The best exercises for pectoral muscles

Regardless of the age of any man would love to have a strong and beautiful body. Particularly acute is the desire to feel during the summer holidays at the beach and at the sight of those who are constantly doing exercises on the pectoral muscles. Powerful biceps - this is certainly good, but not the main thing. The first thing that catches your eye in a muscular male body - big and inflated chest.

The best exercises for pectoral muscles

Nowadays, many are making money for the most part with his intellect, not physical labor, so you need to self-train the muscles of the chest. Exercises for this purpose is different and they vary in their effectiveness. Before many the question arises as to which one to choose, so that with the least time-consuming to achieve tangible results. We hope that this article will help you make the most appropriate set of exercises.

A little anatomy

Before you decide and choose the best exercises for chest muscles, you should figure out how and why we will train them. From this will largely depend on the outcome of our efforts. The structure of the chest muscles include:

  1. The serratus anterior muscle.
  2. Small pectoral muscle.
  3. , pectoral muscle, which is divided into three parts: the bottom, top and middle.

The largest portion of the breast - it is just its lower portion. It largely depends on the total mass of the muscles of the body, but because of his training is to do in the first place. To increase breast volume be sure to include in your set of these exercises to the chest muscles, like a dumbbell bench press, bench press with a bridge and dips. Achieve the best effect is usually between the ages of 14 to 20 years, when the cartilage can be easily stretched due to its plasticity. In addition to the pectoralis major muscle, there is a small. It begins at the edges and is secured to the coracoid outgrowth blade. It is responsible for the convexity of the breast, but because it is also necessary to train. To do this, perform the following exercises for pectoral muscles: barbell bench press and dips.

The best exercises for pectoral muscles

Finally, the serratus anterior muscle. They are located in the side of the chest. Their main function - to move your shoulders forward and down. Special exercises for pectoral muscles, serratus anterior is developing, no. They are involved in virtually every form of exercise for back, deltoid and pectoral muscles. Tips & Tricks

If you prefer to do the exercises for pectoral muscles at home, be sure to include in your set of push-ups. And if not far from the house there is a horizontal bar, try pulling a narrow grip. It is very useful for the development of the broad bottom, gear and shoulder muscles. Instead of the bar you can buy any of your favorite dumbbell. Here, as they say, all individually. In bench press dumbbells lying one important advantage: Compared with the barbell, they allow you to do a large range of motion, and it contributes to a better stretching of the large muscles of the chest. Not less effective breeding them in hand.

The best exercises for pectoral muscles

This exercise should also be done in the supine position. In addition to breast enhancement, it increases the lungs and makes muscles more elastic. The best frequency of classes - every four or five days. During one training session is sufficient to perform one to three basic exercises for pectoral muscles. It is recommended to do 2-3 sets and 8-12 reps.