Massage Banks: forms, instructions for use, real

body care means carrying out various procedures. The skin is smooth and elastic, can be used to massage the banks, which may be made of different materials. Such a device is active in the fight against cellulite, it helps reduce body fat in problem areas. The advantage of canned massage is that it can be carried out independently, the main thing - to choose the right bank and follow the technique of execution.

The principle of operation

Massage Banks: forms, instructions for use, real

The effect of massage with the use of cans is based on reflex, vacuum and thermochemical effects on the human body. air vacuum which is created in the pot, affects the deep layers of the epidermis and activates biological processes. Treatment with massage banks increases blood flow to the treated area, activates the lymph flow, strengthens the connective tissue, normalizes metabolism.

Use can massage stimulation occurs the regeneration of the skin. In a review of the bank massage mentioned that the procedure will be more effective if used for session-cellulite agents. By the use of cans should be resorted to only after acquaintance with the technique of this procedure plan.

Resort to vacuum massage is recommended for cellulite, excess fat deposits, reducing the skin tone. No less useful it is in violation of metabolism, pain in the back.

Useful properties of

Regular massage banks holding a positive effect on the condition of the body, due to a wide range of their actions. With this procedure it is possible:

  • to strengthen the muscular system;
  • reduce the amount of problem areas a few centimeters;
  • to align the relief of the skin and give it elasticity;
  • enhance the blood circulation in the tissues and lead to normal lymph flow;
  • eliminate pain in diseases such as sciatica, low back pain, arthritis;
  • to restore the regenerative capacity of cells.

The cosmetic jars Vacuum massage - a device that can be used to improve the condition of the skin and give it a more well-groomed appearance. Massage with their participation activates metabolic processes, removes congestion, swelling, helps get rid of toxins.

A full course of massage gets rid of excess weight and cellulite. The skin after several sessions will be more smooth and elastic.

Types cans

Massage Banks: forms, instructions for use, real

On sale today presented various banks for a massage. According to the technique of action they can be classified into three types:

  • standard. rarity of the air is due to compression of the can body with his hands.
  • The glass with a rubber nozzle. vacuum effect created by the pressure-sensitive tip.
  • With the vacuum blower. The reduced pressure is attained by a pump in the bank. Banks massage of cellulite with a vacuum pump imply the presence of certain skills. If you do not comply with the massage technique using such devices, there is a risk of skin injury.

Each type cans have their advantages and disadvantages. Most often used for massage, glass, rubber and silicone banks. Glass, which is not equipped with rubber packing, have lost their popularity. They were replaced by silicone massage banks and those that are made of rubber.


Massage Banks: forms, instructions for use, real

In order to manufacture such cans apply high quality glass with excellent strength characteristics. Banks, which are now presented for sale differ from their predecessors in that they are complemented by a rubber suction cup, when clicked inside the tank creates a vacuum.

The classic glass jars for massage of cellulite for rarefied air was used fire. Treatment with such devices was considered quite dangerous as inept handling could cause a burn. Dosing cans for glass massage rather complicated, so an excellent alternative they should be products that have a rubber tip.

The disadvantages of using cans of glass should include pain treatments and their fragility. As for the benefits, they are easy to care for - they can be easily wash off cosmetics, used for massage.


high quality gum used for the production of rubber cans for massage. The set consists of four cans, which may have different diameters: 22, 35, 50, 65 mm, so that they can be used for different body parts.

Banks with a large diameter suitable for massaging the buttocks, back, abdomen. Those that have the smallest dimensions, is used to massage the face.

Before you begin to massage with the banks, they are dipped for 10 minutes in boiling water. After this device is applied to the skin. The vacuum created by the compression of the banks. The advantages of rubber products should be ranked painless procedure and its safety.

Less rubber cans massage consists in the fact that they actively absorb funds for massage and a long service life.


Massage Banks: forms, instructions for use, real

Banks made of such material are active demand due to the fact that they are easy to use and easy to care for. They are easy to wash off cosmetics, they are characterized by excellent strength and can last more than one year. Strengths of silicone products consist in the fact that they do not need to warm-up before a massage. vacuum effect achieved by squeezing the body. There have silicone cans massage is one drawback - they can not afford to maintain a constant shape, so the massage requires certain skills. If you have experience in this business, the session using two cans at a time can be carried out.


