Which oil to choose eyelash growth: reviews beauticians

Probably every woman in the world knows that one of the main secrets of the mysterious and expressive eyes that can captivate any man - is long and thick eyelashes. "Clap eyelashes and fly up!" - as sung in the famous song. However, in reality, to own eyelashes really reached such dizzying length and volume, you need to work hard.

Care for lashes at home

Which oil to choose eyelash growth: reviews beauticians

Unfortunately, no matter how we tried, but the poor environment of cities and the daily use of mascara, paint, curling tongs and other equally malicious tools repeatedly eroding the health and beauty of our eyelashes.

Cilia become thin, brittle, often fall off, and it seems even begin to lose their natural color. In order to maintain and enhance beauty as well as maintain their healthy and youthful appearance, beauticians all over the world are advised to use oil for eyelash growth.

Castor oil

Castor oil is rightly well known as the best oil for the growth of eyelashes. It is able to work on the root structure of the eyelashes and stimulate their growth. The oil also contains in its composition many useful vitamins that have a positive impact on their structure, strengthening and restoring cilia. Castor oil helps the growth of eyelashes, and the ability to smooth out facial wrinkles on the eyelids and bleach small dark spots.

Which oil to choose eyelash growth: reviews beauticians

However, despite the many useful features and a large number of laudatory comments written about this oil to the growth of eyelashes, reviews say also that it can cause an allergic reaction, the occurrence of swelling of the eyelids, as well as the lead in some cases, to loss of eyelashes. To prevent such negative effects are often recommended to mix castor oil with burdock or olive.

Burdock oil

Which oil to choose eyelash growth: reviews beauticians

Another well-known and popular tool for otraschivaniya eyelashes is burdock. It is like castor oil, it contains in its structure a variety of vitamins, minerals and tannins, as well as fatty and essential oils, beneficial impact on our eyelashes. With the help of castor oil you can even remove makeup and do strengthen masks and lotions.

Furthermore, burdock has a positive influence on the structure and not only promotes growth of eyelashes, but also hair. Thus, it is an excellent option simply apply this oil on the lashes as a mask at the time, when you wash your hair.

Almond oil

Almond oil for the growth of eyelashes can also be a good alternative to expensive the purchased drugs. It contains in its composition a large percentage of vitamins such as E and F, which contribute to the strengthening and growth of eyelashes and hair. Also contains almond oil and essential oils, oleic and linoleic acids, glycerol, and a number of other, equally useful and important for the health of eyelashes components. Thus, this tool is able to make your lashes smooth and elastic, saturate them with moisture and stop premature aging.

Which oil to choose eyelash growth: reviews beauticians

Among other things, almond oil for the growth of eyelashes is absolutely giperallergenno and has no contraindications for use.

Sea buckthorn oil

Familiar since childhood, sea buckthorn oil also can show himself a good fighter for the health and beauty of your lashes. In this product there is a whole two directions for acting: first, oil nourishes and softens lashes, and secondly, makes them much thicker and promotes accelerated growth.

With regular use of this oil well for eyelash growth enhances, promotes termination of deposition, and restores the damaged. Furthermore, as almond oil, sea buckthorn oil do not cause allergic reactions.

Olive oil

Olive oil - a well-known tool, which is in the kitchen every self-respecting hostess. Its useful properties have been known since ancient times, and even the famous Marilyn Monroe used olive oil as the most effective facial masks. Despite the accessibility and affordable prices, a similar product is also able to have a beneficial effect on your lashes.

Which oil to choose eyelash growth: reviews beauticians

Numerous studies have shown that regular use of this oil is able to enhance the growth of eyelashes and food, makes them more fluffy and soft. However, in most cases, the olive oil is still considered sufficiently sensitive drug that is recommended to be mixed with other oils to enhance the effect.

Recipe mixtures of oils for eyelash growth

Since the answer to the question of what kind of oil for the growth of eyelashes can rightly be considered the best, definitely not, we recommend that you try to use in the daily care of a mixture of several oils. All sorts of mixtures of nutritional oils are not only the most effective but also the most natural and inexpensive means for the care of eyelashes.

