Why sweat a lot and the smell of feet, what to do and how to get rid of the smell

Many people face the problem of excessive sweating of the feet. It is uncomfortable when you have to take off your shoes. With such a problem may be facing both adults and children. There are several recipes and methods that allow you to get rid of the odor.

To solve the problem, you need to find out why sweat a lot and smell feet, what to do in such a situation. This will help to expert advice.

The causes of smell

Consideration should be given several reasons why much sweat and smell of feet between the toes. The reason for this may be a fungus. If he "settled" on the nails or skin, there is an unpleasant smell. In this case, you need to undergo the appropriate treatment.

Why sweat a lot and the smell of feet, what to do and how to get rid of the smell

Another disease that causes such a trouble is diabetes or other illnesses. In this case, the feet lesions appear, microcracks. They do not heal, becomes the cause of odor. Sweating may be a sign, and other diseases. It is recommended to consult a specialist.

A few reasons

Many parents notice that the child sweat a lot and the smell of feet. In this case, you need to consult a pediatrician. However, in most cases, the problem is not medical. Children are very mobile. They can move actively, because of this there is increased sweating. In this case, you need to carefully review the baby's things.

Many parents, fearing that the child will catch a cold, put on a lot of warm clothes. This causes increased sweating. These actions lead to disruption of the immune system. Dress the child should be the weather. A lot of warm clothes will not protect against colds, but rather the opposite. Baby will sweat. At the first drafts he get cold.

Why sweat a lot and the smell of feet, what to do and how to get rid of the smell

This rule applies to adults. You need to dress for the weather. A large number of warm clothes, socks leads to odor and sweating. Also, low-quality synthetic materials can lead to such trouble. Artificial fibers do not absorb sweat. It also becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, which are the cause of malodor.

Recommendations made

The first step is to determine why sweat a lot and the smell of feet. Than to treat such a condition, it depends on the precipitating factors. May simply revise their clothes. Reducing the number of warm clothes that every day is an adult or a child, you can greatly reduce sweating.

Why sweat a lot and the smell of feet, what to do and how to get rid of the smell

You should also exclude the wearing synthetic socks, tights and so on. D. If these methods are not able to provide proper exposure, you need to undergo a medical examination. Perhaps in the body develops an illness that provokes such a state.

Hygiene Regulations

There are certain rules that should be followed if sweat a lot, and his feet smell. The causes of this state may be different. However, in all cases it is necessary to pay special attention to hygiene. Compliance will significantly reduce odor and sweating.

Why sweat a lot and the smell of feet, what to do and how to get rid of the smell

Of course, wash your feet at any time of the day is problematic, as opposed to the hand. However, there are some hygiene rules that can observe each person. In the first place need to buy antibacterial soap. Wash your feet with this facility should be every day, morning and evening. If sweating is very strong, such a procedure should be carried out during the day (if possible). When washing water temperature should gradually lower the leg. First, it should be warm, and then - cool. the hardening process should be carried out gradually. It is not necessary to lower the temperature rapidly. After washing your feet should be carefully wipe dry. Moisture becomes a good medium for bacterial growth. Feet should always be kept dry.


If you really sweat a lot and smell of feet, you can use another powerful tool. Apart from the above hygienic procedures, it is necessary to do foot bath. This procedure is performed in the evening before going to bed 2 times a week. This procedure is well dries legs, tightens pores.

Foot bath can do for both adults and children. In this case, use different home and pharmacy facilities. The warm water is added one of the selected means. Further, the feet for 10 minutes to remain in warm (not hot) water. Then you need to use special abrasives.

Why sweat a lot and the smell of feet, what to do and how to get rid of the smell

If the procedure is carried out for the baby, you need to take a washcloth with a thick pile and a little rub the feet. Adults with special saws fit anymore. You can also use a piece of pumice. The more legs coarsened skin, the treatment should be carried out more intensively. Accumulated dead skin cells also become a medium for bacterial growth. By performing such a procedure with the required frequency, you can achieve a good effect. In this case, the legs will look well-groomed and beautiful.


If the legs become much sweat and smell, but the cause is not a disease, it is necessary to choose the right drug for the reduction of perspiration. Many of the recipes involve the use of public money. They always have at hand any housewife. Traditional recipes usually involve the use of various tools in the form of baths for feet. Drugs, according to experts, are more effective. They have a different operating principle. Release means against excessive sweating in the form of a gel, a cream, drops, dry compositions. They are characterized by the principle of the application and operation.

In order to assess whether the product is suitable, it is necessary to put a small amount on the elbow. Unless there was discomfort, allergic reaction, it is possible to use the composition for the treatment. It should also be noted that there are drugs that are used for one course each day. Others are used in series. The result will be reached only after several courses of treatment.


