7 tips to create a profile in the application for Me

Applications for singles are good because they allow the search for love, without leaving home, but bad in that competition in them which is tougher than at any party. You have a couple of seconds to interest a guy who wants to reciprocate, and just two tools - a photo and information in the profile. We tell you how to write about yourself in the application for Me.

1. Know what you want, and do not be shy to say so

7 tips to create a profile in the application for Me

To begin, ask yourself what you are looking for: relationship, sex for one night, have a good time. The answer to the question set the tone for the entire profile, it depends on what information you share and what language will be used for this purpose.

Find the right way to tell that you are looking for. For example, say you do not mind to see together, "Game of Thrones", to spend a free evening or the best years of his life. If you do not know what you want from Me, and do not talk about it, it is unlikely to get what you want.

2. Speak about himself

Mention the purpose of dating is important, but in general, the profile should be talking about you. Try to specify this information, which will help to immediately weed out those with whom you are not exactly on the way or on the contrary, to attract guys that could interest you.

Standard option - briefly outline the range of his interests and activities. This may seem trivial, but it is often this information is a good filter for unsuitable candidates.

3. But turns profile memoir

7 tips to create a profile in the application for Me

Do not try to cram a ton of information in the description of the profile. Rather than summarize the whole of his life to focus on one or two ideas that reveal you the most.

After the written text, read it several times. If a word or sentence can be removed, and the general sense of the message does not change, do it. Few people have the time and desire to read the whole essay about why you should pay attention to you. So leave the details of his life before the first date.

4. Tell us what makes you special

Give information to potential partners, according to which they will be able to distinguish you from the dozens of previous profiles. Do not be afraid to express themselves, but do it in moderation: extravagant recognition from a stranger can deter adequate guys.

You do not need to be demonstrably special. Stay is not hesitate to share sweet detail, for example, you or laughing loudly adore chocolate flakes. These little things make you alive and attract attention.

5. Do not be afraid to joke

Everybody loves people with a sense of humor, and if the executive summary witty remarks are not always suitable, that is what is necessary for the dating profile.

The main thing here, as in the case with the features, do not overdo it. Humor - a thing specific that one man have fun, the other will seem full of stupidity and vulgarity. If you are funny, be funny, if not - do not try. Attempts humor always look much worse than none.

7 tips to create a profile in the application for Me

6. Throw a phrase that will help potential partners to start a conversation

A good way to attract attention - to finish the story itself part that will cause potential Man desire to communicate with you. For example, ask open-ended question: "If you had the opportunity to travel, where would you go?", "If I could spend the evening with any person on the planet, who would it be?".

Another option - to make a little quiz. Think of a question, a lightweight, but one that will help to open the interlocutor. For example: "What dish do you prefer for breakfast" - and 3-4 Jolly answers. So you not only prodemonstriruesh your sense of humor, but also give the potential partner a reason to start a conversation.

7. Check text spelling and grammatical errors

Make sure you comply own standards. If you want to communicate with educated guys, do not be lazy to check out his profile on an error - they allow even literate people. The Internet is full of services for instant assessment of spelling and punctuation.