What is Botox eyelashes? Photos before and after, especially procedures

The problem of fragile and rare eyelashes familiar to many girls. The most common cause of such a phenomenon becomes abuse cosmetics and improper care. What if I want to have beautiful lush eyelashes? To solve this problem will help Botox for eyelashes. This procedure has already managed to catch the fancy of those who want to look well-groomed without makeup. What is botox and what are the features of the eyelashes of the meeting? About it and talk.

What is it?

What is Botox eyelashes? Photos before and after, especially procedures

Botox eyelashes - a modern procedure, the purpose of which is to restore lashes and accelerate their growth. As part of reducing serum including:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • keratin;
  • collagen;
  • panthenol;
  • tocopherol;
  • citric acid;
  • Argan oil.

All these components nourish lashes, makes them shine, makes the dark and protect from the harmful influence of external factors.

The principle of operation

Now it's time to find out what Botox eyelashes and how the procedure contributes to their recovery. The principle of Botox eyelashes is that the components of the drug to penetrate into the hair structure and contribute to their strengthening.

  • Hyaluronic acid restores eyelashes, moisturizes them and activates growth.
  • keratin makes lashes resistant to the influence of adverse factors, condenses them.
  • Collagen gives elasticity.

At the heart of serum for eyelashes Botox procedures are also valuable vitamins:

  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, suspends the aging process.
  • panthenol, vitamin B group has a softening effect, moisturizes hair.
  • Argan oil fills eyelashes nutrients promotes better absorption of tocopherol.
What is Botox eyelashes? Photos before and after, especially procedures

With the purpose of maintaining the acid-base status of a skin age manufacturer serum added to citric acid. Due to such a rich composition of the effect is simply amazing, as evidenced by the photos of Botox eyelashes before and after. Eyelashes become thicker due to compaction of hairs, the hair follicle is stimulated. They are soft, moisturized and shiny.


What is Botox eyelashes, it is now clear. Who else shows such a procedure? Botox eyelashes will become a real salvation for those who have:

  • thin or direct the nature of the cilia;
  • damaged hairs, resulting in staining or use of substandard carcass;
  • brittle, dry lashes.

This procedure is ideal before a sea trip, when you want to look beautiful, not bothering to daily make-up.


safe natural substances are a part of the serum for Botox eyelashes. However, its use is not always good. The procedure is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • in the presence of infectious diseases;
  • in such eye diseases as conjunctivitis, keratitis;
  • with seasonal allergies;
  • trauma or eye surgery;
  • are hypersensitive to one of the components of the means.
What is Botox eyelashes? Photos before and after, especially procedures

Do not resort to Botox eyelashes during pregnancy and during menstruation. By themselves the components are not able to harm the baby's health, however, the holding of such procedures on the background of hormonal changes can lead to unintended consequences. Cilia are strongly scroll, or vice versa will remain perfectly straight.

Features of the procedure

What is Botox eyelashes? Photos before and after, especially procedures

Now it's time to learn how to do Botox eyelashes. For the procedure used means Lash Botox. All its components are completely harmless because of its natural origin. Botulinum toxin in the composition of the absence of serum. The name of the procedure was due to the instantaneous transformation of cilia. In addition to reducing the drug following tools are used for the procedure:

  • dye;
  • adhesive for fixation to eyelashes curlers;
  • Primer for eyelashes;
  • composition for fixing the bend.

As additional tools you need to take a cotton bud, silicone rollers for curling, brush and tweezers.

The preparatory phase of

On the day of the procedure applied to the eyelids agent's Skin and makeup should not be. Botox for eyelashes is performed in the following sequence:

  1. On the eyelids and eyelashes to apply a special cleanser.
  2. Master selects hue and size of the curlers.
  3. The lower lashes are fixed on a special roller, when such manipulation is conducted with the upper. Roller set closer to the line of growth of hair.
  4. The following is the composition of the application, which will curl. The tool is not applied to all the lashes completely. It is distributed, retreating a few millimeters from the tips and roots. The time for action is 6-15 minutes. It all depends on the thickness of the eyelashes.
  5. After the coated composition, it is carried out a steam bath, which facilitates the opening of scales on the hairs and full penetration of the active agent components. It becomes as follows: the master imposes on the eyelids plastic wrap, and a cotton pad soaked in warm water towel that previously squeezed.
  6. In order to eliminate lifting of the drug using dry cotton swabs.
  7. means Lash Botox is applied to the eyelashes in the form of heat. To do this, it is heated to 70 degrees. To enhance the effect of the procedure, they are coated with film.