Knowing why feet sweat a lot and smell should take action to eliminate the cause. However, in conjunction with the main treatment you can use drugs that will fight excessive sweating. They are popular means:

  1. "Formidron". Disinfects the skin and inhibits excessive sweating. In some cases, it causes allergies, since the structure includes formaldehyde. Long-term use is not recommended.
  2. "Drisol". Suitable for adults only. The composition of clogs pores. It should not be used for a long time.
  3. Pasta Teymurova. Antiseptic, effectively preventing the occurrence of diaper rash. Applied after washing the feet. Skin should be dry. The course of treatment was 5 days. This reduces sweating. It protects against unpleasant odor for 24 hours.
  4. "5 days". Cream containing zinc oxide, camphor, and alcohol. Effect after the first course of treatment is six months. It has a fat-like consistency. It is necessary to apply a small amount to clean feet.
  5. "Borozin" - removes unpleasant smell, which occurs due to fungus on the nails and feet. It means fighting with the cause sweating.
Why sweat a lot and the smell of feet, what to do and how to get rid of the smell

Choosing a tool that you need to consult a dermatologist. It may be required to carry out complex treatment. This is especially important when a fungus. Improper treatment may lead to aggravation of the problem, the appearance of skin wounds which do not heal for a long time.

Folk remedies for children

If you sweat a lot and smell the feet of the child, it should be a very serious approach to the selection of drugs for the treatment. babies skin is very delicate and sensitive. Improper treatment can cause damage, exacerbating the problem. only sparing means can be used to treat children. The best thing in this case is suitable for traditional recipes.

Kiddies recommended baths with Kombucha. This component creates an acidic environment which inhibits the growth and proliferation of bacteria. The funds will not harm delicate baby skin.

You can also do the bath with a simple tea. Packaged varieties in this case do not fit. We need to take 1 tablespoon of black tea. It is boiled in 1 liter of water. This is a good tool that strengthens the immune system.

You can also use salt to eliminate excessive sweating. This procedure is carried out once a week. In this case, the skin should be no wounds, ulcers and other skin disorders. In this case it is necessary to mix the salt and 2 cups 5 liters of warm water.

Means for adults

If you sweat a lot and smell feet in the adult, it is possible to take more drastic measures. If your skin is rough enough, you can use one of the following recipes. It should be said that some girls skin on your feet is just as tender as that of the children. In this case it is necessary to resort to methods that have been described above. First, we should pay attention to the recipes with vinegar. This tool is suitable and if the cause of unpleasant odors became fungus. One cup of vinegar to be diluted in 3 liters of warm water. Also, when the presence of traces of the fungus can be mixed alcohol and vinegar and means to cause the pipette to the affected areas.

Equally effective are ice bath. Practicing such methods of treatment need to be very careful. the procedure time should not be long. Legs can be kept in ice-cold water just a few seconds. This recipe is suitable for people who practice foot hardening process hygiene. However, when the regular holding effect provided methods will be high.

A few more tips

There are a few tips to help if sweat a lot feet. What to do at home, depends on the causes of such a state. As an additional treatment consisting of a complex can be used such means.

Effectively retain xeroderma talc, soda or potato starch. These funds sprinkle feet after washing. The skin should be completely dry. It is particularly important to pay attention to the area between the toes.

It is also recommended to periodically wipe the feet with alcohol. It is an antibacterial agent that is able to dry the skin. At night it can be applied to the skin stop lavender oil (if not allergic). After that, the top wear clean socks made of natural materials.

Why sweat a lot and the smell of feet, what to do and how to get rid of the smell

can be used in a special deodorant for feet during the day. On sale special formulations that are different antibacterial effect. This will allow to refresh the foot, remove the unpleasant smell.

Shoe Care

There are a few guidelines that must be considered if sweat a lot and smell of feet. What to do? Experts say that in this case it is necessary to pay great attention to the care of socks and shoes.

Socks should be changed daily. If the shoes can withstand washing, it can be treated accordingly. Socks need before washing evert. Thus it is necessary to use bleach. Washing is carried out at high temperatures.

Tips health workers

To doctors often receive patients who sweat a lot and the smell of feet. What to do in such a situation depends on the causes of such states. However, in any case, the doctor will advise the patient a comprehensive approach to solving the problem.

First, doctors advise to avoid possible stress. You should also review your diet. It should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, protein. However, spicy food, spices, coffee, chocolate, strong tea and cocoa should be temporarily excluded.

It is important to pay due attention to pedicure. If the body is defined by a lack of zinc, it can also appear sweating. You want to include in the diet of a special vitamin complexes.

Thus, we examined why sweat a lot and smell of feet and what to do in this case. Hopefully, these tips will help you cope with this problem.