Deep wrinkles: how to remove wrinkles on the forehead

Remove wrinkles on the forehead in the world today can not only using high-quality decorative cosmetics. To help the women had developed a variety of massage techniques, procedures, beauty salons, which allow to overcome this problem in part or in full.

Deep wrinkles: how to remove wrinkles on the forehead

In order to understand how to remove wrinkles on the forehead, to be guided in the reasons for their education. Experts identified a number of important factors that contribute to the development of this unpleasant phenomenon.

  1. Age-related changes. As a result, physical aging complexion becomes dimmer, skin roughness gain. Originally developed horizontal lines, then the vertical folds of skin between the eyebrows.
  2. The formation of folds is enhanced by the lack of elastane and collagen, which are the main elements forming the firmness and elasticity.
  3. At the young age of furrows and wrinkles appear in the propensity to smoke, frequent stress, poor nutrition, fatigue and unbalanced diet, which leads to a drastic weight loss.

Vertical wrinkles

The development of this type of wrinkles is due not only to the aging of the body, but also a lively facial expressions of the person. Facial muscles when moving form specific grooves. In addition, people who are in permanent experiences on complex, responsible work, which requires a nervous tension, twice as likely to suffer an early appearance of vertical wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead (vertical)

Deep wrinkles: how to remove wrinkles on the forehead

Exercise 1. Head clasped hands so that the thumbs are localized in the occipital region, and pointing - on the forehead. The skin on your forehead moves to the center, his eyebrows raised. At the expense of the "seven" the muscles relax. When you perform pressing exercises should not be too intense. Exercise 2. At the center of each eyebrow placed pads middle fingers. It is necessary to frown and gently pull the eyebrows up. At the expense of the "seven" eyebrows returned to its original position.

3. Exercise ring and middle fingers are placed on the outer corners of eyes. After that, the corners are pulled gently to the temporal zone, eyes closed simultaneously. When performing exercises muscles must strain resisting movement.

Horizontal wrinkles

The main factor of formation of such folds - live facial expressions, such as the frequent raising of eyebrows. When they are sufficiently developed, along the forehead viewed one or more horizontal lines. On the question of how to remove wrinkles on the forehead (horizontal) can help an exercise below.

Exercise 1. It should be convenient to the network at the table in front of the mirror, hands propped his elbows on the table. Along the hair growth zone placed fingers, with which should be carefully put off the skin of the forehead to the top. Then the skin was slowly lowered into the starting position to the "4" is repeated - three times.

2. Exercise as quickly and widely open and close your eyes. Exercise is repeated 10 times.

Exercise 3. From the center of the forehead skin is the forefingers allocated towards the temples. When the rest of the muscles exercises persons must remain motionless.

Nontraditional methods of struggle

Deep wrinkles: how to remove wrinkles on the forehead

Understand how to remove wrinkles on the forehead, is possible by means of folk remedies that have a competent application at high efficiency. They are safe, easy to use and useful.

  1. Dry skin makes wrinkles more pronounced. If you drink the proper amount of water per day, the education factor will immediately become null and void. Women advised to drink at least 1600 ml per day.
  2. Honey and banana substance against wrinkles. Banana frays into mush and mixed with honey. The mask is applied on the forehead and held for about 30 minutes.
  3. An emulsion of grapefruit and rice flour. Every rice grain is ground into flour using a grinder. The resulting powder was thoroughly mixed with grapefruit juice until a homogeneous emulsion. Tool is used to wipe the face, with a focus on the forehead.
  4. Grape mush. To mask of green grapes in a mortar is paste which is rubbed into the skin of the forehead in a circular motion.

Cosmetic anti-aging

Selection of any cosmetic products, including anti-aging, should be based on expert recommendations. Beautician determine skin type, will give the most effective tips on selection.

Deep wrinkles: how to remove wrinkles on the forehead
  1. nourishing cream. Regular application on the forehead nourishing creams will help restore elasticity, launches cell recovery processes, organizes protection from negative influences that trigger the appearance of early wrinkles.
  2. Moisturizing cream. It should be noted that a great addition to the moisturizing properties of the composition of minerals, antioxidants. Apply the substance is necessary twice a day. Humidification helps to remove wrinkles on the forehead.
  3. creams with SPF-factor. Such products will relieve the skin from ultraviolet radiation, which helps wrinkles grow from day to day, even in winter.

Injections Beauty

Achievements cosmetic industry can get rid of the hated borozdochek through special injections. The drug, for example, botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid, is injected under the skin to a depth which determines the master cosmetologist.

Deep wrinkles: how to remove wrinkles on the forehead

injections differ in the way of exposure.

  1. The drug is deliberately introduced into the skin fold. The active substance literally pushes irregularities. Moreover, even very deep vertical forehead wrinkles disappear, if properly use all possible injections.
  2. The second type of beauty shots to lock the connection between the muscles and nerve endings. The drug is effective, but requires repeated treatments.

physiognomy, or wrinkles on the forehead. What are display data

As much as we might wish to remove wrinkles on the forehead, they have their own specific value. Open up the question of why the wrinkles on the forehead, what these hard-hitting grooves helps to a science, as the physiognomy.

Deep wrinkles: how to remove wrinkles on the forehead
  • If in the middle of the forehead goes one deep horizontal groove, it indicates a noble life. From early childhood, such people succeed in everything.
  • If the number of horizontal wrinkles comes to three, it tells the story of literary talent and human propensity to artistry.
  • A large arc, formed by three solid lines, gives a man with a large circle of friends, respected and very popular.

How do I get rid of wrinkles on the forehead with the help of cosmetic acupuncture

Acupuncture is often used as an additional technique that allows to remove the furrows on his forehead. Such exposure is also called acupuncture facelift. It helps to remove:

  • wrinkles formed by facial expressions of live;
  • the deep wrinkles on the forehead (of old age);
  • sagging facial tissues.

The procedure is not only effective, but also differs completely painless. acupuncture master at work uses ultra-thin gold needle. Experts warn that it is not trivial impact on the active points of acupuncture, the needle becomes a magic tool that helps to draw new shapes, attractiveness and return the former beauty.

Deep wrinkles: how to remove wrinkles on the forehead

This method of getting rid of deep wrinkles on the forehead can be an excellent alternative to Botox and plastic surgery.

Aesthetic Surgery

Surgery - this is quite a radical method to deal with the external manifestations of aging. But, unfortunately, there are situations where help could only plastic face. Operations are not conducted exclusively on the forehead, captured the entire front area. That is why, if the aesthetic appearance depriving only the wrinkles on the forehead to get rid of them in other ways - more pressing question.

Massage spoons

Vertical wrinkles on the forehead, which had not yet had time to acquire a greater depth can be removed with the help of massage with spoons. To work need two teaspoons, one of which is cooled, and the second - is heated. This is easily done with the help of appropriate water temperature. Products quickly obsushivayut towel bulge smeared baby cream.

Chilled spoon superimposed on the base of the nose for 5 seconds with slight pressure, then it is smoothly transferred upward. Similar manipulations are carried out with a warm spoon. Work is carried out systematically, with three repetitions. During the massage, the spoons repeatedly heated and cooled, so that the procedure did not lose effect.