Their characteristics are similar to products made from silicone. However, compared to the last, they are more long-life and cost. Set of cans for massage consists of two devices. One bank has a circular opening, which allows its use for the treatment of extensive areas of the body. The second is an oval, you can use it to massage the hard to reach areas.

C pump

Massage Banks: forms, instructions for use, real

The creation of the vacuum in such banks is performed by a pump. The articles may go kits (6, 12, 24 pcs.). They have a diameter of 2-8 mm, so you can pick up a set to massage any part of the body.

The advantages of the cans with the pump include the ability to adjust the impact intensity, reliable fixing on the surface of the skin, the efficiency of the procedure.

On the downside risk of tissue injury with strong suction. That is why such a plan to massage the banks allowed only after mastering the technique.

What to consider when buying a

Massage Banks: forms, instructions for use, real

Buy Vacuum banks can be in a drugstore or cosmetic store. Sales can also be represented Chinese banks for massage. When selecting devices for massage is necessary to consider their diameter (1-8 cm). What size to buy banks, it depends on the zone to which you want to work. For massaging the thighs and buttocks suit set of two silicone mid-sized cans.

Back massage is necessary to stop the choice on the banks with a diameter of 6-8 cm. Abdominal area can handle vessels with a diameter of 4-5 cm. Massage face and neck involves the use of minimum sizes of cans.

How to apply

How to use a jar of massage that the procedure was safe and effective? Before you start a session, the product should be washed with soap and water, wipe and disinfect hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. Of great importance during massaging a preparatory process. It can be used to prepare tissue intense massaging movements and reduce pain during the procedure. It is recommended to take a shower and lie down under the shower. Then, on the skin of the body it is necessary to put means in the form of a scrub.

Massage Banks: forms, instructions for use, real

When the water treatments are completed, it is necessary to knead the problem areas of your hands. Massaging motion does not carry more than 15 minutes. Then, on the body is necessary to put means for the massage. As a final cream or scrub can be used. To enhance the effect of the procedure, it is desirable to apply cosmetic products with anti-cellulite effect. After applying them can begin to massage.

Vacuum massage can be carried out by two methods: local and kinetic. Local method involves posing the cans without further displacement. Products in the amount of 10-15 units are installed on a specific area of ​​the body. The distance between them should be 3-5 cm. Accessories are mounted on the flat areas of the body. Duration of treatment was 5-25 minutes.

Kinetic method involves moving the cans after their performances. The session will require 1-2 banks. They need to constantly move through the body, avoiding sudden movements.

It is forbidden to touch during a massage the groin, inner thighs, the area behind the knees. To prevent injury to tissues, it is necessary to strictly observe the instructions.

The bank needs to be installed on the surface of the skin, gently squeeze, squeeze the neck to the body, and then let go. The pressure within the vessel will depend on the intensity of pressure.

During manipulation can be observed, as the bank pulls the skin. It is important that it captures a maximum of 1, 5 cm, otherwise there will be inevitable problems moving.

If massaged the buttocks region, it is necessary to drive the banks in a circle for about 10 minutes. Massage the abdomen should also be carried out in a circular motion. For the processing of this portion will require 5-7 minutes. You can then proceed to massage the side surfaces along the line of the navel-to-back on both sides.

If it is a foot massage, banks need to move from the knee up. On each leg will take about 20 minutes.


Vacuum massage - a procedure that has an intense effect on human tissue. From the meeting it is necessary to abstain from:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • mechanical skin lesions;
  • acutely occurring infectious diseases;
  • cancers;
  • fragility of vessels;
  • elevated pressure;
  • pulmonary disease.

vacuum massage banks strictly prohibited conduct during pregnancy and at the time of menstruation.

During the session, you can not affect the kidneys and heart. Does not recommend the use of the banks on the spine, in the places where lymph nodes are located. massage course of cellulite must include 15 sessions that will be held at intervals of 1 day.

When the session is over, the skin is necessary to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. The use of funds, as part of which there are irritants, should be abandoned.


To massage the banks provided the desired effect, it should be done with all the basic rules. Tampering with such devices can cause bruises on the skin, therefore, anti-cellulite treatments should be performed only after a full examination of the technique.