How to build leg at home? How to build calves on their feet

Often you can see men with well-developed shoulder girdle and hands, and weak legs - they are called athletes trouser type. massive muscle groups, for the development of which required a lot of energy is in the lower extremities. If you are interested in how to pump up the legs to the man, remember - will have to train long and hard, regardless of whether it will happen in the gym or at home. Especially difficult for those who have these muscles are not genetically predisposed to growth.

How to build leg at home? How to build calves on their feet

A little anatomy

leg muscles in bodybuilding is conventionally divided into two groups: the muscles of the thigh and shin. The first group includes the hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes and adductors, the second - the triceps (gastrocnemius, soleus), and tibialis anterior.

Bigger and stronger quadriceps - the quadriceps - located on the front surface of the thigh. It consists of a straight, broad medial, lateral broad and wide intermediate. Due to the quads, we unbend knee.

Hamstrings (the biceps muscle), is at the back of the thigh, it consists of long and short heads. Its main function - bending your knees. In addition, he assigns his leg behind his back when bending forward with gluteal extends the torso, and one of its task - the rotation of the lower leg with a bent knee. Adductor muscles are on the inner thighs. Their purpose - to bring the thigh to the central axis of the body.

How to build leg at home? How to build calves on their feet

With the help of the gluteus maximus we attach foot back, straighten the trunk and drives the hip joint.

Drumstick consists of a set of muscles. In bodybuilding focuses on the tibialis anterior and triceps shin. Tibialis anterior is to the front and side parts of the lower leg, with her help, we move the fingers in the direction of the knee. Triceps include the gastrocnemius and the soleus. Wide calf muscle has two heads and promotes folding legs. Under gastrocnemius soleus is flat, involves work in flexion of the knee.

Features home workout

Learning at Home have disadvantages, and dignity. On the downside is especially true that the training at any time delay or miss because of laziness inherent in almost all people. The main plus is that you do not need to spend money and valuable time on the road.

Exercises at home can not be compared with the training in the hall, and in the latter case, the effect will be much more noticeable. However, this does not mean that the home can not achieve results. But be aware, discipline must be iron. Everyone who is interested in how to pump up the legs at home for a week, need to understand that this is not possible. The desired result will take much more time.

Training leg muscles

For playing at home necessarily require dumbbells, who have a bar or dumbbells - very good. For the legs of commonly used basic exercises that give the best result. It squats, deadlifts classic, Deadlift on straight legs, and lunges. The main advantage of the basic exercises is that they are loaded with the largest amount of muscle, that is, per unit of time can do the most intensive work, and the body receives during recovery after a workout anabolic, or muscle growth.

The basic principles of employment

How to build leg at home? How to build calves on their feet

Depending on the individual legs can be trained along with other muscle groups, or set aside for this special day. There are a number of general principles which should be followed by performing leg exercises during the recruitment of muscle mass. The optimum training if:

  • muscle during exercise in one approach is about 30-45 seconds;
  • the number of repetitions - from 10 to 12;
  • the total number of approaches for the entire workout - from 12 to 15;
  • Rest between sets - about 2-3 minutes.

Everyone who wants to know how to pump up the legs at home should remember that muscle mass you need to work out a set maximum. Of course, on a full recovery, but it is pretty slow, as the legs as compared to other muscles get while exercising the greatest stress. The best option - to spend from one workout per week to three in two weeks.

leg muscles quickly become accustomed to the load, so the weight must be chosen so as to carry out an approach to failure. The number of repetitions for the hips - 8-10, shin - 10-15.

How to build leg muscles without proper nutrition? It is clear that this is impossible. During bulking need food high calorie content. In addition, it should be high-quality products, which include all the necessary elements. It is important to not just count calories, but to comply with their dosage for the reception. These products include chicken breasts, whole-grain cereals, low-fat (but not low-fat) dairy products, vegetables, fruit, fish. Power must be supplied every three hours approximately equal portions.

All who are interested in how to pump up the legs at home, have to remember that muscles grow during rest, so it is important to plan it. If the rest is energy cost, the full recovery will not happen, their growth will be slowed down.

Of great importance is a genetic predisposition to the growth of muscles. If the legs respond well to load, you can train them with other muscles, and even at the end of classes. Quite a different situation from those who by nature are skinny legs. How to build them in this case? It is recommended to conduct a special course for the legs lasting 6-8 weeks. During this period it is necessary to do intensive pumping of the lower limbs and to limit the burden on other muscles.

squat technique

Technique is very important when performing squats, otherwise there will be the result, moreover, there is a danger of injury. To avoid damage, it is necessary to do a warm-up to improve the elasticity of the ligaments and joints. All who are interested in how to pump up the legs at home should learn the following rules:

  1. How to build leg at home? How to build calves on their feet

    The feet are not recommended to put a wider shoulders, longer or better shoulder-width apart.

  2. During the squats back should be the floor 45 degrees, but not less than, or greater will be loaded back, not feet.
  3. At the bottom of the movement the thigh should be parallel to the floor. The lower the squat, the more loaded the gluteal muscles.
  4. The heels off the floor not to tear. If not, put under them stand about two centimeters in height.

should start doing sit-ups in three sets of 10-15 repetitions, weight dumbbells for men - 8-15 kg each.

Squats can be performed with a barbell on your shoulders. Another embodiment - one or dumbbell with weight held between the legs. The stronger deployed while socks, the more loaded inner thigh muscles. During the exercise should work mainly legs, it is not recommended strongly tilted back.

