What is a perm and her main types

Perm is a fairly laborious process designed to ensure that from the "liquid" straight hair to make fluffy, thick, and most importantly, curly hair.

What is a perm and her main types

The basis of the procedure is the use of a master-barber special composition acting as a preservative. With it you can easily achieve the effect of both small curls and large curls, which will be kept for several months. The final result depends on the particular type of wrapping rollers and method. Perming only fixes the hair in its new position. In this case, the procedure itself is divided into several types, depending on the composition, which is used as a preservative.

Acid perm

Acid perm hair salon is done with the help of a special device, which goes directly into the hair, but did not disclose his scales. The result is a rather tough curls. For this reason, this procedure is not recommended for owners of thin and soft hair, as hair very quickly pull in at the roots and lose their original shape. In addition, this perming not fit girls with sensitive scalp. For everyone else, this method is ideal and is one of the most gentle, especially when used thioglycolic acid. The disadvantage of this procedure may be mentioned short duration effect, because the result is held in the hair less than thirty days.

What is a perm and her main types

Alkaline perm

Alkaline perm curls allows you to save up to two-three months. The procedure is based on the penetration of the composition into the hair and the disclosure of its outer scales. Curls thus are more elastic and look much more natural. However, such a procedure is suitable is not for everyone. Girls with tight, heavy, straight hair will need to choose another option curling.

The amino acid perms

This procedure is based on a special complex, consisting of a variety of amino acids and proteins. They not only allow you to purchase a beautiful and natural hair, but also to further nourish and heal them. The only drawback of this method is the fragility and inability to use for long and coarse hair.

What is a perm and her main types

Neutral perm

This method differs from all previous treatments softer impact on the hair, and is therefore ideal for absolutely everyone. Curls are obtained as a result of a very strong and elastic. Holds such a chemical hair waving, reviews of which only the most positive, from three to six months, depending on the hair type. Biowave

And finally, the last, the most popular and common method perm - is biozavivka. The composition used during this procedure does not contain ammonia, hydrogen peroxide or thioglycolic acid. For this reason biozavivka is one of the safest ways to create hair curls. Curls are obtained resistant, natural and very shiny.