How to deal with cases, if you have Attention Deficit Disorder

In adults with attention deficit disorder can cause almost more trouble than in children, because of the inability to focus, the propensity to impulsive actions and inability to follow a plan that significantly interferes with the working process. What is remarkable: in principle, women rarely put this diagnosis, writing off all of the symptoms of gender differences and idiosyncrasies.

The problem in the cycle: for ADHD do not get to be organized, but the more chaos going on around you, the harder it is to collect your thoughts and focus. Fortunately, it is possible to break and without medical treatment - just to learn some useful habits. Heroine gathered key steps that will help you cope with impulsiveness, restlessness and inability to bring the case before the end due to attention deficit disorder.

How to deal with cases, if you have Attention Deficit Disorder

puts a limit of 15 minutes

The simplest strategy that will help you to deal with ADHD - establish small time intervals to solve problems. Some propose to introduce a barrier in the form of a magic circle: your arms to the side and imagine that all around you a protective circle from which it is not necessary to go the whole 15 minutes. For example, if you wash the dishes or to clean up in the closet, start on this small gap and did not move on until the problem is resolved or until after 15 minutes.

Write down ideas in a notebook

For all the interesting and useful ideas that come into your head, the head of a separate notebook. Write it down in it all the information that may be useful without thinking about everything to be organized in a certain way. Write shopping lists, Wishlists, ideas for business, the quotes that you liked, people contacts - so at least you can be sure that nothing will be lost.

Establishments planner

People often underestimate the power of a simple scheduler.

Effective, consistent planning system - a strategy number one for better organizing, prioritizing and time management.

- Lori Duparc, a certified trainer on ADHD

Use a large pad on the rings or bullet journal to not only plan your tasks for the week, month and year, but also save important Stickers, notes and checks in one place.

How to deal with cases, if you have Attention Deficit Disorder


Put small goals

Do not try to get out of the house at once, if you know that you do not have enough time to finish. Instead, start at one corner and organize space in it so long until you're ready to move on to the next. Suppose that in your room will be cleaned not all - the key is to get rid of the chaos.

are laying more time to solve the problem

The most common reason why you're not finished until the end of the task, - you do not have enough time. Try to introduce a new rule for myself: to estimate how much you need to finish the job, and multiply that times two.

Applies stickers

Electronic copies its schedule on the bright colorful paper and hang on the most prominent place. Use stickers to write a to-do list for the next few hours, and be sure to delete all that you've done.

Get creative reminders - use them not just for work tasks but also of the home, which require special attention. For example, that you need to call an electrician or over the counter pain medication, which comes to an end.

How to deal with cases, if you have Attention Deficit Disorder

Settings bank accounts

Get rid of the need to regularly think about for any accounts you still need to pay. Avtoplatezhi mood for your phone, considering the average cost of public services in a particular season and set monthly payment. Purchase an annual subscription to the online service instead of monthly, as well as to install a special reminder that every month you would sit for counting the costs.

ruthlessly throw out as many things can be

The more things you have, the harder you have organized - because you constantly have little space, but a lot of clothes, dishes and cleaning.

Coaches working with people suffering from ADHD often used radical methods, collecting most of the client's clothes and advising her to give to charity. Some offer inviolable choose one category, such as books or shoes, and help get rid of the rest. Are you sure you want so knickknacks on the shelves, or they just complicate your cleaning process?

Buy only the list

How to deal with cases, if you have Attention Deficit Disorder

impulse purchases - a common problem for people with ADHD. Lead continuous shopping list and never acquired anything that does not appear in it - even if the store attractive share. I saw a terrific chair? Write down its parameters, and then measure the space in your own apartment, to see if it will fit into the interior. Impulse purchases are not only aggravate the process of organizing the home, but also harmful to your wallet.

Meet the cognitive-behavioral therapy

People who are struggling with the symptoms of ADHD are faced with exactly the same factors as those who do not have this syndrome. However, not everyone can cope with stress and negative attitudes, and in some cases it makes sense to consider an appeal of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Usually it is a short course, which is aimed at changing negative attitudes and self-awareness.

Get rid of the chaos of the morning

To gather in the morning to work especially hard if you have ADHD. Try to do everything in the evening, especially if you do not live alone. Advance to prepare sandwiches or lunch containers, choose the clothes, pack things in a bag, put the phone, tablet and headphones for charging. You can even create a "launch pad" near the door, where you will put all the keys, sunglasses and a cream with SPF.

Do not try to prepare for all

One of the reasons why people with ADHD accumulate so many things, is that they are hoping that these items will help in an emergency. It may never come to pass, but for many years it takes place and prevents normal life. It is better to train your reaction and look for unconventional ways of solving problems than overstock in the years ahead.

How to deal with cases, if you have Attention Deficit Disorder

exercise regularly

We have already talked about the serious benefits of exercise for mental health. But doctors particularly recommend exercise to treat the symptoms of ADHD, as they help to improve concentration, memory and generally improve the structure and function of the brain.

is delegated to

If you often blame yourself that nothing do not have time, maybe you should realistically assess, and if you really must itself bear the brunt of it all. Delegating - not a sign of weakness, and the ability to properly assess their resources. personal assistant services are not as many as it seems, and you can easily hire cleaners, cooks before the big celebration, or even a personal accountant. Just one day off without the stress already help restore your peace of mind.

How do you deal with the inability to focus?