Psychological tricks that can be actively used in communication

Psychological tricks that can be actively used in communication

to manipulate the consciousness of people is actually much easier than you think. Therefore, catch some cool and useful chips, which you can easily check in communicating with others. You will learn to convince people of the correctness of his views, have them to yourself, obtain the necessary information easily, well, at the same time you understand that in fact people are often very predictable.

1. Parental authority

If you think talking to distrust - to enhance the authority can express thoughts, adding that this very thought gave you some of the parents.

People generally tend to trust the advice of a parent, as subconsciously in almost every one of us lives the belief that parents always want us to only the best. Together with the concept of "parental wisdom", this method works almost flawlessly. So you will be able to quickly induce a person to agree with your words.

2. Repeat a word

In a dialogue with someone choose any word from his speech and every time he would pronounce the word (or any other, but is close in value), try to smile approvingly, nodding, or use any other affirmative gestures. Surprisingly, your interlocutor will increasingly use the word, to which you and pay attention.

3. The total indifference

Life hacking for those who always likes to know more than he says. If the person shares with you some facts or narrative about the situation you are interested, try to pull the face mask of complete indifference to the interlocutor information. Most often in such a situation, people are unconsciously trying by all means to convince a person that the information really matters to him. This is what causes them to spread the facts that previously they were not going to retell.

This is inherent in the human psyche: if you do not believe your information or for some reason was not interested, you will try in that whatever was to prove their case, using all the available stock of knowledge - facts, facts, people, and so on..

4. The illusion of freedom of choice of

This is an old trick, but ignore it all, it would be blasphemous. Trick is that instead of coercion, or simply voicing the fact you give the other party the right to choose. Of course, illusory right to choose, but it is unlikely to think about this.

For example, if you want your woman made you dinner, ask when it will begin to do it - now or in a couple of hours. Thus thou shalt set it before the election, although the choice is already made.

This trick is often used by waiters in restaurants. Approaching the table, they ask, what kind of wine you will be ordered - white or red. You start to choose from the options, although he had originally planned to order something else entirely.

5. The broadcast of self-confidence

If you decide to create an image of self-confident person, you need to know how to translate it, not only through their appearance and their behavior, but also through his speech.

In a conversation with a person try not to use such expressions as "I think", "I think", "I would have done so ..." "So to speak," and all that close to them. Such content of your speech, just imagine you in a negative light. These expressions highlight your self-doubt (if there is one, and if not - the ability to incorporate in your speech word-weeds). When your interlocutor hears the above phrases, he sees what you told him lightly. Learn to speak with confidence and dialog to use as few words as possible with input doubt shades.

6. Doubt in the competence of

Undermine a person's confidence in his words is difficult. Ideal for this purpose - to express doubts about the competence of the interlocutor. This may cause him to doubt yourself and say, and prove it to man, unsure of himself, easy.

For example, if the dispute went beyond the economy, ask his interlocutor any sudden question related topic. Most likely, he will not be able to quickly find and articulate response. After that, he will be careful in his statements, as confidence in their knowledge of him shaken.

By the way, if suddenly you catch any of his friends to such manipulations against yourself - know how to survive with dignity. Just do not doubt their knowledge and capabilities, as well as the stay in my opinion. Unless, of course, it is really based on the facts.