How to find out ring size and not to be mistaken?

What is depicted in this photo, will make a pleasure to worry the heart of any girl. Every woman is always happy to have such a gift as a ring, though not expensive. Get it from a loved one or even buy the most - if not frequent, but still fun.

How to find out ring size and not to be mistaken?

And if you are preparing a surprise, the question arises - how to find out ring size? A woman can herself doubting the amount of the ringlet, because it depends not only on age, but also the time of year and even the time of day. Affects him and the state of health (eg, intake of certain medications), weather conditions (heat, cold), finger shape (it is considered the value of the joint). Choose a ring with all these circumstances. It happens so that your man while away from home, take care of the gift in the form of ring with your favorite stone, but still missed with the size. What a shame! But it does not matter, in any jewelry shop on the question: "Is it possible to reduce the size of the rings" you will likely answer: "Of course you can." The only exceptions are the rings of precious metals, but also with them is always a good wizard can handle. The reason for the refusal is that the workshop equipment is designed, rather, to work with precious metals, and the quality of working with them is always better.

In the special day

On the eve of the wedding of a young couple, and often the groom, there are many problems, including the fact, how to determine the size of a wedding ring for his bride. Some girls say that this is his problem. We act differently - help young people in this situation. There is nothing easier - Measure the diameter of the normal line of the inner circumference of the ring that you already have. If the measured diameter is 1, 8 cm, then your size - 18. If you currently do not have any rings, it is necessary to measure the circumference of your finger (ie the circumference of the ring) rigid thread, wrapping her finger, as a rule, in its middle phalanx. Length of thread (which is the circumference of a finger), divide by 3, 14 (pi). For example, thread length 50 mm, then it is necessary to divide the number of 50 at 3, 14, 15 will, of 9 mm (nearly 16), and hence the size of the ring - 16. For accuracy can be wrapped around the threaded stud 10 times, its length into 3 14, and then divide by 10. The resulting number is the size of your new ring. European size is different from the Russian that is the length of the circumference of a finger. Therefore, to determine the size of the European thread length divided by the number Pi (3, 14) is not necessary, it is sufficient to measure itself. Knowing your Russian size, multiply it by 3, 14, and you get the size of the European scale. Dividing the European 3, 14, you get a Russian.

How to find out ring size and not to be mistaken?


"How do I find out ring size?" - important question for the young man, who is preparing a surprise his girlfriend. "What can we do?" - he thinks. Can help a girl friend. Tip: Spend a conversation with her on the subject of privacy, or what kind of a surprise? Those wishing to purchase the ring online store and wonder how to find out ring size. It turns out that this does not necessarily leave the house. If you have a printer at home, enough to print a statement that contains a bar scale with a slot. Strip-scale cut with scissors, and put "button up" her finger. The ring size is indicated on the indicator strip a special label. jewelry store any seller will definitely help you if you do not know how to find out ring size. The shop assistants are ring sensors (Qualily-classifier).

How to find out ring size and not to be mistaken?

So are the ways of determining the size of a ring:

- with a thread;

- 3 fashion via leaf diagram Sizer (Sizer, see figure.). This is the normal paper sheet to the procedures printed on his printer in scale 1: 1. Figure Sizer comprises a scale-strip drawn circle (circle-template) with natural dimensions of the ring (actual diameter) and the translation table of numerical values ​​(inches, mm). Attention! Sizer method is often based on the American system, so use the formula: = Russian size (American size x 0.83) + 11.50; - and, of course, with the help of a reliable friend. The main thing that can not be done - is to invite the girl to a jewelry store and say, "I want you just tried on the ring!"