10 motivational quotes from which should start the day

In 2015, just before his first trip abroad, I saw a quote by Mark Twain "in twenty years you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did. So otchalte from a quiet haven. " Easy and topical idea, but there was something in the phrase: "... otchalte from a quiet haven" that captivated me and did not leave for two years. Every time I doubt their own decisions, I think of the wisdom of Mark Twain and no longer afraid to return to their haven. I believe in the power of statements: they can lift your mood, and sometimes - to change lives. On this occasion, I have collected for you 10 inspirational quotes that will help change the outlook on many things.

Ray Bradbury

Climb higher and jump into the abyss. Wings appear during the flight.

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day

Paulo Coelho

Changes occur only when we go contrary to that are accustomed to.

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day


If you like, and you do not - release. If you like, and you do not - vote and take a look. If the love is mutual - fight.

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day

The power of the statements said in an interview with Scientific American. Journalist and author of the bestseller "The Power of Meaning" Emily Esfahani Smith argues that we should look for "meaning" rather than happiness. It was based on a growing number of studies showing that the pursuit of happiness to cause problems, because they can make people feel lonely and unhappy. Esfahani warns that "the race for happiness" in our culture distract us from what really matters. When we wake up, we have two options: we can move towards its goal or not. Start your morning with these motivational quotes, they will pull you out of bed and headed for the right direction.

Franz Kafka

There are solutions that are cut way back. They will certainly have to take.

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day

Ray Bradbury

Do not you dare let them grab your crying, they're out of it yourself nashyut smiles.

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day

Ernest Hemingway

And do not even dare to think that you can not stand!

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day

Bruce Lee

Train with those who are stronger. I love the one who can not. Do not give up where others give up. And Victory, where you can not win.

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day

Motivational quotes - it is an easy way to start the day with something positive and strong. A positive thought - the key to becoming a happier and healthier. In addition to reducing the level of depression, having a positive outlook on life is associated with increased life expectancy, are more resistant to colds, with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Install a motivational quote as a notification for each day or write on a sticker to paste in the bathroom or in the locker in which to store coffee. Continued to think about the things that fill your life with meaning. These small steps will help you move closer to becoming a better version of yourself. Winston Churchill

Not one word, flying in your address should not change your opinion of yourself.

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day

Albert Einstein

The greatest folly - it is doing the same thing and expect a different result.

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day

Omar Khayyam

It's simple. Do not keep that out, and not to push what comes. And then happiness will find you itself.

10 motivational quotes from which should start the day