A few words about the esoteric sciences

A few words about the esoteric sciences

We can say that spirituality is as old as the world. Translated from the Greek "ezoterikoj" means "inner" and "personal". As a rule, supporters and creators directly esotericism see its origins from the time of Jesus Christ. Esoteric means "elected", and that such people could trust sacred knowledge. They had to keep a secret even under fear of torture or death penalty. Today we tell you about some of the most common esoteric knowledge that there is still actively practiced by the so-called witches, psychics and witches chiromantists.

The esoteric knowledge. Palmistry

A few words about the esoteric sciences

esoteric knowledge quite a lot, and all of them are filled with hidden meaning that could comprehend not everyone. One such exercise is considered to be palmistry. It is one of the oldest sciences, which can help a person to come to know something, and to reveal the secret brought in the future. Even in ancient times, the sages compared the knowledge of the man himself with his drawing on the hands, and this way emerged the very first hand of divination.

The destiny of man is in his hands

A few words about the esoteric sciences

As early as the time of Aristotle, when just beginning to emerge, palmistry, people began to understand that as facial emotions displayed, and on the hands appear happy or sad events in human life. Lines on the palm - is not nothing but a fate card that person the right to change throughout life. Every action or a decision could change the fate and respectively lines on the palm. Thanks to palmistry, not only can "read" the lines on the palm, but also, if you carefully examine the shape of the fingers, the nails and the width of a man's hand, his character can learn more, temperament, habits and hobbies.

Palmistry today

A few words about the esoteric sciences

Guessing on the arm or the "palmistry" in our time is becoming more popular. It makes it possible to find the right answers to the questions that have long worried about the choice of profession, the compatibility of people and can prevent future disease. Hands always experienced the influence of various emotional states that are able to recognize the lines on the palm pilot chiromantists.

A few words about the esoteric sciences

Palmistry is taking place in our time, as, for example, the same forecast. Indeed, meteorologists based on known facts can predict snow, rain or sun. We can say that, does the same, and the palmist. He compares the line on human palm with a certain shape, and on this basis makes a conclusion about the nature of the characteristics, hobbies, habits and can even predict future events in a person's life. To date, such a practice to know the future is quite popular. In addition, there is a huge number of different sites on the Internet that can predict the fate of your online, many psychics and chiromantists also practice this occupation on people who want to learn their fate.


A few words about the esoteric sciences

Also, as the lines on the hand of man, through such esoteric knowledge as numerology, man, thanks to the day of his birth, could learn their fate. It is extremely important to learn how to understand and apply the gift that is given to us from above. Do you think that is why, 7 days a week? In fact, it is connected with astrology. As the planets in the universe 7, and at 7 days a week. Every day is tied to a particular planet and the deity, and if you follow the logic of astrology, each day of the week, soak them in force. Many scientists agree that the juxtaposition of the planets and days of the week applies to approximately 1 century AD. Each day of the week is associated with a particular Scandinavian or Roman god.

A few words about the esoteric sciences

If you look at the numerology in the scientific sense, that most scientists do not believe that the figures at any side effect on human life. From this it follows that numerology - it's pretty unreliable science. Two experiments were conducted in order to verify certain numerological methods, and they all showed a negative result. The first was held in the UK in 1993 and the second in Israel in 2012. In the second experiment, there were 200 participants and one numerologist. The experiment was carried out twice, but the results were false