There are many different embodiments of mixtures of several oils. For example, it is possible to use 2 h. Spoon castor oil, 3 parts. Burdock and spoons 1 h. Spoon almond oil. This mixture will stimulate the growth of eyelashes, in addition, will help them to retain their firmness and elasticity.

In order to simply strengthen and improve their own cilia can be mixed for 3 hours. Spoon buckthorn oil and 2 hours. Spoon almond, add to the mixture liquid vitamin E (1-2 capsules) and 0, 5 h. Spoon glycerin. This composition can be applied to the eyelashes on a daily basis or make him the mask on for 15-20 minutes once or twice a week. To make yourself at home this serum-saving for your eyelashes do not need a lot of money and time. All you need is:

Which oil to choose eyelash growth: reviews beauticians
  • a bottle of oil from the pharmacy (the approximate cost 40-50 rubles.);
  • Old empty bottle from under the carcass (free).

There will be only gently pour the oil mixture to lash in a purely washed package, and you can start to enjoy! Apply oil is best daily at bedtime. During the night the cilia have time to get all the substances they need, and you will be able to wash off in the morning with the remaining oil and apply your favorite mascara.

Professional Care for lashes

Of course, the daily use of natural oils can bring lot of different positive results. This will not only help to strengthen and enhance the growth of cilia, but also solve many other problems. However, it should be understood that the wait for a positive result with a similar home care is possible only after 6-12 months of daily use.

The same ladies who do not wish to, or for whatever reason just can not afford to wait so long, it is better to pay attention to the professional beauty products for the health of eyelashes.

Oil for the growth of eyelashes gemene

One such eyelash growth stimulators for growth is oil Gemene eyelashes. This drug is based on the whole base of the bioactive components affecting the eyelash follicles and contributes to their faster growth.

Among other things, the product contains cape gooseberry, which is considered one of the most powerful natural growth promoters, castor, peach and almond oil and vitamin A. All of these components also have a beneficial effect on the eyelashes, preventing hair loss and restoring the structure.

The oil for eyebrows and eyelashes the DNC

Another product created DNC mark for eyelashes is oil DNC eyelash growth. This product, unlike its predecessor, is softer and gentler means. It is designed not only to stimulate eyelash growth, but also good and for the eyebrows.

As part of the tool appear vitamins D and E, glucose, starch, polysaccharides, essential oil, Siberian ginseng, pectic substances and trace elements. All this together can increase the release of the natural pigment of eyelashes, that is able to recover a few darken the natural color of your cilia. Also contained in the oil tone vitamins and nutrients bulb fill substance, which in turn contributes to the rapid and proper growth of smooth hair.

This oil as serum should be applied to the whole lengths of the cilia in the evening and left in hairs overnight. The use of such means for the growth of eyelashes is recommended courses. After 2-3 months of daily use, you must do one month break, to allow yourself to upgrade your lashes.

Tips for cosmetologists for lashes Care

Domestic oil, as well as professional products for the eyelashes, largely contribute to their growth and recovery. With the right mix preparatav possible not only to maintain their natural gifts in great shape, but also to grow eyelashes stunning, far surpassing in length and volume of the current results.

Which oil to choose eyelash growth: reviews beauticians

However, in pursuit of the length and the volume should not forget about another important rule - the daily care. You can use any number of expensive medications, apply oil and do masks, but if these actions will be of only sporadic, then about any positive results and can be no question. In addition, in order to achieve the growth of eyelashes, you also need to constantly take care of them. And this care is not limited to the application of serum. Firstly, you should try to minimize the use of mascara and primer to the lashes. Let these funds will only output option for you. Try and give your eyelashes rest and prepare for them each "day without makeup."

Secondly, you need as carefully as possible to carry out makeup remover. To do this, use the special wash to the eye, preferring biphasic means. Try not to rub strongly eyes, in order to avoid physical injury eyelashes.

Third, as much as possible make lotions and masks for the eyes. Even ordinary cotton pads soaked in a decoction of tea, can enhance and greatly improve your eyelashes. In addition, these gadgets have an impact on the health of your eyes, removing fatigue and vospaleniyae

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the only means of properly chosen and daily care will help your lashes become long, strong and truly enchanting. Love and cherish your cilia, and they, of course, will respond to you in return!