Sports diet for weight loss and a set of weight: Basis of products

In sports, a huge role is played not only the numerous workout. If you want to achieve something, you have to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. If you are serious about the sport, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the formation of their diet. This is able to assist the sports diet.

Sports diet for weight loss and a set of weight: Basis of products

In drawing up its menu men should thoroughly go to the following conditions:

  1. The diet should imply growth of muscle mass.
  2. The diet should not lead to a set of unnecessary fat.
  3. The body is necessary to provide all the necessary nutrients.

The need for male hormone

To increased muscle, it takes the male hormone - testosterone. And the more it will be in the blood, the more likely it will start to grow and recover from hard training muscles. Accordingly, this rule also applies in the opposite direction. It follows that a sports diet should contain such products, which contribute to higher levels of testosterone. This can be achieved by eating, in which there is zinc. This element - building material provides for the formation of testosterone molecule. Also in consumable products must contain elements that contribute to the synthesis of the desired hormone. This selenium, vitamins B, C, E, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

The increase in the blood level of the male hormone leads to increased metabolism. In other words, the extra weight disappear. This is due largely to the fact that testosterone contributes to suppression of production of female hormones called estrogens. That they promote the deposition of fat in the male body. And it is worth noting that the more overweight, the more produce estrogen. A kind of a vicious circle emerges. It will help break the athletic diet and weight training.

proteins - an important element necessary for increasing muscle mass

Sports diet for weight loss and a set of weight: Basis of products

Proteins are the building blocks by which the muscles grow. After exhausting workouts organism most strongly in need of the protein. It should be noted that a day should be consumed 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. With such a dose has to deal with a man, is actively involved in sports. Daily rate can be obtained by two methods: by means of food or through the admission of protein shakes. The first option is optimal, as it helps to get the body the natural proteins of animal and vegetable origin. Naturally, sports diet implies the intake of sports nutrition. However, this should be done primarily before training or after its completion.

We deliver energy to the body to

That a person can engage in vigorous activity, it requires so much energy, which is measured in calories. Fats in this case are one of the main sources. Energy value they have almost two times higher than that of carbohydrates. However, if the nutrient will not be involved in the work, it will accumulate in the body. In this case, the fats will take the form of useless fat. To prevent this, it should be made such sports diet for men, which involves the use of fats in the smallest possible quantities.

However, not all fats should be avoided. Such nutrients omega-3 and 6 are polyunsaturated acids that contribute to the synthesis of testosterone. They can be found in seafood, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flaxseed oil.

not be able to do without carbohydrates

Sports diet for weight loss and a set of weight: Basis of products

Sport diet for men should take account of consumption in the required amount of carbohydrates that contribute to the provision of energy to the body. These nutrients can be divided into two categories - simple and complex. In the first case, the body will get a boost of energy, which will disappear quickly enough. Sophisticated same nutrients in their use contributes to the fact that the body gets its energy slowly. Her arrival could not be stopped for a long time. The second group of carbohydrates include cereals such as oat and buckwheat. Also do not forget about the fruits, bean products, vegetables. No wonder there is a perception that the oatmeal is considered an ideal breakfast, through which you can recharge your batteries for the day. Simple carbohydrates sports diet for men should contain a minimal amount. Under these kinds of nutrients meant pastries, pasta, chocolate, sweets, white bread.

What you should know?

What recommendations should be considered in the event that you chose such a diet?

  1. Sports nutrition means eating foods fractionally. In other words, there should be about 4-6 times a day.
  2. It is necessary to give your body the required amount of water.
  3. Do not eat at night.
  4. It is necessary to give up alcohol. Especially when it comes to beer.

The basic principles of diet

In the event that you have been dreaming about the sport and toned figure, it will help you to achieve sports diet for weight set. It has the following basic principles, which should be remembered:

  1. In order to speed up the metabolism, it is important to start the morning breakfast perform some simple training.
  2. It is mandatory required to use large amounts of water every day. With it you can clean your body and help get rid of extra fat.
  3. About once a week, possible deviations from the diet.

What are the recommendations to consider when drying

Sports diet for weight loss and a set of weight: Basis of products

What to do if needed relief? This will also help sports diet. Drying must be carried out on the following basic principles:

  1. It is necessary to bring the intake of fats to the maximum mark. It reaches 30% in a day. It is necessary to use those products which contain healthy fats. This fish, nuts, avocados, olives, and vegetable oils.
  2. Limit the need and use of simple carbohydrates. Preference is given to standing difficult.
  3. Make sure that a greater number of calories expended during exercise. If during the meal you get them in a larger number, you will not be able to buy relief.
  4. All your attention should focus on proteins. The daily rate is, as already mentioned earlier, two grams per kilogram of body weight. And if you actively exercise, then after a while you will have a wonderful relief.
  5. Do not eat carbs in the evening hours.
  6. Your diet has been chosen sport? Menu includes multivitamin and fiber. At day these nutrients must be supplied to the body of at least 30 grams.
  7. Eat must be 4-6 times a day.
  8. It is not necessary to limit the vegetable food. Vegetables are great benefit to the body.

The basic principles of nutrition to be followed by women

Above we have described the basic principles that should be considered a man if he wants to gain muscle mass or to purchase relief. However, what makes a woman in such cases? They will help sports diet for weight loss.

Sports diet for weight loss and a set of weight: Basis of products

So, what is required to make a girl to good "to dry"? The diet should be accompanied by exercise. Effective diet should not mean that she will remain hungry. However, it is necessary to form such a way that he was strict enough. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve impressive results.

The diet, which must comply with the girls, falls into the category of low-carb. With it can saturate the body with all the beneficial nutrients and carbohydrates in limited quantities. The diet should be be such that it does not bring any harm.

Implement a diet in the life of

It should also be noted that the transition to such a diet should be gradual. Otherwise sports diet for weight loss will not bring the desired effect. First of all it is necessary to exclude the use of a variety of sweets and fast food. Forget about biscuits, cakes, sandwiches, chocolates. Thus you will be able to give up fast carbohydrates that cause the female figure irreparable harm. A few days should abandon the use of flour products. This is the bread and pasta. By the time when it will be necessary to start a diet, the diet should contain only a small portion of carbohydrates. It is black or rye bread. Eat it should be in small pieces.

What is not recommended to use?

Sports diet for weight loss and a set of weight: Basis of products

During the first month of the diet of carbohydrates in the diet should be 100 grams per day. Fruits can also be there, but in limited quantities. In the rest of the diet should include protein foods and vegetables. Among the useful protein can be isolated eggs, white meat, fish, yogurt, milk. During the diet should be as small as possible by eating calories. But vegetables can be eaten in virtually unlimited quantities. The consumption of greens, bell peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers are welcome. About vegetable oils also should not be forgotten. Enough one spoon a day. But animal fats from your diet better strike.

The main advantage of a diet

Sports diet for girls has many advantages. Among them are the factor that absolutely all the dishes that are allowed to use, can be perfectly satisfied. Hunger will not disturb do. Accordingly, the craving for forbidden foods does not appear. Fruits can successfully replace sweets and meat give you strength and speed up the process of getting rid of excess fat. Vegetables contribute to facilitate the work of the digestive system, as well as be able to saturate the body with vitamins.

have to train regularly

Sports diet for weight loss and a set of weight: Basis of products

With such a diet should not forget about regular workouts. In a week it is necessary to visit the gym at least three times. Due to physical activity can not only speed up the metabolism, but also to form a beautiful body. With the help of diet is going to happen fast enough.