The Pentagon responded to the letter 40 years later

• The Pentagon responded to the letter 40 years later

The Pentagon responded to the letter 40 years later

51-year-old user Reddit nick Schmal said at the forum that in 1978 he, as a 11-year-old kid, the Pentagon sent their pictures of a cruise missile, which could be set up. He provided a missile with a nuclear warhead, guidance system, small missiles and a machine gun inside the housing. As a child, I did not know Schmal, what ministry in Canada, it can be sent, so he sent "design" in the US Pentagon.

40 years later, the US Defense Department finally responded by sending a formal letter. For the full text and photo-like figure (the original version of the Pentagon did not return) user posted on Reddit.

The Pentagon responded to the letter 40 years later

An employee of the Ministry named Robert wrote that the agency has examined in detail "well-drawn design" Canadian. He explained why the Pentagon can not accept this option: for example, Schmal portrayed too great wings, which will be ineffective at supersonic speed (which is provided in the figure). Some of the weapons are not "new or original", because the US Army already have such concepts. His argument he backed up with facts and information from the research. In the official US Department of Defense praised the response of the child imagination. His slowness Pentagon explained the proposed weapons test on viability.

The Pentagon responded to the letter 40 years later

Applications for the post of drawing even and does not display the original posted option, but conveys the author's approach to design in the age of 11. The figure shows the "submarine-plane" with a machine gun, rockets, small rockets in large missiles and laser gun. In any case, the user device to Reddit Add to mines in chains and three periscope.