Recipes protein shakes. When drinking a protein shake. Best protein dial muscle

Most novice athletes interested in not only a set of exercises to develop strength and protein shakes and recipes to help you quickly gain muscle mass. In this article, the reader will find information about cocktails and their correct reception, as well as know which protein is best for a decent muscle growth.

Arrange everything on the shelves

Given the fact that the English word "protein" is translated as "protein" referred to in the article it goes on beverages in which the lion's share (50%) should contain this particular component. main component can be included in several ways in the protein composition:

  • in the form of a vegetable protein;
  • in the form of animal protein;
  • as sports supplements;
  • in the form of dairy products. Recipes protein shakes. When drinking a protein shake. Best protein dial muscle

together all the different cocktails time digestibility: fast, normal and long-acting. Therefore, each cocktail reception requires certain conditions and an appropriate time. In fact, any protein shake, you can create at home with little effort, because everything depends on the availability of the necessary ingredients. Welcomed the presence of the blender, but if it does not, the problem can be solved by chopping knife.

Advantages in cocktails

For some reason, many people think that a cocktail should be taken immediately after the 40 minutes before your workout and not later than half an hour after it. As evidence, the novice can lead full and detailed translation instructions with the packaging of imported protein. You can write anything, anywhere, as long as the products purchased. But if we analyze the situation, it can be concluded that the use of a cocktail is very convenient when there is no time for a full meal. Based on this conclusion, the reader can immediately decide for themselves when to drink a protein shake.

Recipes protein shakes. When drinking a protein shake. Best protein dial muscle

For muscle growth you need to use at least 2 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. Professionals believe that the need to consume protein in one and a half times more to maintain metabolism than originally stated. That is, every day the average athlete need to submit a body of 150 to 250 grams of pure substance. The upload three meals a day of protein, even theoretically impossible, therefore, to solve the problem are called smoothies.

The correct preparation of ingredients

Upload all protein from the refrigerator in the cocktail will not succeed. Firstly, the beverage should be limited capacity sufficient for normal stomach (250-350 mg). Secondly, quickly digestible proteins should not be confused with a long time to digest food. Before making a protein shake, you need to get acquainted with the structure of its proper preparation.

  • required the presence of a liquid base, as which may be a water, milk, yogurt or yogurt. The priority of the low-fat products with protein.
  • Database. Here we are talking about high-protein products: protein, eggs, cheese. Many athletes who need large amounts of protein in one step is added to the cocktail of finely chopped chicken breast, beef or fish.
  • Carbohydrates. They are added to flavor the drink - it honey, jam, jam, sugar, and similar products that are useful in the recruitment of muscle mass.
  • Vitamins. Strawberries, bananas, kiwi fruit - any fruit with added vitamins. It is recommended to replace their products from the third paragraph, creating recipes for protein shakes.

Cocktail "Good morning"

If you plan meal for breakfast, then immediately after sleep, you can start your metabolism a slight protein shakes, which in minutes will deliver the protein to the body. Fast protein (30-40 grams whey isolate) based on milk (250 ml) performs task 100%. Just 30 minutes later, you are ready for breakfast. It is not necessary to hope that the stomach is full, and the morning meal will pass reluctantly. In fact, everything just the opposite. Protein shake for muscle, passing quickly through the stomach, the gastric juice will make stand out, which did not find food, will signal the brain that it is time to eat.

Recipes protein shakes. When drinking a protein shake. Best protein dial muscle

Such a focus before breakfast possible without protein. Suffice it in 250 ml of warm milk add one teaspoon of honey to get a quick drink. Yes, the protein in it is not so much, but this is still better than no morning cocktail.

Cocktail "Winnie the Pooh"

If the reception of food in the morning is not possible, you can use a protein-carbohydrate cocktails named "Winnie the Pooh". In fact, judging by the reviews in the media, he has a lot of names, but the composition is almost identical.

You will need a half-liter jar, into which the necessary pour 200 ml of milk or yogurt. After that, the container should fill 50-70 grams of raw oat flakes and top cover chopped pieces of banana, strawberry or other fruits. The bank needs to cover and place in refrigerator for at least a refrigerated shelf.

In the morning after sleep will only remove the jar from the refrigerator, open the cover - and you can start your meal. Many athletes prefer to hire a protein shake. Consumer reviews recommend that all beginners to use this cocktail as a second breakfast at work, instead of a cup of coffee.

Cocktail "Vegetarian"

This drink is popular more than the athletes who sit on drying than vegetarians themselves. The fact that it includes a base 400 mL nonfat yogurt and used in soy isolate (40 grams), which is considered the high-protein food for sports (92-95%) as a protein market. In addition, the beverage is completely absent fats and carbohydrates.

Recipes protein shakes. When drinking a protein shake. Best protein dial muscle

Vegetable proteins for muscle growth can be based not only on soybeans. This protein may be corn, pea, rice, hemp, and the like. However, of all the existing products for vegetarians it is considered the best soybean plant with a high content of essential protein for the human body. Soy protein has a low digestibility, so it is best to use instead of the first or breakfast, or just before bedtime. At other times he is able to for a few hours just to kill your appetite.

Cocktail "Fruit mix"

Good fruit cocktail with a small amount of protein, based on carbohydrates, can bring up any person upon awakening. To create the required 250 mL orange juice, 100 ml nonfat yogurt (or yogurt with banana flavor), and a banana pinch cinnamon. All ingredients should be mixed in a blender, then you are ready to use.

Recipes protein cocktail juice-based, anyone can come up with their own, more importantly, as a result as not to spoil the taste quality of the resulting mixture. Quite often play with the ingredients leads to the fact that novice athletes see the solution only buying expensive ready-mix instead of to become better acquainted with the culinary business.

