Proponents of open carry weapons

• Supporters wearing open arms

In California, the open carrying of firearms is permitted and is not a crime. Despite the protests of some Californians, the recent decision of the Supreme Court affirmed the immutability of the law.

We offer you a photo report about the active supporters of the law, prepared by the magazine "Time".

Proponents of open carry weapons

"My heart trembled a bit when I first appeared in public with weapons", - said Jane Cushman. "I entered the store, picked itself foods and began to turn to the cashier. I know the people saw that I had a gun, but no one said anything. "

Proponents of open carry weapons

Activists organized special meetings to other gun owners more aware of their rights. "We want a gun on his belt was seen normally in society, such as a pager or cell phone," - says Jerry Jung (pictured with his son).

Proponents of open carry weapons

"We have a high crime rate", - says Julie Weiss. "As a nurse, I often bring patients to narcotic drugs. I need a good defense. "

Proponents of open carry weapons

The proponents of open carrying of weapons collected in a cafe in the town of Antioch, California. They believe that the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees them the right to keep and bear arms. And not a single court has no right to change it.

Proponents of open carry weapons

Two supporters of open carry weapons at the spa in the town of Fremont, California.

Proponents of open carry weapons

biological College student Edward Kasuga takes the gun only when going to get cash from an ATM. "Sometimes I see gloomy and strange glances, but many people simply do not notice," - he says.

Proponents of open carry weapons

A resident of the town of Vallejo in California concerned by recent invasions of homes in your area. "Pistol need for protection, particularly for older people. I'm not trying to be a policeman, "- he said.

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