French braid on the contrary - a practical option hairstyles for all occasions

If holders of a luxurious head of hair thinking what hairstyle to do the same, that special attention be paid to recommend all varieties kosopleteniya. Spit has long been considered the standard of femininity, and what it was longer, the more beautiful her mistress. But surely to be a great, easy enough to make a braid of three strands? Today, there are many other equally interesting options placement, and one of them - a French braid vice versa.

French braid on the contrary - a practical option hairstyles for all occasions

It is distinguished by its special appeal and style, large volume and original appearance. But how to do this hairstyle itself? What her weaving scheme?

The French braid vice versa. Phased analysis instruction

Kosopletenie - it's not just the original look hairstyle, but comfortable at the same time the option of laying. When the hair gathered in a braid, no running or jumping can not dishevel hairstyle. Neat appearance will be as long as the owner of her own braids do not dissolve.

But how do you create such a hairstyle? To learn how to do French braid, you must first get the hand to weave classical braid vice versa. The gist of it is that the three strands are passed not from the top down, and vice versa - from the bottom up.

  1. All of the hair carefully combed and divided into three parts.
  2. Taking the three strands, carefully separate them from each other and shift the lateral strands in the middle of the bottom, directing a strand up.
  3. Dopletaya so until the end of the tail, fasten the end of the rubber band.
French braid on the contrary - a practical option hairstyles for all occasions

After that will be studied this technique, you can try Complicated weave braid. French braid on the contrary made by the same technique, but with a few extra points.

Stylish styling - an integral part of the image

When reverse braid technique will unlearn, can already be combined with such braiding "spikelet". French braid the contrary is just based on the name "ear of corn". In principle, the technique is quite simple, but the novice will still be hard at first.

  1. To begin, need to be carefully comb the hair and combed it all back. Parted on the head must be completely absent.
  2. Very stylish looks French braid on the contrary, diagonally braided, and if we consider the option of weaving, the first part of the hair you need to take on the right or left temple. Where it will be easier to weave on a braid.
  3. section of the selected portion into three equal strands and make a normal braid binding on the contrary, that is to shift the strands from the bottom up.
  4. After the first binding to each side need to add locks of hair on the head part of the type of "ear of corn", but all strands must also shift the bottom and passed to the top.
  5. So the weaving is done until the end of the tail. Plait secured better elastic or barrette. French braid on the contrary - a practical option hairstyles for all occasions

Secrets of the Professionals

There are several recommendations on how to weave the braid. Experts strongly recommend that prior to the creation of such a hairstyle thoroughly wash and dry the hair. In this case, hair will stay much longer, and braiding the strands are easier. When the braid is braided, it is desirable to comb hair comb on the head with large teeth and all sticking "scallops" stab invisible.

The classic version and its variants

If you want to make a braid bulk or try other interesting species that can be considered as the same becomes wide French braid vice versa. How to weave this hairstyle? It is easy, because the circuit is absolutely identical, and the only difference will it stretch individual strands at the very spit. To make the draw, you need to take one binding, or rather even a single strand of spit in, and pull it slightly to "loop" to get the maximum volume. In this case, the end of the spit must be fixed rubber band, but very little to separate the hair can be pulled out of it.

French braid on the contrary - a practical option hairstyles for all occasions

In this way, pulling loops occur across the spit, so it gives a very large and bulk. If you want to decorate this hairstyle with some accessories that are perfect for small beads that can be inserted on the spit middle, along its entire length.

The advantages of this kosopleteniya to other interesting haircut

Girls really like spit in all its manifestations. Firstly, this hairstyle is easy to mask insufficient. Secondly, it is suitable for any hair structure: straight, wavy and curls. Third, it makes such stacking is very fast, and keep in excellent form all day.

That is why it is so popular French braid Women vice versa. Photos of many models, stars of show business prove that the described hair does not lose its relevance than ever. Make it possible for any event, and it will always be relevant. This braid is made on the middle, and long hair. As for the short hair, the strands are the minimum length must not be less than 10 centimeters, or braid is simply impossible: the hair will fall out of the spit.