8 simple daily practices that will help make a positive

We often hear that positive people get sick less and live better, but to become an optimist by clicking fingers turns out not at all. The ability to enjoy sometimes requires conscious effort, a small but regular. Heroine has collected several daily practices that will make you a more positive person.

1. Bring diary Thanks

8 simple daily practices that will help make a positive

This is a very simple and effective practice that helps to get more fun out of life.

A study in 2003, the results of which leads Harvard Health, found that people who routinely express gratitude in general optimistic about life and less sick.

Keep a journal in which you write that is worth to say thank you this day. Thank others, the events that happened to you, and yourself. When it becomes a habit, you will notice that you become much easier to look at the bright side of life.

2. Less complain

8 simple daily practices that will help make a positive

to splash out emotions is sometimes necessary, but not too keen on the lives of complaints. They spoil the mood not only to you but also to others.

According to Psych Pedia author Steven Parton, tendency to complain about life is bad for your brain and mental health. Continuous scrolling in my head trouble leads to the fact that negative thoughts begin to arise spontaneously, you generally become more pessimistic and feel miserable.

Pay attention to what is said to the people around you. If you constantly hear complaints and whining from others, it affects both your mood too. Try to consciously limit themselves from the toxic communication. If it's a friend, from which you can not just walk away while the negative talk, agree that you will devote some time to it, to share their problems, not to splash them at each other all day.

3. Smile

"You should smile more" - from others, this phrase does not sound very nice. But itself you can give this advice, especially as it really useful. Conscious effort to remind ourselves of uplifting smile - of course, if this does not happen at the time of severe stress.

8 simple daily practices that will help make a positive

4. Plan your morning

Well thought morning ritual will not only help to do everything and less irritated. This is the time that sets the tone for the whole day, so find something that you positive charges.

Plug in your schedule useful practice: breathing exercises, meditation, keeping a diary of thanks, a small charge. Any of these actions will not take more than 10-15 minutes and at a regular repetition will be a guaranteed source of strength and good mood.

5. Be kind to others

8 simple daily practices that will help make a positive

There are many studies that prove that kindness to others helps people feel happier.

The report of the Harvard Business School, says that the biggest emotional reward we get when to be generous towards others.

The size of the bounty is not important: you will be equally pleased with herself, if sacrifice for charity though large, though a small amount of money. With the good deeds it usually works the same way. Try every day to provide at least one small selfless service - it will lift your mood.

6. Drink enough water

Usually we say, how important adequate hydration for health and beauty, but the mental state is also a concern. As PsychCentral reports, dehydration provokes anxiety, leads to fatigue and stress. So, if you want to be positive, keep an eye on how much fluid in your diet.

7. Get enough sleep

8 simple daily practices that will help make a positive

Normal sleep - one of the main conditions of your physical and mental health. UK National Health Service reported a study which established a link between lack of sleep and negative thoughts.

8. Spend time on the street

In 2016, the journal, University of California at Berkeley, "Greater Good" wrote study confirms that those who often spend time in nature, less worried, easier to focus and more happy.

If there is no park with greenery, you can come up with a natural corner in the apartment with the help of houseplants.

What helps you to cheer up?