What is worth remembering, if you are one of February 14

Holidays - not just an excuse to have a drink or to spend on gifts, sometimes it is also a reminder of his own loneliness. If the approximation February 14 brings only despair and anguish to you, you just forget about something. Well, that Heroine is always nearby and ready to remind you that next Thursday you have nothing to worry about.

You can do "guy" things you want with anyone

What is worth remembering, if you are one of February 14

"festive" mood warmed marketing company for the Day of Lovers. Cinemas, restaurants and other establishments for the shares announced pairs format "2 for 1", which is why those who do not have a partner, feeling already blatant discrimination.

But no one says that traditional entertainment for two are available only to those who have a relationship. Dinner by candlelight, wine, massages, favorite movie - all this you can enjoy with a friend or a friend. As for sex, for his partner is not required, the more that masturbation can not be less diverse than the proximity of steam.

You do not need to wait for a special person to do what you want, or start to live as you dream.

Relationship - is not the only way to get the support and love

What is worth remembering, if you are one of February 14

Friendship is quite able to compensate for the lack of support, understanding and love, in addition they are often more reliable and safer than romantic. Invest energy into strengthening ties with loved ones, and you will not be lonely. If they, for whatever reason, can not be conducted on 14 February, you, you still can remind yourself that you've got someone to love. Write letters to friends or relatives thanked, remember all that you get from communicating with them.

Number of social ties does not play a big role. If you have at least one person with whom you can be yourself, share the secret and get support - enough to gain psychological comfort.

This is your holiday anyway

Like any holiday, from February 14 has a mythological foundation with which we are all familiar. That it lays the basic meaning of this date - the day of lovers. But love is too multifaceted to be held in the framework of a romantic relationship. The feelings we have for close friends, family, your children and their parents in many ways similar to the feelings of your partner. So no matter you are in a relationship or not, you are in any way you can celebrate Valentine's Day.

Use February 14 as an opportunity to express gratitude to loved ones and yourself. In order to show love and care, not always need other people - you deserve happiness and can afford it to give.

You do not have to compete or compare

It does not matter how old you are and how many of your friends have already found a family. Even if you're the only girl free in your company - you're still completely normal. It sounds obvious, but take this idea and believe in it is not easy. Psychologically, our relationship with society is much stronger than it looks, so it is difficult to perceive their difference from the rest, as a variant of the norm.

Do not take life as a competition where successful one who meets public expectations of most. You should not compare yourself to someone looking for love - it's not a marathon.

What is worth remembering, if you are one of February 14

Holidays - it's just a convention of

If you are straining the very fact that you can not celebrate this day because you do not have a partner, it's time to remember that any holidays - no more than a convention. You do not necessarily like something in a special way to spend the day or to artificially create the right mood.

This applies to any date: birthday, New Year, 8 March. We do fill the meaning of the holiday, so nothing prevents you define yourself, today is an important day, or most common. There is no desire and mood: Do not connect to the surrounding tinsel, but do not get mad at others that they use the opportunity to diversify his life.

What it means for you on February 14?