Lemon cold, fish oil for the bones: 6 myths about vitamins

Cold season is seen as a time for which you need to prepare in particular: stock up on antidepressants, vitamins, bite the bullet and survive. Since the fall of many wakes exaggerated desire to take care of their health, Heroine prepared a memo with common myths about vitamins. Tell us why drunken October multivitamin course does not help to be healthy in winter and if there is a deficiency disease actually.

1. Vitamin C will not catch a cold

Lemon cold, fish oil for the bones: 6 myths about vitamins

The daily intake of vitamin C can alleviate the symptoms and speed recovery. Nevertheless, it will not improve your resistance to colds. You'll be just as vulnerable to the disease, as well as those who did not take the vitamin.

2. Vitamins is not a lot of

Required course of vitamins in autumn and spring, "just in case" - not such a harmless habit.

The diet of modern man enough vitamins, to say there is not advertising and programs about health. This deficiency disease today - not so common.

An overdose of vitamins is - it concerns the fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and D. They can accumulate in the body and lead to health problems.

Pregnant vitamins is not always necessary. Multivitamin "in reserve" may result in too rapid development of the fetus. Drink vitamins or not, it is best to decide with your doctor after all analyzes.

3. Vitamin D is useful for the bones and nervous system

Lemon cold, fish oil for the bones: 6 myths about vitamins

The benefits of vitamin D has been greatly exaggerated, say a new study. Scientists from the South Australia found that this element does not help protect the brain from dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases. Another study, which was attended by more than 500 thousand people of different ages, found no association between the intake of vitamin D and strengthening the bones and muscles. According to scientists, the theory about the special benefits of vitamin D appeared in the 80s of the last century due to the research that is likely to have been erroneous.

Vitamin D is fat-soluble, so large doses is harmful to the body, especially if there is a calcium-rich foods in the diet already.

4. If the hair whipped, and the nails are broken - it is a lack of vitamins

Not necessarily. Maybe even the opposite - an excess of vitamins E, A and selenium leads to hair loss. Though to abuse these elements, you need to work hard.

The hair can fall out due to lack of fatty acids, zinc, iron and protein in the diet. In addition, it is a common symptom of endocrine and autoimmune diseases. So before you grab for the vitamins, it is better to find out the cause of brittle nails and hair.

If the case is still a lack of vitamins, keep in mind that the special nutritional supplements often - regular multivitamin. Postscript "for hair and nails" - nothing more than a promotional gimmick.

5. Vitamins from food is more useful than the banks of vitamins

Lemon cold, fish oil for the bones: 6 myths about vitamins

If the diet is all right and the specific indications for supplementation of vitamins is not - it is better to obtain from food. But if we compare the formula of natural and synthesized vitamin - they are equally useful for the body.

You can go wrong with any way to get vitamins. Benefits of natural vitamins easily kill the wrong cooking. Some fruits and vegetables are best eaten fresh, while others recommended a thermally processed, because only by heating them produced the desired vitamin. As for vitamin tablets, here you can take the manufacturer. Probability poison Badami is low, most likely, you're just wasting your money on useless supplements. Pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer and choose the vitamins that are registered as medicines and not as dietary supplements.

6. After the winter, all people have a vitamin deficiency

This is probably the most popular myth about vitamins. Real basis it does have - before the number of products in the human diet in winter was significantly lower than in summer. The modern man has the opportunity to eat vegetables and fruits all year round.

It makes no sense to drink vitamins in the fall to prepare for the winter and spring to recover from the cold weather season. Many vitamins are not synthesized and do not accumulate in the body, they must be ingested regularly, and they can not be reserved.

Vitamin deficiency exists, but make it possible only with serious eating disorders. This diagnosis is still prevalent in underdeveloped countries, refugee camps or the people who torture themselves with strict diets. Set the lack of vitamins in the body can only be a doctor after a look at your analysis.

Do you take multivitamins or dietary supplements?