5 mistakes that can be tolerated in the use of melatonin

The International Association of sleep has estimated that about 30% of adults who regularly suffer from insomnia, and 37, 5% of respondents sleep less than seven hours a day - at a rate of eight. If this situation also affects you, and you have long been interested in the nutrients that should be added to the diet to stimulate the body, you probably already tried melatonin. This drug is more complicated than a simple sleeping pills, and although it can be purchased without a prescription, there is always a risk to commit a serious mistake at the reception. We've put together five of the most common mistakes that people who want to improve the quality of sleep using a special additive.

1. Do you think that this is an extraordinary means of

5 mistakes that can be tolerated in the use of melatonin

Melatonin - is not a sedative and sleeping pills to help you sleep for five minutes, causing drowsiness, and the hormone that controls your perception of the world. When the sun goes down, the pineal gland in the center of your brain begins to secrete melatonin into the bloodstream. The greater the level of the hormone - the faster you become sleepy.

As it responds to the level of light that begins to stand out at the moment when you switch off all the lights in the room. Special supplement in tablet form - just another way to increase the amount of this hormone, but it does not start operating immediately.

2. Do you take it at the wrong time

In order to induce drowsiness in you, you need to accumulate melatonin in the body. Level sufficient concentration in the blood after consumption of pills to rise after about 90 minutes, which means that an additive should be accepted not later than half an hour before bedtime. Plan your schedule, and then do not have to toss and turn in bed.

3. Do not count dosage

5 mistakes that can be tolerated in the use of melatonin

The dosage of melatonin is crucial, so it is necessary to take into account the form of the drug. According to research conducted at MIT, the norm for an adult - 0, 3 mg. But the pharmacy chains in Russia often sell it at a dose of 3 years, which creates an excess of the hormone when taken regularly.

Of melatonin overdose can obtain a state similar to a hangover: you wake up disoriented, goes to sleep more hours than usual, and the next day will be a sense of the nebula in the head.

4. You use with jet-lag

Melatonin is often recommended as a simple way to get rid of jet lag. Nevertheless, it still should not be taken when changing the time zone immediately upon arrival. If you do not exactly know where your internal clock and when it is necessary for you to fall asleep and wake up in another country - risking knock down all its own production of the hormone in the body. Follow the same rules as that of the house: to spend more time outdoors during the day, carefully draw the curtains and get rid of the gadgets on the night.

5 mistakes that can be tolerated in the use of melatonin

5. You hope for a miracle

The so-called "sleep hormone" helps you sleep better, but does not guarantee a solution to all your problems. According to the Huffington Post, a study conducted in 2013, showed that supplementation with melatonin helps people fall asleep "only 7 minutes faster and the average sleep for 8 minutes longer." It's only a small improvement in quality of life, and it does not solve the basic problems with your health.

To get enough sleep on a regular basis, you should always stick to healthy habits: give up any equipment one hour before sleep, meditate or write a diary for the release of disturbing thoughts.

Do you take melatonin?