the easiest way to learn about the person who you are interested in. Maybe he had beautiful pictures, witty comments, or simply you are interested in looking at the world. Do not hesitate to closely examine all of its publicly available pages and write a welcome letter. Be sure to tell us why you are interested in his person - and there is already talk pulled itself.

Try to have the most was not the faceless avatar is a SEAL or a famous actress, and your real photo and a completed page.

Then the caller will know who he sees in front of him and how to behave when communicating. You do it "scanned" and give the opportunity to counterattack!

5. Communicate with colleagues

Truly can make friends and colleagues. Certainly during the working process in the lunch break and at corporate have someone so attracted. Find a reason to start a conversation at work, and if all will develop successfully, invite colleagues for a coffee or lunch together. At work, you can find a friend who will relieve severe working points, will support good word and deed, and will help to arrange a birthday really warm holiday just for you.

6. Take the initiative

Easy to say "take the initiative". Introverts have heard it a thousand times, but the first to meet friends from this not become any easier. Therefore, we offer a game: give yourself a vow once a week to get acquainted with the new man in the street, in turn, public transport, or anywhere where you often visit. To play was interesting, arrange with relatives or existing friends on the penalty: buy them lunch or nullifies their own expense to the movies, if you do not tell them about the new acquaintance for a week. Scary only in the first couple of times, and then you will see how easy it is to meet people, and it will go like clockwork!

7. Try virtual dating

More valuable than money: 12 ways to make new friends

A worldwide network is full of dating sites - and not only for girls and guys looking for each other. The computerization of the population has led to a crisis in real communication, so it is now to find a good company and a potential friend in the network much easier than before. Or maybe you want for a friend or a foreign pen pal present a paper letter? Everything's possible! Study sites that offer love, esteem questionnaire and register themselves. Surely you have something interesting to offer to other people to talk to. And there, staring, communication can go a reality, if it will allow the geography.

8. Meet with people in public places

Each person visiting the theaters, cinemas, libraries, festivals, exhibitions ... At least something from this list. When you are waiting for an event or a close look at the exhibits - look around. People who are close by, have a taste similar to your interests, or, just come here, which means you can easily start a conversation. Of course, to get acquainted with the company and can be scary in this situation, but many go on cultural sites alone or pair with your best friend. Do not be afraid to meet with them and comment on what is happening!

9. acts as a volunteer

Some of the most kind and easy going to contact the people - it's volunteers. If you like a hobby, then go ahead and sign up for some kind of volunteer action, where there is never enough extra hands-free.

Most likely, you do not even have to make an effort and meet someone yourself as the more experienced volunteers all made friends and ask you about life itself.

And then - all in your hands. At the same time you do a good deed.

10. Work out

Sports - this is not quite an ordinary hobby or interest. For many people it is a passion, and if you get to know someone, sportsmanship, you yourself can light this fire, even if the earlier practice of the sport only chess. As a rule, amateur athletes are burning with enthusiasm and happy to teach the basics of all newcomers, simultaneously telling about yourself and asking you.

11. Learn neighbors

In the Soviet Union, not only everyone knew their neighbors on the porch, but also all of the nearby houses up to three times removed relatives. Now people rarely know the names of those who live with them on a staircase. A very good reason. We do not offer to make friends with those who live on the other hand, but to study the neighbors and inhabitants of the yard will be helpful. Accompany a neighbor walk their dogs, chat with young parents, sitting in the sandbox. Even if the new friends you will not find, you will learn many interesting things.

12. partying

If you have the ability, then start a home celebrations and parties. Not like in American comedies, with the defeat of the house and lots of alcohol. Invite good friends and acquaintances, advising them to come and present us someone "plus one." Or even "plus two", the number does not matter here. Creative hostess - and you double the number of acquaintances, some of which may become your friends too.