When and how to check themselves for breast cancer

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. Opinion polls show that a third of women do not check their breasts for signs of breast cancer. They do this because they do not know the correct algorithm of actions, or because they are afraid to find something. We met with the CEO of the Center for Ambulatory Surgery "The Lancet" Chumakov Sergei Alexandrovich and tell you how to conduct breast examinations to identify and prevent the early stages of cancer development.

Risk Factors

When and how to check themselves for breast cancer

The main factors of breast cancer risk: a family history, early onset of menstruation, late first pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, age over 40 years, chest trauma, chronic stress, abuse of alcohol and junk food. Fully doctors currently can not exclude the risk of developing breast cancer. The maximum that you can do - is to follow the set of weights, wear anatomically correct underwear, gymnastics, paying special attention to the muscles of the chest, to eat properly and regularly monitored.

Wires self-examination

When and how to check themselves for breast cancer

After 18 years of self-examination of breast should be carried out once a month. Stand before a mirror, lift one arm up and breast examination carefully. Look for any changes in the circuit, pay attention to the dimples or lumps, look at the color, shape and position of the nipple - is whether it is on site or moved to the side. As a rule, this is the first visual signs of breast cancer. It is also necessary to lay down on a hard, flat surface with one hand to pull along the body, the other carefully palpate the breast for the presence of nodules, from the collarbone to the rib edges. If you have found at least one of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Do ultrasound

Usually self-examination can detect cancer in 2 or 3 stages, when the tumor has spread to nearby tissues or lymph nodes. If someone from your relatives suffered from breast cancer and you have an increased risk of developing the disease, in order to prevent need to undergo an annual ultrasound diagnosis. This method is completely harmless and provides a real-time image of the breast tissue by high frequency sound waves. So the doctor can accurately determine the presence of tumors, as well as to take a puncture of suspicious entities for a more detailed study. Special training breast ultrasound does not require, but for accurate results, doctors recommend to carry out a study on the 5-10 days of the menstrual cycle. If you are taking hormonal contraceptives - you can come to the US at any time.

to attend mammalogy

When and how to check themselves for breast cancer

Mammography doctors recommend regular place after 40 years. Up to this point is pointless to carry out research - the more often it is carried out, the higher the risk of a false positive result. If detected in the breast pathology, appoint additional diagnostic methods for diagnosis. This may be a roentgen mammary ducts, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography of the thorax or scintigraphy. Before we prescribe treatment, the doctor asks you pass a series of tests: in the blood and urine cytology nipple discharge or puncture the seal and its study on the ultrasonic unit. If you care about your health and want to reduce the risk of breast cancer disease to a minimum, there has been a doctor all the time. Experienced oncologists mammologist outpatient surgery center Lancet conduct the necessary research, and in the case of pathology detection can prevent the progression of the disease at an early stage. Here are working on a modern laser equipment, which allows for quick and safe operation, eliminating the long rehabilitation and loss of their traditional way of life. After surgery, patients are placed in a clean, comfortable Chamber of daily rest under the constant supervision of doctors and nurses, so you need not worry about the appearance of possible complications.

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