Face-mapping: how to diagnose the disease in the face

In Chinese there is the idea of ​​Dermatology mapping litsa- Mien Siang. According to it, stains on certain areas of the face indicate internal health and overall health. The specialist conducts analysis of the skin, looking for signs of dehydration and that the body that something is broken and causes irritation. In cases where conventional medical techniques include antibiotics, local lotions and other methods of treatment of the skin, face-mapping provides a deep look, working with causes. Dermatologist Brian Russell bit confirms the validity of the theory: "There is no medical research that linked the mapping of the face (or face-mapping) to specific areas and diseases, but they can be a factor that you do not notice." Especially for you I packed guide that you could easily identify the areas of your face, what is wrong with your body.

The forehead area and T

Face-mapping: how to diagnose the disease in the face

Inflammation of the forehead and the T-zone (nose and the region above the eyebrows) are in communication with your bladder and digestive system. Drinking large amounts of alcohol or fatty foods can cause acne and enlarged pores.

Solution: Drink plenty of water and eat more vegetables. Researchers from the University of Colorado found that those who adhered to a diet high in sugary soft drinks and baked goods, is constantly struggling with acne. Potatoes, bread and soft drinks contain simple sugars, which causes high insulin levels, and he, in turn, increases androgen that stimulates the production of sebum and clog pores.

The skin around the eyes

Face-mapping: how to diagnose the disease in the face

This area is related to the health of the liver and heart. Acne in this area can be said about the lack of sleep and dehydration. Around the eyes is a network of the mucous membranes and blood vessels, which makes this area very sensitive to fatigue and lack of water.

Solution: Zoom consumption of fatty foods, milk and alcohol. The easiest way to avoid redness and dark circles - a good sleep and drink enough H20.


Face-mapping: how to diagnose the disease in the face

Cheek contain tiny blood vessels that reflect the state of our lungs. Allergies and reactions to smoking literally written on your cheeks. Other culprits inflammation - your mobile phone, constant touch with dirty hands during the day, and even a dirty pillowcase.

Solution: If you do not smoke and do not suffer from allergies, try to get rid of the other habits and constant touch your face with dirty objects.

The Nose

Face-mapping: how to diagnose the disease in the face

Acne on the nose may be associated with the health of your heart: for example, a blood pressure or a deficiency of vitamin B.

Solution: Try to reduce the intake of oily food and meat. Replace the "good fat", for example omega-3 found in fish, nuts and avocados. Think about how to take a multivitamin. Make sure your makeup is not released shelf life, and try to clean the pores with a scrub or mask.


Face-mapping: how to diagnose the disease in the face

When it comes to inflammation on the chin, the problem is likely to stress and hormonal imbalance. Chin is closely linked to our small intestine and stomach, so that acne may indicate malnutrition and possible allergic reactions to foods. Solution: to change their eating habits, are excluded from the diet of alcohol and caffeine, which can further create hormonal imbalances. Work on your stress, without the errors which I have described in this article.


Face-mapping: how to diagnose the disease in the face

The poor condition of your cheekbones usually signals the arrival of the monthly cycle. Even if the month has not yet begun, your body goes through major hormonal shifts.

Solution: Sleep at least 8 hours a day, consume a lot of water and green vegetables for the skin recharge.

In face-mapping may not be all the responses to unwanted redness - it is better to consult a doctor or dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis, especially if you're worried about something like high cholesterol. But I think it is better to examine your lifestyle and eliminate all harmful factors than just accept the fact that you allegedly bad skin. Perhaps, in addition to cleansing the face, it is time to make significant changes to their normal life, so that you look and feel simply luxurious.