17 facts about vitamins that you might not know

In the summer at our disposal is far more useful products, rich in vitamins and minerals, but some of it may seem insufficient. Increased stress, irregular meals, lack of sunlight - all of these factors can reduce the amount of vitamins in your body. But there are several reasons why you need to worry about buying expensive complexes tablets. Heroine gathered a few important facts about vitamins that are worth knowing anyone who wants to feel better.

1. Most people do not need a multivitamin

17 facts about vitamins that you might not know

Even if you feel that you quickly get tired and your immune system is weakened - it does not mean that you necessarily need to take vitamins. Moreover, the daily intake of multivitamins do not reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attacks, so that they do not even make sense to take as a preventive measure.

2. Before you take pills, change diet

If you are really faced with a deficit, it does not mean that you should immediately start taking vitamin complexes. First of all, try to adjust your diet to get the vitamins naturally, because they so much better absorbed by the body. In addition, the food contains more vitamins and minerals than any complex set.

3. Vitamins from food increases the life expectancy of

The more you get vitamins through food or, in the case of vitamin D, through the sun, the more likely that you will live longer. But the correlation with the intake of vitamins in tablet form is not revealed - so that not all vitamins are a way to achieve longevity.

4. The different pellets can be different concentration of

17 facts about vitamins that you might not know

One of the main problems with vitamin supplements is that they are not subject to strict regulation by the FDA. Analyzes of popular vitamins show that the number on the label often does not match what is in the product, so bear in mind that you can theoretically get much less than they need.

5. Some vitamins may be less effective due to genetics

If we talk about artificial supplements, a new study published in the spring in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, found that people taking Vitamin E, show different results depending on the origin. Some of them were simply not prepared for the reception of additives, so that vitamins could not improve their condition. For other types of vitamins while similar discoveries were not, but they can easily appear in the future, as scientists plan to conduct additional research.

6. Vitamins do not affect the mental health of

Taking vitamin supplements does not help get rid of depression or reduce the risk of mental health problems. The scientists tested this theory a year, but still confirmed - vitamins do not reduce anxiety.

7. Vitamin D helps fight sunburn

17 facts about vitamins that you might not know

We get vitamin D, absorbing it through our skin, but a study conducted in 2017 showed that it can also be useful if you take it in the form of supplements soon after you burned. Anti-inflammatory action helps to reduce swelling and pain, so if you feel that the skin is flushed after a long stay in the sun, look for a cream with aloe and vitamins.

8. Vitamin D may help with pain in fibromyalgia

According to research conducted in 2014, women with fibromyalgia can use vitamin D to reduce the symptoms. The sample was small - only 30 women, but after 50 weeks of their level of pain decreased significantly.

9. Vitamins can improve fertility

If you're worried that you can not conceive a child, try to ask your physician about supplements with vitamin D. At the presentation of the European Congress of Endocrinology in 2017, it was suggested that it is possible to carry out some testing links between low vitamin D levels and fertility in men and women. If this relationship will be confirmed in more recent studies, vitamin D will be the easiest way to solve fertility problems.

10. It can also improve the intestinal microflora

17 facts about vitamins that you might not know

A study conducted in 2016 showed that in mice with metabolic syndrome supplements with vitamin D have a positive effect on the gut microbiome. This means that they have decreased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes, stroke and other diseases. It is not known whether this effect occurs in humans, but a study conducted in 2018 showed that about one third of American adults have metabolic syndrome, so that even such a discovery can be considered a breakthrough.

11. The vitamin D is not in your body If insufficient magnesium absorbed

All vitamins interact with each other, and a study conducted in 2018 showed that taking pills with vitamin D is useless if you are suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Make sure that your diet in order to present wheat bran, nuts and seeds, beans, green apples and lettuce.

12. Vitamin B helps with schizophrenia

Vitamins B, especially B5, and B12, this year recommended by doctors as a supplement to antipsychotic treatment for people with schizophrenia. Get rid of her vitamins may not, but they are able to reduce the symptoms, which greatly improves the quality of life of people with this disorder.

13. Excess vitamin C is real

17 facts about vitamins that you might not know

In some people high doses of vitamin C, for example, more than 2,000 or 3,000 mg. per day can cause diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, fatigue and insomnia. If you have liver problems or kidney disease, you need to control consumption without exceeding the figure of 1000 mg. To achieve this indicator can be tricky, but if you're in for a long time sitting on citrus diet or constant use of vitamin C in the form of tablets, the risk to bring your body more harm than good.

14. Most vitamins have opened women

Forget about the fact that women did not do serious scientific discoveries: Marguerite Davis discovered vitamin A in 1913, Kathryn Bishop - vitamin E in 1922. Lucy Wills was the same researcher who has studied the use of folic acid in the body of pregnant women.

15. The excess of vitamins increases the risk of premature death

17 facts about vitamins that you might not know

Before taking any supplement, you should undergo a special survey and discuss the tests with the therapist. Mayo Clinic found that people who take daily vitamins E and A, without having the medical conditions are at high risk of premature death. The same goes for beta-carotene, which is converted in the body into vitamin A.

16. Calcium is good for bones, but it has many side effects

The worst indicators for health when taking synthetic additives shows calcium. If it is receiving from the tablets instead of dairy or other foods, you increase the risk of kidney stones or problems with the cardiovascular system. At the same time, if you have health problems, because of which you can not get enough calcium in your body - the tablet will be the best option to maintain bone health.

17. In the future, the vitamins are much more difficult to

Now the main challenge facing researchers - to find new formulas that could help people with specific problems. To do this will involve genetic codes, unique microbes and bacteria, and other substances that help restore balance in the human body.

Do you take multivitamins or special vitamin supplements?