Deadlift with dumbbells

This is one of the basic exercises, without which it can not do. For its implementation need to stand up straight, keep the dumbbells in front of thighs lowered hands. Socks slightly dissolve in hand. Lean forward, keep your back straight, lower the dumbbells below the knee. The pelvis is a little pull back, knees bent. Then return to the starting position. Head all the time to keep in line with the spine.


How to build leg at home? How to build calves on their feet

Exercise great load gluteal muscles. Stand straight, dumbbells in the lowered hands on hips side. Right foot well to step forward and take a seat to the right thigh parallel to the floor, knee at the same time should not go for the socks. The knee of the supporting leg should be almost touching the floor. Slowly return to the original position, with emphasis on the right heel. Repeat with the other leg. You can not do a push jerk lifting of the supporting leg. When lifting body does not tilt forward for ease of lifting. To maintain balance, the feet should be placed not on the same line, and slightly to the side. The severity of the body as much as possible is transferred to the front foot. One should try to sit as low as possible. To complicate the exercise, it is recommended to put your front foot on the hill. This will provide an opportunity to go down below and harder to stretch the buttock. On each leg to do 10-15 repetitions in three approaches, dumbbell weight - 5.10 kg each.

Zashagivanie on the bench

This activity is well suited for home training. The height of the bench should be such that when lifting the leg up knee was slightly higher than the hip joint.

Stand straight, dumbbells in the lowered hands along the thighs. Right foot to put on a bench and move her body weight. Climb onto the support force of the right leg, left knee to make a move from the waist up, and then make the return movement of the knee and get off the bench. Remove the right foot from a support and take the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

Zashagivaniya are complete and incomplete. In the first case, both feet are placed on the bench, if incomplete - the second leg is in the air. Full zashagivanie easier to perform, since the working leg is unloaded when the second put on the bench, so it is recommended to increase the weight. At partial load is all on one leg, and fatigue above.

Make 10-15 times each leg in three approaches, dumbbell weight - 7-10 kg each.

Squat on one leg

Prepare a chair, stand back to him, a dumbbell in the lowered hands on the sides of the thighs. Left leg back to start and put the rise at the seat of the chair. Keep your head straight, eyes directed forward. Slowly bending your right knee, squat as long as there is not a working leg thigh parallel to the floor. Then stand with a force straightening the bent leg and leaning on the heel. Corpus keep straight ahead and not lower.

How to build calves on their feet

Any seasoned bodybuilder confirm that the calf - this is the most stubborn muscle, very hard-to training. It is compounded by the fact that they are back, and they are not visible in the mirror. For this reason, they often forget about even experienced athletes, as a result they are chronically underload, while the calves with the need to work up to the pain and burning sensation. As they say experienced athletes, "bomb, bomb and bomb," with a maximum weight and a high concentration, or they did not break through. If there is no pain, then all efforts in vain. To learn how to pump up the legs for a week, it may not be out of the question, especially when it comes to the calf. They are well loaded in daily life, so in order to make them grow, you need hard work.

How to build leg at home? How to build calves on their feet

The secret inflating calf is regular and persistent training, as well as to the correctness of the program.

And now directly about how to pump up the eggs on their feet at home. No special equipment for training is not required - just dumbbells, if there is - bar. A long list of exercises does not exist. Only two of them - to climb on your toes while sitting and standing. Exercise these unequal and train different muscle groups. Ups from standing pumped calf, from a sitting position - soleus.

Often newcomers raises the question of how to pump up the eggs on their feet and put both feet: parallel, toes apart or together? Most athletes agree that the legs statement does not affect the result. The best option is considered to be posing the feet parallel to each other, and if the socks are directed to the sides or inside, there may be injuries of the knee or hip.

As for the amplitude, the muscles will grow faster than it is, that is, it should go up on the toes as high as possible and try to lower the heels as low as possible.

Experts recommend doing first ascents from a standing position, and then later sitting. For variety, you can change the order of about once every two weeks or a month.

It is best to do the exercises for the calf at the beginning of lessons, but not at the end. Some offer a "bomb" them into a single day for 40 minutes.

Performing exercises

As already mentioned, the exercises are only two - the rise on your toes while sitting and standing. In a second embodiment, there are two varieties - ups on one leg (more efficient) and at two. Now about how to pump up the legs:

  1. Take a dumbbell in your right hand, stand in support, holding it with his left hand. Right leg straight, bend your left knee. Rise on the toes as high as possible through the power of the gastrocnemius muscle. Held in this position for about 3 seconds, followed by dipping. Repeat 20 times to do the same with the other leg, and so - three sets. For best results, put the socks on a support (a thick book, bar), and then try to drop the heel as low as possible. Exercise can also be performed on two legs, taking in each hand dumbbell. The main burden is on the calf, the secondary - the soleus.
  2. To sit down on the bench with a smooth surface, the feet at the same time should be bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Socks to put on a thick book or bar. The distance between the feet - about 30 cm to put any load on the knees.. This will be the starting position. Now as low as possible to try to lower the heel and then the maximum push and make socks upward movement. The lower and upper points linger for several seconds. This exercise involves mainly the soleus muscle, secondary load - on the calf.

In order to form a beautiful shin suitable running. He helps to reduce body fat, and it gives the calves the necessary relief. In the apartment you can walk on tiptoes and jumping rope.

How to build leg at home? How to build calves on their feet

For the tibialis anterior

Working on the calves, athletes often forget about the outside of the lower leg - the tibialis anterior muscle, which enlarges the leg. For its training need to get up on the bar with his heels, then lower the wear as low as possible and pick them up. There must be a sensation of tension in the muscles of the front of the shins. Perform 20-30 times in the approach.


Now you have an idea of ​​how to pump up the legs at home. To achieve this, one must not only regularly and properly train and eat, but also to do it with pleasure.