6 ways to overcome the fear of travel

6 ways to overcome the fear of travel

Whether you experience mild anxiety or panic before the trip. If you do not get over this state, it is exhausted you mentally and physically, and after a vacation in another country wants yet another vacation to recover. Rather than fear the unknown, learn to enjoy it. Here are some tips that will be useful as an experienced traveler, and those who first left his native city.

1. carefully examine the destination before departure

Anxiety creeps into the consciousness at the moment when you stop something to control, so Spend enough time on online search. Spend a few hours for the articles and forums - even those that show a worse picture - to know what to expect.

After learning more about the local customs, learn a few words and phrases, having become acquainted with photos of the airport and local regulations, as well as writing, how to move around on public transport, the alarm will not catch you on arrival.

2. Prepare mentally and physically

6 ways to overcome the fear of travel

Recognize that during the trip you are sure to feel anxiety. Rarely what the trip costs without incident. But if you do beforehand will gain control over their thoughts are likely to experience it is at times easier. Save all documents in one place - tickets, maps, any emergency contact information. Do not forget to pack the essentials, so you do not worry about what to do if you get lost. Write down the rules of the reference in local emergency rooms and find out what documents are needed to get medical help if necessary.

See to it that you have not anything to do on the day before the trip left. So you'll be less tense and able to pay all their attention on a new exciting adventure!

3. Think for yourself mantra

6 ways to overcome the fear of travel

Let it be a word or short phrase that you will repeat itself in moments of anxiety. Mantras have a positive effect, because the more you repeat them, the faster the brain would believe it and stop worrying. For example, "I just think this" or "I can handle." Easier to nowhere, so do not neglect this way.

4. Distract yourself cheerful playlist

When it comes to overcoming anxiety, the music is the best tool. Plug the headphones and choose your favorite songs. Make a multiple playlists in advance, one let it be similar to the music of the country in which you go, the other - friends and jammed to songs holes.

5. Avoid triggers,

Before you go on a trip, make a list of all the triggers, due to which you feel uncomfortable. For some it may be a fear of the crowd - then go party festival in Rio de Janeiro is not recommended. For someone will trigger fear of heights, then in his travel itinerary should strike downs on the ground. Yes, you can not know about the existence of some fears, but to minimize the dangerous points will be very useful.

6. Be kind to yourself

6 ways to overcome the fear of travel

are constantly monitored his condition. Whatever emotions you may be experiencing, allow yourself to experience them. Keep in mind that travel - constant stretching your comfort zone. So it's perfectly normal - to feel anxiety about this. But you're making progress, is not a reason to be proud of? Do not worry, if something does not work or do not go according to plan. This is not the last trip, and you can always repeat the route.

Do not forget about the power of endorphins and diet. If you eat nutritious food, not just run into the fast food restaurants that you are familiar with, the physical condition will also be balanced and will help to maintain an optimistic view of events.