How to learn to do a somersault? The main recommendations, which should be heeded

Flip is an integral part of acrobatics. If we translate this word with the Italian language, it turns out that the flip is jump. This movement is carried out usually at 360 degrees. A jump occurs from a single point. Acrobat standing must jump, roll over in the air over his head and get back on their feet. If you have a question about how to learn to do a somersault Arabic or some other kind of item it is necessary to understand that the ligaments and muscles of the legs need to be well trained.

The acquisition of the necessary equipment

How to learn to do a somersault? The main recommendations, which should be heeded

will need to purchase the necessary equipment (mats or trampoline) before the start of classes. It is also necessary to address to the friend, who is engaged in activities to insure it in case anything happens. If there is no room in which you can perform this gymnastic exercise, then it is recommended to practice on grass, sand or earth to reduce the likelihood of injury. However, when deciding on how to learn to do a somersault, injury would still be.

stands thoroughly warm up before performing an element! It is also necessary to understand that before the execution of the acrobatic element is necessary to warm up. To do this, you can perform a few simple exercises, is a simple flip-flops back and forth. Thus it is necessary to improve these exercises so that the body feel during the execution of a somersault that occur only flip-flops. Before you learn to do a somersault, landing should be trained on its feet. To do this, just jump up and stands slightly squat legs in contact with the ground. The body thus it is necessary to straighten completely. Then should learn how to perform grouping jumping: starting from the ground, you need to press your knees as much as possible to the shoulders.

How to do a somersault forward?

Now it is necessary to talk more specifically about how to learn how to do a front flip. To do this, take the starting position. Then sharply up on his toes, raising his hands at the same time. Without delay, should bend your elbows behind your head slightly and sit down sharply jump up and down. It is necessary to help himself with his hands, straightening them up. During the accomplishment of squats should not fall entirely on all foot.

How to learn to do a somersault? The main recommendations, which should be heeded

The errors that can make the learning process

Also, before you learn to do a somersault, you should understand the basic mistakes that can make newcomer. Firstly, many people do push weak due to which it is impossible to make a complete rotation of the body. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account that the body subsidence is due to too much traffic hip joint back. Third, some people forget that the slope should not do too much, because you can hit a person on the surface. Fourthly, it is worth more to help himself with his hands. Fifth, should be grouped together more tightly, otherwise you can hit the own knees. Feet should be kept at shoulder width. It should also be aware that the forward somersault is best to learn to make a run.

How to learn to do a somersault? The main recommendations, which should be heeded


On this question of how to learn to do a somersault, it can be regarded as consideration.