Exercises for quadriceps girls: features and recommendations

You thought that the legs are too fat, compared with the upper part of the body? Kind of perfect buttocks and legs of Demi Moore in the movie "Striptease" continues to haunt even in my dreams? So, it's time to go back to back down. More precisely, squatting, because, as said one of the outstanding athletes, "Squats - this is the gift of God."

Exercises for quadriceps girls: features and recommendations

Difficulties in the elaboration of course there are, but they are all quite solved even at home, the main thing - carefully and work on a free gram of laziness and schlock. Any impact on the muscles, especially the deep "pumping" quadriceps thigh implies adherence to the rules and recommendations of the exercise the coach (or another reliable source).

Some of the anatomy of the hip

Quadriceps, or quadriceps, is one of the largest muscles of the human body, and it consists of four beams (why, actually, and is named). It:

  • rectus - the longest of the entire group, is located on top of the other and gives a nice rounded look hip, notable for the fact that it is not attached to the femur
  • lateral - forms the hip side, helps to straighten the knee
  • The medial wide - creates an inner part, especially spectacular in the roundness of the tribe
  • Intermediate broad - is between the lateral and medial, partially hiding them

quadriceps muscle is responsible for maintaining the body in a stable upright position, bend the leg at the hip joint and is involved in the crook of the knee, as well as being the antagonist muscle hamstring. Quadriceps together with the gluteal muscles - is a source of pride of any girl engaged in sports.

The combined effects gives the best result

For maximum effect, it is worth thinking about good nutrition, and if there is a goal to increase the amount of muscle - then get hooked on foods rich in protein, while not forgetting to take enough fiber for intestinal function properly. Beauty - it's good, but health is more important than ever!

Do not ignore the warm-up!

For a qualitative impact on the quadriceps is very important good kardiorazminka whole body: the muscles will be more obedient, manageable, and develop further, which in turn, will pay off a beautiful shape and powerful functionality.

Exercises for quadriceps girls: features and recommendations

To warm up the muscles you can use a treadmill, jump rope or regular aerobic movements to your taste: the main thing that the body is well warmed up and made easy perspiration. But peretruzhdaetsya themselves - it's just the beginning, and the main forces still come in handy.

A set of exercises with weights for muscle growth

The most powerful ways of influencing the thigh quadriceps girls are very simple - it is terrific basic exercises: squats, lunges and leg presses different.

Squats - a universal method for the thighs, and buttocks, it would be foolish to ignore it. Feet are placed in a comfortable position: wider or narrower line of the shoulders, but the feet are parallel. An important aspect: the spine should be kept straight and the knees behind the line of stop do not go forward. The squat is performed at a slow pace, you need to lower the thigh parallel to the floor (below you should not, or will be transferred knees) and exhale while straightening the legs. In this case, if the feet are narrower than shoulder - running over the lateral muscle, and if more - the medial. The rod is located on the shoulders, also possible to work in the rack.

Exercises for quadriceps girls: features and recommendations

Run extension feet on the simulator should abstain remember that the girls do not get involved too much weight, so as not to hurt your knees. Be sure to make sure that the knee in extension legs did not favor the foot, but the leg must be straightened completely. Tightly fix the pelvis, hamstring and back, isolating work the quadriceps. You can also use options with a turn socks inside and out. Muscle similar operation occurs at the bench legs in the supine position.

Performing lunges (forward, back and front), in all cases it is important to monitor the position of the knees (they must not go beyond the line of the foot) and the spine (do not bend your back arch, head straight). In a frontal lunge step is done diagonally to the side with a slight forward lean body. When lunges forward - backward bending angle of the knee in both legs should be 90 degrees.

Each exercise in the thigh quadriceps repeated at least 25-30 times in each set, all sets - 3-4. Inflate the quadriceps thigh - it is quite simple, this muscle can be easily exposed, especially with the use of weights.

The options for "drying"

To reduce the hips classic is always perfect! Countless attacks options, sit-ups and jumping proven for a long time - is acceptable to choose and to act. Also good sprints and running up the stairs (provided that you have a healthy knees).


After each session, do not neglect stretching - this will avoid the "oppression" of muscles and tendons. Why do it? If you do not, then compacted tissues are broken blood and lymph circulation, resulting in swelling and slagging. Swelling in the thigh quadriceps girls highly undesirable - congestion can be transmitted to the pelvic organs and cause disruption of the urogenital system.

Exercises for quadriceps girls: features and recommendations

To stretch this muscle there are some simple exercises:

  • Standing on one leg, bend the knee in the second, giving the heel to the buttocks and pelvis slightly tucked under him.
  • Standing on one knee, lean hand on the floor or a chair and the other to bend the other leg heel to buttock, while trying to lower the lower pelvis and is no slouch. The angle of the knee, standing in front, must not leave the toe.
  • On his knees, lower pelvis between the heels on the floor, being careful not to raise the hips to the side. Gently put your elbows on the floor behind your hips, if possible - to go to the blades on the floor, tightly clutching her knees to the floor line and pushing the pubic bone to the navel.

Recommendations trainers

Girls just starting to work with your body, naively believe that the more classes - the goal will be achieved faster. This erroneous judgment has not without foundation.

Exercises for quadriceps girls: features and recommendations

quadriceps muscles are big enough, so no need to get involved in frequent workouts - just one week, but the quality and the powerful, or the fibers will not be able to fully recover, and therefore will not give the desired result. If there is no fatigue in the muscles - you finalizes training.

All muscle fibers are divided into fast and slow, it is important to consider when forming a relief, therefore, to the violent methods it is necessary to add cardio, but do not combine them into one workout (not to be confused full employment and heating).

Thus, you'll have two workouts for the thighs a week eg Monday - cardio and Thursday or Friday - power.

Be feminine!

Unfortunately, in the pursuit of forms, some women are so addicted to that in a fit of fanaticism pumped to the body, making it masculine. This is especially pronounced in too muscular arms, trapezius muscle and heavy quadriceps.

Exercises for quadriceps girls: features and recommendations

These women in dresses look very unattractive and rough, and thin straps only reinforce the impression. Therefore, the process of employment should be treated appropriately and in moderation, so as not to turn into a mountain of muscle. After all, what is beautiful for a man, is not always appropriate for a woman. Its true beauty - in smooth curves. But not to be confused soft and jelly-like state of loose bodies of some opponents of sports. Extremes in body yet no one did honor.