Myths about the weapons formed the cinema

• Myths about weapons formed cinema

Gun, from which you can make 32 shots, it seems strange even to a child. However, there is much more less noticeable "assumptions" in the film, who allow themselves to directors unknowingly issue or in order to achieve artistic entertainment and passions.

Myths about the weapons formed the cinema

1. Silencer makes a shot silent

Myths about the weapons formed the cinema

It is often in the movie can be seen as a silencer on the weapon makes it virtually silent shots. In fact it is not. On average, a shot from a gun makes a sound volume of 140-160 decibels. Most mufflers would cut this figure to 120-130 decibels. It is not very large and noticeable difference, especially when shooting indoors. Shot becomes muted and will not damage your hearing, but no more. Much more important is that the silencers hide the flame and improve the accuracy of fire. At the same time, they change the balance of weapons and create a lot of smoke.

2. Turn infinity

Myths about the weapons formed the cinema

The cartridges in the movies usually end only when the scene should take place "fervent massacre" between the protagonist and the villain. Against this background, a very funny look long queues of firearms. The fact that modern automatic weapons, "spits" bullets very quickly. Roy death on average up to 700 shots per minute. So, M4 in the normal store 30 cartridges, which are shot in the automatic mode in about 4 seconds. With AK-74 a similar story. Ammunition of the most modern motorized infantry with rifles is 210 rounds. To the execution of such a set in a fighter (for cinema standards) would take less than a minute.

Note: on the one killed or wounded soldiers during the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had an average of 250 thousand issued bullets.

3. The body armor protects me

Myths about the weapons formed the cinema

In the movie Kevlar "armor" makes a person hardly immune to firearms. In fact it is not, or not quite true. Firstly, a lot depends on the class of used body armor and bullets that what it gets. Also, the distance between the shooter and target. Most types of armor can hardly protect against a shot from an assault rifle. On getting into the abutment and can not speak.

Also do not forget that the body armor "catches" a bullet in Kevlar, but it actually does not extinguish its energy. In other words, getting a bullet in the body armor, even a pistol - it is very painful. Often the "serious" gauges do not try leaving bruises and even break bones. However, better than a hole in the meat and hlyschuschaya blood.

4. cocked allows you to shoot

Myths about the weapons formed the cinema

Click the trigger - this is the best way to express the seriousness of their intent to the movies! Charming myth, given to us by westerns. In fact, clicking does not mean anything, especially the fact that the weapon is ready to fire. Finish it was before. Trigger - a hammer, after which the shutter cocking performs a reciprocating movement by the spring and strikes the primer. Last time the trigger required to hand weapons platoon in the days of the Wild West.

5. Boom Boom

Myths about the weapons formed the cinema

bullet Contact with any part of the vehicle is guaranteed to turn it into a flaming torch. Of course not. Although some chance trigger an explosion in the fuel tank or gas cylinders have except tracer ammunition, with the proviso that in the tank will be a lot of combustible vapors.

With tanks, drums, cans (and all other vessels), the situation is about the same, but the likelihood of explosion still exists here. So check yourself on the gas cylinder with the grandfather's hunting rifle, of course, it is not necessary.