How to properly run to lose weight? When and how much to run for weight loss?

There are different options for weight loss. Someone is sitting on a diet and looking for something new from the same series. There are those people who buy products of dubious quality and origin, visit liposuction procedure. And there are those who are always trying to take advantage of the most original and not always safe for healthy weight loss methods. The most effective way at the present stage to get rid of fat is a sport. Therefore, in this article we will consider the question of how to properly run, to lose weight.

How to properly run to lose weight? When and how much to run for weight loss?

This run can be called one of the best exercises that are found in many varieties of active sports. With it you can train a large number of many different muscles that are present in the body. Loaded with not only his feet. On top of that running is an excellent aerobic exercise, through which you can increase your endurance. Normal operation of the nervous system will be established. And if you will run even in the morning, you get a wonderful supply of energy for the whole day. If we consider all these advantages, it becomes clear the cause of the issue of how to properly run.

To lose weight, we must not forget about the normal diet

Many slimming techniques that exist at this stage include such aerobic exercise. However, there is an opportunity to look at running as a standalone tool for dropping excess weight? Such a problem can not be solved unambiguous manner. Apart from active sports, you need to take care of proper nutrition. It must be balanced. The diet, which includes only the bad products will block all the progress that could be achieved by running.

How to properly run to lose weight? When and how much to run for weight loss?

However, if you are firmly decided for themselves to find an answer to the question of how to properly run, to lose weight, and have been able to rid their diets of unhealthy foods, we should focus all their attention on the aerobic workout.

How to be covered in order to achieve success?

Jogging can bring a certain effect on the issue of dropping the extra weight only when they become regular. Active movement must be accompanied by a person at least 300 minutes per week. And it does not need to invest all my strength, because it is always possible to alternate the race with a simple walking.

In order to determine how much you need to run in order to lose weight, you should consider purchasing a heart rate monitor. With it, one can calculate the optimal pulse which is necessary to start burning fat treatments. All of this will be easy enough to accomplish. It is necessary to use a simple formula: 220 - (age of the person) - 50% = pulse required for employment. For a resulting figure must follow during jogging.

What specialists think about this?

According to the professionals, if you want to exercise to be effective, then it should last for at least 20 minutes. What is the reason? In the first 15 minutes of running the procedure of burning excess weight will only be "rocking". Training in such moments will carry mainly wellness character. It will positively affect the entire body as a whole, but does not save you from unnecessary fat.

How to properly run to lose weight? When and how much to run for weight loss?

So as you need to run to lose weight? On the recommendations of experts, it has to go about 40 minutes. Jogging should be done at least 5 times a week. It is not superfluous to understanding that every individual has their own weight loss goals. Someone will be happy to get rid of everything from a pair of kilograms, but someone that is too small, so how to destroy a huge mass of unnecessary fat.

How many hours should be spent?

So it took you to get rid of a certain number of kilos, but how to do it? This raises the question of how often running to lose weight. There are specific guidelines that must be considered in order to lose weight.

  1. In the event that it is necessary to get rid of 1 kg, the run will have about 19 hours.
  2. In order to get rid of 5 kilograms, a run will need to spend about 93 hours.
  3. 180 hours have to run to the people, who oversees 10 extra kilograms.
  4. How many have to run to lose weight? If you have 20 kg of unnecessary fat, you have to run about 350 hours.

Naturally, all the figures that have been given above, it is required to distribute evenly. Jogging makes sense to spend no more than 3 hours per day. In addition, if there is such a need, you can deal with all the time, no weekends and holidays.

What to do when the weather is very bad?

How to properly run to lose weight? When and how much to run for weight loss?

In some situations, the bad weather, a small amount of free time or some other reasons may prevent finding an answer to the question of how to run properly, to lose weight. These reasons can just rip all your plans. However, from the training can not refuse. You just have to find alternative training facilities. The following types of exercises similar to jogging:

  1. Jumping rope.
  2. Use of the treadmill.
  3. Riding a bicycle or do not work at the appropriate simulator.
  4. The active aerobics.

In order to lose weight, it is necessary to run constantly. This is to benefit the whole body. However, there are several problems to be faced without fail.

How do I get myself to start running?

So, what problems can arise when trying to find an answer to the question of how to run to lose weight? In the morning is not always hunting up. There is a desire to lie a little longer. However, if you get up too late, and the desire to make any workout will not. Not to mention the time. Such laziness can always be overcome.

How to properly run to lose weight? When and how much to run for weight loss?

The first jog should be held on weekends. After raising breakfast in the morning do not need too tight. Enough for one cup of tea or milk. You can also eat some light fruit. Dress should be the way you want to dress up with each subsequent run. For the first time distance can be overcome simply by foot.

How to start running to lose weight? Try to determine for themselves the benefits of jogging. First of all, the lack of large crowds of people, a huge number of cars and the fresh air. In addition, it will be easier to plan their business for the day, adding a positive mood. Morning jogging besides allowing a little break from the routine of working days.

What equipment is required to comply?

How to properly run to lose weight? When and how much to run for weight loss?

How to run to lose weight? It should be noted immediately that jumps and walking trails are unacceptable for getting rid of unnecessary weight. Jog - it is this kind of jogging is optimal. In this mode, you can not only lose the extra weight, but also to strengthen their muscles, normalize heart function, increase the impact energy throughout the day. In addition, to address the issue of how to properly run, to lose weight, need workout. Make it necessary to immediately before a run. The distance should be increased gradually, guided by their feelings. For example, you can start to run 1 kilometer and then go to 2 kilometers.

The best time of day for jogging

One can often hear the question, and that, when it is better to run to lose weight. The problems that arise in the morning, we discussed. In the evenings, in principle, they remain the same. And if you feel like getting up early, and then in the evening to run does not pull, because I want to sleep. In addition, jogging later in the day is not desirable also because after it, and you can not sleep.

However, all this must be approached individually. And every single person must independently determine for themselves the optimum time for jogging. It should be guided by the characteristics of the organism. Therefore, the question of when it is best to run to lose weight, you have to decide for yourself by choosing the optimal decision for themselves.

In search of motivation

Even if you have already started to run because of the need of weight loss, at some point may be lost motivation. This is facilitated by a number of problems. In addition, we must not forget about laziness. In order to be regular training, you need to create for themselves a clear schedule of classes, and that you will be guided. Also need to have a note-book, which will be fixed Kilometers and lost weight. All of these records should be carried out with strict observance of the schedule.

How to properly run to lose weight? When and how much to run for weight loss?

The thoughts must be positive, as the sadness can only spare you the necessary motivation. Before jogging should be read only funny interesting news and reviews. And, of course, always necessary to truly believe in their capabilities. This faith is the most important tool in the search for an answer to the question of how to run, to lose weight.

And you can cope with loneliness

Another problem may be loneliness. Not always nice to run one, especially when it comes to the ladies. Therefore, you must find a company. Partner in running can be a friend, a close relative, a loved one. You can also bring your dog for a run. In addition, you can use the music player. Enjoy your favorite tunes while jogging.