5 ways to make the child a lady or gentleman

Kremlin riding school, ballet studio, a club of the first lady, and other places where your child will give of gentility

Under good education is understood as the ability to solve a logarithmic equation, knowledge of a foreign language (and preferably two) and has the ability to show off some of the encyclopedic "Help" - for example, in a timely manner to insert a quote Voltaire, remember the years of the life of Alexander Pushkin, etc. And such skills.. like erect posture, confidence, fluidity of movement? Their presence has meant, as if it were innate aristocratic features. However, where all of these are able to develop, if not give them the time and effort ?! In Moscow, we have found several establishments, where children from the promise to bring the ladies and gentlemen.

Vienna Ball

5 ways to make the child a lady or gentleman

To get to the next Viennese Ball May 25, 2013 as the debutants can only 120 pairs. Ball to be grand - it is dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, and to be there to be the descendants of the king. Competition: 10 girls between the ages of 16 and 23 in place. Usually six months before the prom committee arranges an audition. The interview takes place for three days and in several stages. Pretenders are given in principle easy questions, but those in which it is immediately clear whether the young lady well founded or not. For example, "What was the name of Prince Bolkonsky? And for whom eventually married Natasha Rostova? ... Say, Mozart's love ?! And what kind of work? ". After listening for three months from the debutants involved dancing - learn the waltz, jive, tango and cha-cha-cha. In the classroom the choreographer says that the leading role in a man. The girls need to relax, take in the direction of view and fully trust Movement partners. The course fee for two sessions a week for three months - 10 500 rubles. Needless to participate at a ball for beginners - free. Guests also buy a ticket depending on the site from 9000 to 40 000 rubles. In the load to the dance lectures for ballroom etiquette: how to accept the invitation and what to talk about in polite society. At the end of the ball you can not only learn how to gracefully waltz, but also arrange personal happiness. "We recently got married two sisters - both for its partners. Since the ball is held for a long time - since 2003 - we are already joking that began to slowly grow up children Viennese Ball ", - says CEO Alexander Smagin.

The Kremlin riding school

5 ways to make the child a lady or gentleman

In this school, not only to learn to sit in the seat with your back straight, but also ready to perform at the festival "Spasskaya Tower" on Red Square. There to see how your child performs a military salute and makes volts, the whole country is watching. Recorded in school you can have a two years. It is believed the earlier a child gets used to the horse, the better for his character. First, classes are held on a pony. In the stable of four rocks are: Welsh, Shetland, the New Forest and the German horse. The choice of a breed depends on the height and weight of the rider - usually start with the smallest, Shetland. In 12 years, the children put on an adult horse. Why riding - employment aristocratic? This has many explanations. "Firstly, in the rich history of sports. Secondly, it is beautiful and graceful, - explains a representative of the school Anastasia Vandysheva. - Third, cheap. Lesson price of about 3000 rubles. Fourth, classes instill noble traits - responsibility, and respect for animals. Not only for them to ride, they should then lead to the stable - to look after them. "

etiquette school for children in the coffee "Landrin"

5 ways to make the child a lady or gentleman

The fact that the coffee "Landrin" tends to Russian culture of the XIX century, one can guess from the presence of the letter "yat" at the end of the name. "We have one alumnus recently went out on a date and at times called to the scene - recognize what spoon desserts, there are other nuances," - say the workers places. etiquette classes are held here at the weekend for children from 7 to 16 years. After a course of five sessions will receive a certificate of culture and etiquette book as a gift. Good behavior at the table consists of many aspects - the need to know what to say, what better to remain silent and to be aware of the fact that the soup is allowed to drink only from the tureen with a single handle. Classes students come in evening gowns: boys in bow ties, girls in lace - so it is easier to perceive and absorb the wisdom of Bon-tone.

The school-studio Ilze Liepa

5 ways to make the child a lady or gentleman

"When a child is brought up surrounded by classical disciplines, it opens the door to the world of art. If the door does not open in childhood, it can not be opened will never "- said People's Artist of Russia Ilze Liepa. Its studios schools children are engaged in ballet, choreography, Pilates, rhythm, and visit the music room, and creative activities. Lessons are held with live accompaniment. Ilse is often present in the classroom: a technique to be effective, they need to constantly refine and improve. Here, in front of the children to set high but achievable bar. Pupils take part in Russian and international festivals provide great reporting concerts, dancing on the stage with artists of the Bolshoi Theater. School Director Maria Subbotovskaya talks about the New Year's play "The Nutcracker", "Preparing for the" Nutcracker "with the participation of Nikolai Tsiskaridze was six months. Everything was serious: the original and complex numbers, sets and costumes, lighting and sound design. To go on stage, feel the glances, overcome anxiety - this is an important experience. "

The family club "First Lady"

5 ways to make the child a lady or gentleman

You young ladies are taught to move beautifully: walk, sit on a chair and the chair, turn, pick up objects from the floor, to get things out of the bag, as well as an elegant dress, how to behave at the table and in the community. "Begin to learn good manners better than before - with four years", - says the founder of the club, "First Lady" Kartseva Tatiana. Initially, the school was intended for adult women - to help them to become a princess to find a decent party - to meet, no more, no less, a real prince. But then came the idea to bring a lady with a kindergarten, it is easier than to retrain the existing adult women. So in 2011, it opened a new direction, "social etiquette and image for the young ladies and gentlemen." Classes are held in the form of a game and last about 30 minutes, to the status of "lady" did not cause soreness of the mouth, and is not perceived as a duty. In addition to the girls in the school engaged the boys, they are converted into gentlemen. By the way, good manners - it's not just the visual processes, such as the fluidity of movement and the ability to file handle, but also internal human qualities - self-confidence and ability to defend their opinion.