Chapstick: composition and reviews

Natural luster, smooth and healthy lip color - the ultimate dream many women suffering from problems with regular chapping, cracking and peeling. After all, this part of the face - one of the most vulnerable to the sun, the wind and a variety of viral infections. And in the cold and in the heat it requires a kind of protective film, which is able to ensure a high-quality chapstick.

Unlike similar tools for the lips, designed to play with the color palette, it contains no dyes and is responsible for a natural healthy glow. Therefore, this cosmetic product is acceptable for use not only the fair sex, but also men and children. In order to protect your lips from the effects of adverse factors and give them a stable tenderness, it is necessary to approach the issue of selecting the appropriate option. So, let's begin.


Before you get to the composition of the study, clearly define for themselves, for which you need a lip balm, which task in the first place it should perform. And only then, according to the needs, you can begin to take into account the specific components. There are three main functions:

  • hydration;
  • protection;
  • healing.


Chapstick: composition and reviews

Note that most worries you: discomfort due to dryness of the lips unpleasant, painful skin response to the vagaries of the weather or the susceptibility to infections? Depending on this, give priority to the kind of lipstick, of which the function is important to you the most.

We select the type of

A variety of products for lip care amazes imagination. They differ in price and composition, and some additional features (taste, smell). Yet the main purpose of his chapstick is divided into the following types:

  • moisturizing lipstick - the best weapon against the dryness in the summer, winter use is undesirable since excess moisture under cold lead to significant peel lip surface;
  • lipstick with UV filter - create a kind of shield, safeguard the delicate skin of the lips from the harmful effects of the sun's rays;
  • lipstick balm - ideal for any time of the year, contains many nutrients - vitamins, oils, extracts, ensures nutrition and care;
  • antiviral lipstick - is used as an effective antiseptic that can protect against viral infections, heal wounds and soften hardened skin.

What better chapstick? The unequivocal answer can not be, because each species has its own mission, which handles more productively than others.

Learning of

It is clear that when buying any product it is very important not to be lazy and carefully examine the list of its components. What benefit or harm they bear? If you have limited time to spare, even a cursory glance walk the lines, wherein said composition of chapstick.

Chapstick: composition and reviews

If you are a priority for hydration and nutrition, look for the packaging such names:

  • Vitamins A and E - prevent aging, eliminate wrinkles and soften the skin;
  • beeswax or palm wax - are struggling with dehydration, responsible for the elasticity of the surface;
  • honey and butter - cocoa, apricot, castor, which perfectly refresh, make lips softer.

A wide spectrum of action have components that are not only moisture saturated lips and minerals, but also possess anti-inflammatory and healing properties. These include vitamins B12 and C, azulene, jojoba oil, aloe vera, Icelandic moss.

Copes with protection from external factors UV filters, lanolin, allantoin, calendula and chamomile.

Based on the above, we conclude: to ensure the well-groomed skin and velvety, chapstick should include three important points - wax, vitamins, oils and plant extracts.

eliminating harmful components of

It is equally important to study the structure of the life-giving elixir lip for the presence of substances that are either useless, or worse, harmful to health. Do not rush to buy the products if the package will find this ingredient is salicylic acid. "She has a wonderful anti-inflammatory properties!" - you will object. Yes, but it is extremely dry skin. Therefore it is better not to add yourself the hassle.

Chapstick: composition and reviews

The same effect can be expected from the presence of menthol, camphor and phenol. Though they give the volume of the lips, but can cause the appearance of new cracks. Many manufacturers in the chapstick injected silicone oil, thus increasing the shelf life of products. But this substance forms a barrier, not giving the skin to breathe and be filled with useful components. Similar results, if you ignore the presence of paraffin and petroleum jelly. Therefore, since there is no time in the buying process to get acquainted with the advantages of a certain product, or at least pay attention to the cons.

correctly using

To achieve the desired effect and feel confident, you need to properly apply such an important cosmetic product as chapstick. This is not difficult, you only have to remember a few things:

  • chapstick should be used every time before going out into the fresh air, or 2-3 times per day;
  • can be applied at night, during the preparations for the night;
  • as an anti-inflammatory balm should be used every 2-3 hours for 3-4 days;
  • must be remembered that the shelf life of lipstick limited: sealed can be stored for 3 years, and the open - no more than 3 months;
  • Do not forget to take into account the season: summer, emphasis is given to the protection from ultraviolet radiation, in the winter - to recharge from natural oils.
Chapstick: composition and reviews

What is the ideal in the use chapstick? Reviews of many girls are similar in the fact that high-quality tool should be applied on the lips no more than 1-2 times a day, but a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the individual and of the skin.

Take into account feedback

Time already we are talking about public opinion, the best chapstick in the understanding of the majority - a product with an optimal ratio "price-quality". Among the leaders on the sympathies of consumers easily notice products Belveder, Nivea, Oriflam, "Lipays", "Clean Line", "Art-make-up". But objectivity in this matter is unlikely to be achieved, because how many people, so many opinions. What some consider an important advantage, others and did not take into account. Someone important is a convenient mechanism for twisting lipstick, and for someone more important is the specific property. If you fit the specific chapstick, reviews mostly positive about it and the price is satisfied - then you have found a suitable solution.

Experimenting at home

If you can not even stop at the best option, you're desperate to find an ideal means for the lips, there is only one way out - to do with his own hands. But you will be sure that the product is natural.

Chapstick: composition and reviews

You will need only three ingredients:

  • beeswax (1 teaspoon);
  • cocoa butter (1 teaspoon);
  • coconut oil (1 teaspoon).

When all the components available, place them in a glass jar (the lid is not needed), which, in turn, put into a pot of hot water. Thus the contents melted, and the resulting liquid, which should mix well. Using a pipette, transfer it to a convenient container, but do not fill to the brim. Let the mixture cool and thicken. Store must be a chapstick in a cool place.

Take care of the children

Not every adult worries about the proper care of the mouth, is already talking about children who often biting their teeth, skin particles oshelushennye otsarapyvayut nails and lick boot. Here, without the parental authority can not do, in the house must appear Children chapstick.

Chapstick: composition and reviews

The choice of such products rather impressive, because there are options for children under the age of 1 year, and for the children of preschool and school age. In respectable manufacturers in the composition of the product - the substance exclusively of natural origin, which do not cause irritation and allergic reactions. And further. On the child is not desirable to save, so buy quality in pharmacies, accidental purchases on the market is better to abstain.

A matter of taste

Products without color, taste and smell does not appeal to you? I want to feel on the lips bright citrus explosion or rich berry cocktail? Then fruity chapstick is specially designed for you.

You can certainly argue about the use of flavors and speak in favor of natural ingredients, but sometimes the temptation to resist. Just learn the label carefully: if in structure, except for flavoring only useful substances, risk.

Chapstick: composition and reviews

If, however, arise in the application of discomfort, will either have to change the manufacturer, or altogether abandon the extra flavor. The main thing - care, protection and nutrition.