Duration of treatment is 1, 5-2 hours.


What is Botox eyelashes? Photos before and after, especially procedures

Extra Care for lashes after the procedure is not required. The composition quickly penetrates deep into the cilia and helps to strengthen them. It should also be noted that to protect the hair from aggressive and do not have to.

The advantages and disadvantages of

The advantages of such a procedure are many, as evidenced by the photos of Botox eyelashes before and after, and testimonials from those who have already had experience in their cilia lifting means.

Among them:

  • eyelashes recovery due to saturation of nutrients;
  • accelerate the growth of eyelashes;
  • long-term effect (2-4 months);
  • the opportunity to use the sauna, swimming pool, use any cleaning agents and other cosmetic products;
  • there is no need to paint every day mascara lashes;
  • safety. natural ingredients is present in the serum.
What is Botox eyelashes? Photos before and after, especially procedures

If we talk about the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning that such a procedure is not for everyone due to the small list of contraindications. The financial side of the issue is also important - such a procedure is not a budget option restore eyelashes. It is important to remember that fundamentally change the density of the eyelashes and the procedure is not in power long. Botox task - to strengthen hair and thickening.

Botox against lamination

To restore eyelashes have resorted to other salon treatments. For example, lamination involves their eyelash perm, coloring and fixing the result with a predetermined composition. The means which are used for lamination include plant extracts (camomile, yarrow, hops), and keratin. Such a substance, as keratin, gives good result only for sealing of high temperature. For the cilia such a procedure is not possible, so he quickly washed away with the hair, which means that the content with the effect over a long period is not necessary.

The advantage of Botox before lamination eyelashes consists in the fact that the strengthening effect is kept at the expense of other substances that make up the funds. After lamination, within days after the procedure, the eyelashes should be protected from the influence of negative factors. Botox does not require the protection of the cilia. Often, girls who spent lamination eyelashes repeatedly mentioned that the state of the hairs visibly deteriorating. In a review of Botox eyelashes said that after several such procedures lashes are lush and strong.

The only thing that loses Botox lamination - is the duration of the procedure and its cost. On lamination takes about 40 minutes for Botox -1, 5-2 hours.

Can I use any eyebrows?

Such a procedure is botoksnoe restoring hairs can be carried out not only on the cilia, but also on the eyebrows. If hair thinning, while they themselves are not encouraging eyebrow thickness, applying a reinforcing structure will help salvage the situation. Such a procedure is also shown to owners and indomitable thick eyebrows, which have problems during installation. Serum strengthens the hair, seal them and make darker. After the procedure, the eyebrows will find a well-groomed appearance, will keep the shape.

Helpful Hints

As mentioned above, special care after the cilia do not need treatment. However, adhering to certain recommendations, you can extend the effect of the procedure.

  • If you use the makeup, the eyelids and eyelashes need to be cleaned regularly to avoid barriers to oxygen. Moreover, if we overload the eyelids and eyelashes makeup, it will lead to premature aging of the skin and brittle eyelashes.
  • To remove make-up need in the direction from the nose to the cheeks. No sharp movements should not be. Rub the lashes is extremely undesirable. All actions must be careful, otherwise there is a risk that the cilia begin to fall.
  • From cosmetics, which are based on the alkaline component or alcohol, should be avoided.
  • To the eyelashes constantly receives nourishment from nutrients, can be applied to them before going to bed castor or burdock oil. Such a procedure is not prohibited after Botox. On the contrary, it will strengthen the hair structure and accelerate their growth.

What keeps effect?

What is Botox eyelashes and how long does the effect of the procedure - a question that interests of those girls who want to get a beautiful, slightly curled eyelashes. In this case, it all depends on how fast the hairs grow. The average duration of life of a hair is 1- 2 months, after which it falls.

What is Botox eyelashes? Photos before and after, especially procedures

To extend the effect of the procedure will help compliance with the three rules:

  1. Do not wash facilities with aggressive compositions.
  2. Do not rub your eyes.
  3. To wash off makeup before bed.

When to perform the procedure again?

In a review of Botox eyelashes with photos mentions that the first correction should be carried out in 5-6 weeks. Apply again restores serum and curling lashes as possible after their complete renewal.

On the whole, it will have to spend 3-4 such procedures, after which the hair will become much thicker and darker. Later on BOTOX eyelashes can resort once 2-2, 5 months. If your lashes are not pleased with the length and density, and the use of carcasses became a daily routine, from which I would like to give up, you can safely go to the build-up procedure. Strong hair is able to withstand even the 6D-volume.