How many times a week you need to download the press that there were cubes to remove the stomach, men? How many times a week you need to swing the press, to lose weight, girls?

For many there is a desire to find out how many times a week you need to download the press to get rid of excess fat. If you would like to have had a beautiful waist and flat stomach, then it is not necessary to exhaust yourself numerous workouts. Also do not have to sit on diets. All training facilities and proper nutrition should not cause fatigue.

Simple guidelines to help avoid injuries to the

Trying in practice to figure out how many times a week you need to swing the press, you can get injured. To prevent this, we must remember a few rules. They are as follows:

  1. No need to keep your lower back flat. It should be gently lowered to the floor surface, doing exercises. Otherwise, it may not only be the result, but also injured back.
  2. Do not hurry. The high speed of the exercise does not play any role in the weight loss issue. Home position comes the question of quantity and quality. Housing needed to lift slowly, straining muscles. Reaching the highest position, you must stand still for a second.
  3. How many times a week you need to download the press? Keep in mind that your abdominal muscles recover fast enough. Therefore, a break between sets should not be more than 30 seconds.

These simple rules you need to know everyone who wants to achieve a perfect stomach, wondering how many times a week you need to swing the press.

How many times a week you need to download the press that there were cubes to remove the stomach, men? How many times a week you need to swing the press, to lose weight, girls?

No warm-up can not be

It is also important to know how to do the exercises. should stretch your muscles before you start the appropriate training process. This requires lie on the floor, bend the legs, put his hands behind his head. It is necessary to completely relax. Breathing should be relaxed.

The number of repetitions

How many times a week you need to download the press that there were cubes? The issue has a lot of faces. It includes the number of times to do the exercise, how many repetitions should be done, how much time it should take. In order to answer as accurately as possible on all the questions, it is necessary to know the physical condition in which a person is. Ideally, every single exercise in the press is best done around 2-3 approaches. In the beginning, the number of repetitions must not be more than 10 have to do it properly, increasing the load gradually and carefully.

Responding to a question about how many times a week you need to swing a press to remove the stomach, it is understood that you can not overload yourself. Otherwise, it increases the likelihood of injury. You should start with this number of repetitions that you are able to do in a quiet mode.

How many times a week you need to download the press that there were cubes to remove the stomach, men? How many times a week you need to swing the press, to lose weight, girls?

The gradual increase in load

In addition, after one approach, you should feel a slight burning sensation in the muscles, which is directed exercise. Only in such a situation, you will be able to achieve good results. How many times a week you need to download a news girls? Increasing the number of repetitions required gradually. Otherwise not be able to achieve high performance workout. Speaking of the training process of time, it should be noted that it does not differ from other types of training. It is necessary to pick out a set of exercises, which at the beginning will be up to 15 minutes. Gradually, the workout will have to be increased to one hour. Do not forget about the workout. Before starting the exercise should run on the spot, to make housing rotation, side bends. In this way you can warm up your abdominal muscles.

How many times a week you need to download the press that there were cubes to remove the stomach, men? How many times a week you need to swing the press, to lose weight, girls?

should listen to your body

How many times a week you need to download the press to remove belly fat? For men, this question is not less important. It is necessary to understand it in detail. The abdominal muscles can be attributed to a fairly small muscle fibers. And in order for them to start work, it takes a long time. And the exact number of repetitions will prompt the body. Naturally, the three twisting a day doing useless and meaningless, even if classes are every day. The effect of such an approach to the training process will be. In the initial stages it is necessary to do as many reps as far as you can. Feel sorry for yourself is not necessary, but it is not necessary to bring to colic.

How many times a week should be engaged?

If you want to get results as quickly as possible, then, ideally, should be to train every day. However, if the daily activities afford you can not, you should try to pay attention to training at least every other day. In order to achieve success in their studies, each subsequent training should be laminated on the tracks that are left over from the previous one. They can hold up to 96 hours depending on the exercise. Therefore, the more training, the better the result.

How many times a week you need to download the press that there were cubes to remove the stomach, men? How many times a week you need to swing the press, to lose weight, girls?

The most common myths

On the question of how many times a week you need to swing the press, to lose weight, we have understood. Before you start the course, you should learn about some of the myths.

  • Then the rise of the body lying on the floor surface, it is possible to get a thin waist. In reality, due to this exercise reduces the number of wrinkles on the whole body, not just on a separate portion thereof. So you will lose weight in general, and not only in those places where there is a lot of fat.
  • Those who play sports, rock press is not necessary. This is also incorrect. An important principle of sports training is to have a specific goal - a flat stomach. Knowledge about how to download the press properly, will help in this. In turn, most sports do not focus just on the stomach.
  • Muscles immediately turn to fat if you stop to carry out the training program. Muscle fibers can not turn into fat. They can only decrease in volume. After that, the body will burn fewer calories, muscle mass will gradually decline, and people will start to put on weight.
How many times a week you need to download the press that there were cubes to remove the stomach, men? How many times a week you need to swing the press, to lose weight, girls?

Exercise should be regular

It is difficult to determine precisely how much time it will take to ensure that the press has acquired a beautiful shape. Much will depend on individual abilities. It plays a significant role, and physical condition. And if you will not be ready for the hard work on yourself and perseverance, you will achieve the desired no. It should also be noted that people with many extra kilos will need much more time. For a start they will have to burn all the excess fat, and only then you can think about the beautiful terrain. But despair is not necessary. The most important thing - regularly pay attention to their training. Even if they will not last more than 15 minutes a day. Only in such a situation a week later the abdominal muscles will be tightened. A month later, you will see the first results of their work on themselves.

How many times a week you need to download the press that there were cubes to remove the stomach, men? How many times a week you need to swing the press, to lose weight, girls?


The period of time for which you will be able to pump up the press, is largely determines the way of life. If you stick to a healthy diet and doing regular exercise, the results will be fast enough.