Mistletoe Slimming: application and reviews

Every woman wants to be slim and beautiful. You can pick up any clothes - whatever colors and shapes. And how nice when you escorted admiring glances of passers. Therefore, try to watch her figure the fairer half of humanity. Not only that, they change one diet after another, sometimes there comes a time when women generally refuse to eat. But there are plants that increase metabolism, which helps burn fat faster. One of them - the mistletoe. Diet is exactly what we need.

Mistletoe Slimming: application and reviews

mistletoe plant white

If you are someone offers to buy "medicine for a hundred diseases", know that we can talk about mistletoe. So it is often called.

What is this plant? Perennial, evergreen. It looks like a spherical bush. Its height ranges from twenty to one hundred and twenty centimeters. Most often it can be found on the branches of deciduous trees. The fruit looks like a white berry, inside which there is a sticky pulp.

Mistletoe can be found in the CIS, the Caucasus, the Crimea, in the western and southern regions of Europe.

You can use all parts of the plant: leaves, shoots and berries.

Mistletoe Slimming: application and reviews

mistletoe Bloom begins in late March - early April. The berries can be harvested from October to November. The easiest way to find mistletoe in the late autumn and winter. It is like a nest in a tree, visible from afar. So you know, that is a grass mistletoe now we will talk about its benefits.

Useful properties of mistletoe

In people, the plant is called "witch's broom". This name it received because it "sweeps" of the body of harmful substances and disease. So before you to talk about losing weight, we learn about other advantages of this amazing plant. It is used as the perfect remedy:

  • of varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis.

In addition, the mistletoe will strengthen the heart and soothe the nerves. And all this because it is composed of ascorbic acid, carotene, mineral components, amines.

And now the weight loss of

You already know what the composition of the plant mistletoe. Slimming these substances are basic. So how do they work? Their job is to burn fat. In addition, because of them cleans the body, and comes back to normal metabolism.

Mistletoe Slimming: application and reviews

In addition, a decoction of mistletoe fills the stomach, a feeling of fullness and vivacity. If you are cheerful, you have a great desire to move and exercise. Sports activities has a positive effect on the body and helps weight loss. Do you drink a decoction of mistletoe and your volumes decrease.

The plant operates

Before you start using such a plant is mistletoe, diet, be sure to explore the reviews. After all, they can find a lot of tips and warnings. The experience of others can help you avoid mistakes:

1. Some women say that weight loss is not immediately felt, he began to fall just two days after taking the broth.

2. Others, on the contrary, share experiences that weight began to decline sharply, and most importantly, ease began to be felt throughout the body.

3. Some women on the second day became a little dizzy. But by reducing the amount of dry mistletoe, they felt much better.

4. There have been comments as follows: weight decreased, and intestines began to work perfectly.

5. Many are pleased that after slimming course it took a long time, and the weight goes on, although women in the diet is almost not to limit themselves. After the reviews studied, down to business and start to prepare the infusion of mistletoe and dry leaf linden. Used active drug in a particular sequence and schedule. About how this happens, it will be discussed below.

The course of tinctures - just five days. You do not have to limit yourself to food. During this short period of time you will be able to lose four kilos of weight. Mistletoe is useful for weight loss that reduces the human appetite. This is due to the natural properties of berries.

Figure receiving infusions

So, we prepare the infusion: take a handful of limes, put it in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water.

  • On the first day you need to drink a decoction of lime only.
  • The second day - pour liter of boiling water a handful of mistletoe. Also consume the broth a day in small sips.
  • The third day - taken herb mistletoe. Slimming need to add to it a handful of limes. All placed in a thermos and poured two liters of boiling water. This infusion is drunk in one day.
  • On the fourth day, and used again zaparivat drink the day before yesterday, but added to it a little bit of honey.
  • The fifth day. It is still the same infusion. But apart from honey, it has added lemon juice. Mistletoe Slimming: application and reviews

This is how to get a great figure used mistletoe. The use of diet does not cause any difficulties. The main thing - to strictly follow the recommendations, and soon you will see results that will please you.

But not all so simple

Remember that it is necessary to use this plant with caution. If it is consumed in large quantities, can be a problem, until the poisoning. Also worth mentioning that between courses of infusion should be a break of one month. In short, caution should be used such grass as mistletoe. Contraindications exist for those people who have:

  • heart problems;
  • with the kidneys;
  • Pregnancy
  • breastfeeding.

How does the mistletoe

Let's talk more about the composition of the plant. Immediately warned that uses only fully ripe berries. All nutrients are gluten fetus. Their large concentration helps to burn fat, even if you do not limit yourself to food and pace yourself exercise. Hard to believe that is so effective for weight loss mistletoe. Reviews, however, is proof of that. Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity regained their beauty thanks to the "witch's broom". But the main thing is that the result is fixed for a long time, you can just forget about excess weight. However, if it starts to remind myself, receiving infusions can be repeated.

Mistletoe Slimming: application and reviews


Want to look beautiful - experiment! Just do it carefully. To begin, it is best to consult with your doctor about the use of such plants, such as mistletoe. For weight loss, you can use it without any problems. The main thing - follow the rules of use of funds. And then you'll look great.