9 things that will make meals healthier

The key to good nutrition in a situation where you do not have much time for lunch - not only what ingredients you use, but how they store and prepare. Today, we have gathered the items that are essential if you plan to cook for a few days and take food with them to work.

1. Medlennovarka

9 things that will make meals healthier

The last thing you want to do after a busy day - spend a few hours at the stove. But if you acquire special equipment for preparing complex dishes, it will help you prepare healthy meals without spending a lot of time. All you need - to cut the ingredients and put them in a pot before work. Six hours of cooking does not seem such a horror, because you do not even need to control the process, but on arrival home you can enjoy a hot and nutritious soup.

2. Storage box green

There is nothing that enhances the taste of food, like fresh grass, but the rosemary, basil and even dill can easily go bad before you, in principle, to proceed to cooking. There is a simple way to stop spending money on food, most of which you throw away - to purchase a special container, which gives plants the opportunity to absorb moisture and maintain their properties.

3. Portable container

9 things that will make meals healthier

In some women there is a bias against containers that people take with them to the office - allegedly they can only be stored blurred buckwheat burgers and overcooked. It is better to have lunch in the restaurant - because then you'll have a stylish frame for storiz. Popular misconceptions can hurt and your nutrition - because the restaurant is always a temptation to take what does not fit your diet and your budget. Choose a container that itself can be a great decoration for your table. Look for dishes with different sections to take with them not only the main dish, but also cut pieces of fruits, nuts and bread. Watch to ensure that it remains compact - you do not need so much food in grams, as correctly calculated calorie content.

4. Portable cutlery

For those who care about the environment, the use of plastic dishes must be a real taboo. Alternatively, you can use a light wooden fixtures or a dense silicon devices. They are easy to wash, even if not immediately able to soak after a meal, and usually they come in a compact container that will not take up much space in your bag.

5. Compact oil dispenser

9 things that will make meals healthier

If you do not want your salad has lost its freshness, it is not necessary to refuel before proceeding to dinner. To do this, you need to use a compact bottle of olive oil or any other sauce which you cook yourself. You can store it directly in the office and be sure that you will be able to diversify the taste of any dish without having to ketchup, mayonnaise or any other common and extremely undesirable dressing.

6. Thermo

Even if your workplace does not have a microwave or refrigerator, you can save your food temperature for a few hours. To do this, you need a special Thermo foil of a material that retains a fresh lunch.

7. Baking

9 things that will make meals healthier

A healthy diet means that you will be much more bake, fry than food, so it pays to invest in special equipment for the baking. First of all check the status of their trays and head of several different categories of products. Some may be suitable for roasting vegetables, while others - for roasted fruit and vegetarian cooking chips. Give preference to silicone baking trays that do not require constant use of foil, as well as lubricating oil.

8. Silicone steam Case

Those who are experiencing that eating few vegetables, it makes sense to consider buying a special silicone cover for glassware. It can even be used in a microwave, to only 5 minutes to bake broccoli, zucchini or green beans.

9. A bottle of lemonade

9 things that will make meals healthier

Most of the sugar that you consume per day - can come from beverages, which do you prefer to drink when you go out of the house. Proper nutrition does not include soft drinks, so in advance should take care of is to make home-made lemonade. Use a few lemons, pieces of fruit and sugar substitute and get the maximum benefit from vitamin drinks that perfectly quench thirst.