Why there are cracks in the heels? How to treat them?

Smooth pink heels - they are the dream of every woman. Alas, not all possess this property. Legs sometimes deliver a lot of problems. This is not due to a lack of attention to them. One of these problems - cracks in the heels. How to treat them?

Why there are cracks in the heels? How to treat them?

Cause and effect

Why do men, this nuisance is much rarer than in women? Or rather they have it practically does not happen, of course, if they do not walk barefoot on the field. The thing is that the legs are more reserved. Men often wear socks, they do not walk in uncomfortable shoes, and even more so on his heels, blood circulation in the feet. But to give those reasons are almost in the first place: the skin of the feet constantly subjected to pressure in their blood circulation, and open shoes in the summer also brings about changes. Of course, this is not the only causes of dry feet and cracked heels. How to treat them if they are caused by, for example, a fungus, or a metabolic disorder? Often these symptoms are accompanied by diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease. In such cases, the crack can be quite deep, painful and difficult to treat. If you have any suspicions about the source of the problem, it is best to consult a dermatologist, and if necessary - an endocrinologist.

How to choose a remedy for cracked heels

Why there are cracks in the heels? How to treat them? Advertising promises instant healing, the shelves are full of creams promising titles. In fact, good facilities for the care of calloused heels there, but you need to try a lot of products to choose suitable for you. And it is not in the price. Sometimes a pharmacy cream cost 50-60 rubles is much more effective than advertised expensive funds. the article does not include the author's task energetically promoting the production of one or another cosmetic company, so I agreed to the two truths. Firstly, an effective means to smooth the feet there, but they need to find and select. Second, the high price of the cream of cracks on the heels do not always guarantee a good result. But to talk about home methods of treatment and care of our feet will not prevent anybody.

The cracks on the heels: how to treat their folk remedies

Why there are cracks in the heels? How to treat them?

as it may sound funny, first and foremost a measure to preserve the health and beauty of the skin on the feet is cleanliness. Daily washing with warm water and mild soap with scrub, with the application of a special cream helps keep the heel soft and gentle. If you often go to get a pedicure expensive, you need to independently carry out simple procedures: Foot bath with a decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula and other medicinal herbs, with the addition of sea salt and baking soda, purification from rough skin with a soft pumice. It is advisable Do this at night, then rub into the skin of the foot fat cream and wear cotton socks. This is the need for daily foot care. If these measures are not enough, and there were stubborn cracks in the heels, how to treat them with the same materials at hand? Take an ordinary household soap and carefully rub their heels in a dry form. You can leave it on all night, just wearing thin socks. The next morning the heels become much softer. If you repeat this simple procedure every day, soon the problem will disappear by itself. Another effective method: take 100 grams of glycerin, add half a teaspoon of vinegar. Shake the mixture and every evening apply it on the skin of the feet, and then wear socks, and so to bed. Tool provides a fairly quick results. By the way, this composition perfectly softens the skin and hands, as well as callous skin on the elbows. Don'ts never

Do not rub dry heels with a pumice stone or a dry, stiff float. It injures the skin and causes the appearance of cracks on the feet. You can not, after swimming in the sea, walking on hot sand or stones to forget to lubricate the feet nourishing cream. Do not underestimate the poor condition of the leg skin: it may signal the start of serious violations in the body.