How to learn to twist wrap: practical advice

How to learn to turn the hoop right? Very easy! There are a few simple tips and recommendations, following which, it is possible to achieve excellent results in a matter of days.

How to learn to twist wrap: practical advice

How to learn to turn the hoop at home

To begin, you need to choose the best trainer. It would seem that there is to choose ... But here are some nuances. Hoops come in several forms: this is the classic options "other steel", and massage hulahup, and a simple plastic. Each of them is intended for their own purposes: the first - to maintain its current effects, the second - to achieve a perfect result, the third - for children and for performances. Hoops for the waist, but rather to make it, - a first and second embodiments. Why them? Firstly, it is very important treadmill weight: the higher it is, the more effective and harder workout. Secondly, his stuff. That is why for a wasp waist often women do opt for a massage hoop with special nozzles. But we need to know how to twist it, the effect to be seen quickly.

How to learn to twist wrap: practical advice

How to learn to twist wrap: tips and tricks

First of all you need to remember that the training should be well-distributed: the first classes on time should not exceed 15 minutes, so as long as it does not get engaged with the right technique. Of course, will be bruising, so you need to stock up on heparin ointment, which will be faithful companion all the way. Also, do not forget about the special technique: the legs are fixed, and the action is due to the rotation of the pelvis. It is necessary to work the upper part of the body, rather than the bottom, otherwise the effect will not be. Another feature torsion hoop is that throughout the training should be as stomach retracted. That is, the muscles need to be stretched. Hoop-trainer will help to strengthen them and make them more flexible, which subsequently lead to addiction to this state. Because of this the stomach to be flat. To remove the sides, hulahup will need to turn low enough. It is very difficult to do, so it is recommended to initially use a special belt for weight loss.

How to learn to twist wrap: practical advice

workouts Time

To increase the training should gradually and evenly. Once you're relaxed twist hulahup for half an hour, you can move on to the two-day classes, one of which may be a twenty. Here are some simple rules will help achieve the ideal waist and beautiful belly at home.


Now that you know how to learn to turn the hoop. But do not forget about some contraindications: back pain, problems with the liver or kidneys, as well as the disruption of the menstrual cycle. If any of the above bothers you, you should see a specialist and then start training. Also, do not forget, and that lessons should be conducted strictly after meal. If you follow all of these recommendations, hulahup "make" you a wasp waist and a beautiful body.