Cocktail "Protein"

Once the do not call this cocktail - and chicken, and winged, even styled salad. But the name is not as important as its ingredient list. There is something to be proud - this is the best protein shake. At home, at the gym, at work - it does not matter - where the main thing - there tremendously huge amount of carbohydrates and proteins, so it is possible to close all the "window" after training, and also to replace breakfast or lunch.

Recipes protein shakes. When drinking a protein shake. Best protein dial muscle

The basis is a glass of low-fat yogurt or yogurt, which is filled with 200 grams of boiled chicken breast. Also in the mixture should add 4-6 proteins boiled eggs (without yolk). Further, all whipped in a blender. After that, added vitamins, which does not spoil the taste of the cocktail, and only fill it with iron and vitamin C. One sweet red pepper and apples pair for this is quite enough. Once again, beat the cocktail blender and fill in the necessary containers. On average, the output is 600-800 ml nutrient mixture consisting of 60 grams of protein. There is not even listed the best protein for gaining lean muscle.

Cocktail "Night"

Name one thing, but the ingredients are different. Initially it was assumed on the basis of 400 ml nonfat yogurt do mixture using casein protein in the amount of 50 mg. The resulting drink is eaten just before going to bed, contrary to the views of all the dietitians of the world about the dangers of eating at night.

For many athletes casein proteins for muscle growth are expensive, so the role of sports nutrition in the night cocktail party performs not just a cheap analog, and the source of casein protein - cheese. Of course, completely fat-free. To create a cocktail will need a minimum of 200 mg of fresh cheese. Professionals in the field of sports nutrition is not recommended to use all sorts of sweeteners. Indeed, in the first place it is the carbohydrates that the body is not exactly need the night.

Cocktail "Sea Breeze"

This is actually a salad with a high content of proteins. He enjoys great demand after strength training for both men and women. The idea of ​​creating dishes came to the author, apparently, after thinking about how to make a protein shake seafood. The basis taken a low-fat yogurt or yogurt, but the protein ingredients depend entirely on the imagination of the athlete.

Recipes protein shakes. When drinking a protein shake. Best protein dial muscle

The most affordable and cost-effective solution is the meat of shrimp, because of the protein content of her very few competitors. But then it all depends upon the Finance cook. Delicious Cocktail, if it add meat or salmon trout. Can not do without fresh fish dishes of greens. Parsley, celery, basil, taken in small proportions, will shake not only nutritious, but also very beneficial to health.

Cocktail "Think of yourself"

Why not? In the media, a lot of recipes without names, which are divided between the athletes themselves. What hinders to create a masterpiece of their own instead of looking for information on how to make a protein shake improvised? A simple example from the life of a famous Cuban Sergio Oliva, who was a vegetarian. Ongoing work on building the future Mr. Olympia did not allow the financial plan to spend money on expensive sports nutrition, and lack of free time was winding down a full meal. Cocktail from Sergio Oliva: low-fat milk bottle as a base to refuel with a mixture of a dozen raw eggs, half of which was without yolks. As a result, the body receives 60 grams of pure protein in one step.

Pros on iced cocktails

In the media, there are many recipes where the authors recommend the best protein shakes to create with ice cubes. Maybe a drink to quench your thirst and the body is useful, but not a protein shake. If we look at the rate of physiology, namely the assimilation of food by the body section, you'll find another interesting feature - a cold food before assimilation is heated to 37 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the heating process is much slower than in a microwave oven. That is cooled with ice protein cocktail instead may be provided as soon as the body construction protein is first heated to the desired temperature. Logic in the application there is no ice. Of course, cocktails and heat above 40 degrees is not necessary. Since at these rates the composition of protein denaturation easily gives, that is liquidated protein biological usefulness.


Recipes protein shakes originally intended use of sports nutrition in them, but for many years the formation of bodybuilding, many athletes have come to the conclusion that the reception of the finished mixture is needed only in cases where the normal meal is not possible. For example, in the gym after a workout, or at work. In the future, protein shakes even replace foods high in protein, which in its effectiveness is much better than the imported semi-finished product.

Recipes protein shakes. When drinking a protein shake. Best protein dial muscle

Many beginners seeking a short period of time to achieve good results, make a lot of stupid things. For example, after reading the recommendations of the manufacturer, replace the full reception of a protein food. It is strictly forbidden to do. The matter is that in addition to proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids, such a composition does not contain trace elements essential to the human body: fat, minerals, vitamins, fats and water.

Species proteins for recruitment of muscle mass

two types of protein recommended for a set of muscle mass: fast and slow. In the morning and after training you should take a quick protein. Here it is important that it consists of a protein with high digestibility: isolate or whey protein concentrate, is quite suitable and egg white. But before going to bed should be used with a low protein digestibility. Night meal athlete is considered to be a casein protein, which is digested by the body for about six hours, providing building muscle protein athlete.

And if the reader wondering what the manufacturer offers the best protein for gaining lean muscle, then turn to the professionals recommend rating of sports nutrition retailers. The top positions are occupied by Ultimate Nutrition brands, Optimum Nutrition, AllMax, SAN and Dymatize. Yes, the prices of the products of these manufacturers are very high, but the sports nutrition market representatives give 100% guarantee of quality, through which you can make a comparison of proteins by purchasing an analog of the budget niche.


Homemade protein shakes recipes are presented in this article are just a small part of the knowledge of the athlete. First of all the main attention should be paid not to create protein cocktails and calories that enter the body. If their arrival will significantly prevail over the flow, you must first take care of your diet and only then think about protein consumption. Following the acquisition of protein banks should not try to eat it in one day. The extra protein is necessary to use only in cases where the receiving normal food is impossible, either as a result of several eating the body did not get the required amount of protein for muscle growth.