Types of yoga, their differences, the description

Recently, many people have begun to engage in their health. It becomes very common areas such as fitness and yoga. If the fitness of a person still has at least some idea, some types of yoga and their differences remains a mystery to most. Especially since there are so many areas of these exercises, which further confuse the simple layman.

What is Yoga?

Types of yoga, their differences, the description

The Sanskrit word "yoga" means a compound that is a harmonious union of spirit and body. This set of breathing and exercise helps a person to maintain their physical equilibrium, mental and spiritual health. It is a kind of sport. Yoga helps to relieve stress and relax. Just a couple of hours a week, everyone can pull up your body, remove excess weight, filling themselves with energy. But the main thing is that it will help to find peace and balance. To understand what is closer to you, you need to consider all types of yoga. How to choose what will bring peace into your life? To do this, you need to consider yoga from different sides, because there are many directions and one of them you'll be pleased. Types of yoga are very diverse, and each of them has its own characteristics.

Hatha Yoga

This name is heard every person who at least once been in one of the modern fitness center. It is considered the charging of physical well-being. The human body is proclaimed by the temple, where the living spirit dwells. So the ego must be maintained in good condition so as not to impede spiritual development. She, like other forms of yoga for beginners, fills the human inner strength and tranquility. Even if your body is not prepared, you will not experience any discomfort during class. The history of hatha yoga goes through the centuries. People from time immemorial tried to free his mind from the ailing body. It helps restore health and beauty. Practice includes the key (postures), proper breathing techniques, relaxation, meditation and body cleansing. Another commandment of hatha yoga is a vegetarian. This is a basic style mastered which can proceed to the study of more complex techniques.

Types of yoga, their differences, the description

Kundalini yoga

This type of yoga is considered to be a royal, because combines all stages of development in this direction, and operates sixteen times faster than usual. The real professionals in this case argue that it gives results within 11 minutes. In addition to a variety of exercises, kundalini yoga requires also perform meditation, recitation and correct breathing. She, like many types of yoga, it is very simple and accessible to any interested person. If a person wants to change not only your body, but also to elevate the spirit, these exercises will help to make this desire a reality. But people affected by hypertension, epilepsy or have heart disease, it is contraindicated. Sport's best to start with a humming mantras. This will help you focus on the sensations. After you need to use a pair of breathing techniques, stretch your spine, stretch out, relax and meditate. At the end marks the mantra again. If you carry out these exercises regularly, a person full of energy, the mind becomes clear, health stronger.

Types of yoga, their differences, the description

Iyengar Yoga

This technique is considered to be one of the most soft and static. In addition to the body, there are involved additional items (blanket, cushion, bricks), which help to more accurately and correctly to recreate a certain posture. Many types of yoga came to us from ancient times, but this was established relatively recently. Its authors believe Iyengar. He wanted to ensure that these exercises were available to everyone, even to those who have health problems. Therefore, this method provides an individual approach to each practitioner. The peculiarity of this style is that the pose you want to recreate, to be perfect. Being a long time in a fixed state, the muscles and joints are under therapeutic effect, in addition, the internal organs receive massage. This helps to harmonize the whole body. Types of yoga, their differences, the description

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

This is opposed to the previous method of practice. She preaches tough dynamic changes of body positions. Talking about the types of yoga and their differences, it should be mentioned that this method is not for the faint of heart and body. There is no place for imperfection or weakness of man. Even if it is very difficult, you can not stop. This approach shows that astanga Vinyasa yoga is not adapted to the masses, and is intended only for the best. Its main difference is the use of breathing exercises (vinyasa) during transitions between poses. Their number one asana should not be less than five. This allows you to warm up the body, and it is cleared of all the toxins and impurities. The highest level is considered to be state Tristhana, which implies control of posture, breath and gaze. If classes are held on a regular basis, the practitioner's body will become more flexible and strong, and the people - more calm and focused.

Iswara yoga

Emphasis This technique puts the knowledge of the body, its symmetry, balance and maintaining a constant relaxation, even when the posture is very difficult. This style is younger than many types of yoga. Description its volume is sufficient, however briefly mention that the main direction of this thesis is that every person present in the particle god its spark. To feel it and to output, it is necessary to engage in this methodology. Thus, the path to self-knowledge and the attainment of peace. The ultimate goal - the internal integrity of the practitioner, the destruction of its weakest parts. The author of this approach stands Anatoly Zinchenko. He says that the posture should be as convenient as possible, discomfort should be avoided. The complex consists of 3 parts: they pose, the procedure of cleansing and breath. Carrying out such a complex person learns to hear your body and live in harmony with the surrounding world.

Types of yoga, their differences, the description


Another name for this practice - meditation in motion. Style soft, so accessible for beginners. Biggest fans Tri-yoga are women, but men are not averse to tighten your body with these exercises. Even Hollywood stars are choosing this technique for its own use. These types of yoga like Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, or 23, more rigid and dynamic, but the softness has its advantages. Scientists say that this is the first version of the practice, and it allows you to raise the perception of a higher level. The main difference is that between poses practitioner produces wave motion, synchronizing their breathing. This allows you to get rid of depression, depression and apathy. In addition, the correct posture is formed, the person becomes more energetic and flexible.

Power Yoga

This area is one of the youngest. It connects both static and dynamic movement that can achieve good results in reducing weight and building a beautiful body. If a person likes to exercise and want to test themselves on the strength, the power-yoga for him. it often takes athletes to the additional stress and relaxation. This technique is very similar to Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, but there are features that do not allow them to be confused. The main rate of these exercises is to develop physical endurance and strength. The spiritual component assigned to the background. Everything that is done on the mental level, should be the main goal - to achieve higher physical development. These classes allow to achieve maximum concentration, to get rid of depression and nervous tension.

Types of yoga, their differences, the description

Universal Yoga

It is a technique that combines all of the world of school and the author's views on yoga. There are no restrictions. Everyone can bring something of their own. For example, if you are comfortable yoga in the nude, then deal with it. This allows you to take into account the personality, age and physiological characteristics of each practitioner. Each newcomer with a calm heart can start such studies. Andrey Lappa - founder of the flow, which tells about the balance of the whole body and soul harmony seven skins. To achieve this, you need to practice your favorite kind of exercises and use a variety of techniques. The main purpose - to provide awareness that will lead to peace and balance with the environment. Of particular importance is the control of his own thoughts with the help of the will. Posture used both passive and active. They need to stretch your muscles. Thus man himself finds its way and becomes more vigorous and stable.

Pair Yoga

Working with a partner, a person has the ability to use not only the classic posture, but also improvisation, dance and meditation. This helps to put relations on a higher level. The main aspect is that many of the poses for beginners are very hard, and doing them together with a partner, practitioners feel the support to go further and learn all the most difficult. This leads to the completion of forms and harmony. Central to this method is the continuous relaxation. One should not feel pain or fatigue, it is immersed in the sensations and feelings of the partner. Many here and breathing exercises. Couple need not be in a romantic relationship. The main thing is that the partners had for each other only positive emotions.

Types of yoga, their differences, the description

Therefore, one of the most common international practice of physical exercise is yoga. Species, its direction has a wide range of possibilities that allows everyone to find something suitable.