How to lose weight in a week to 5 kg without risk to health?

Women want everything at once! If the gift, be sure a new coat, if the perfect figure, then certainly for the week. But it's only in fairy tales awkward ugly duckling suddenly turns into a beautiful swan. But in real life, to achieve a good result, you need to work hard. But there are times when you want to lose weight quickly. Soon the party, but you need to get into your favorite dress? After seven days to go to the sea, and the tummy, as luck, so ugly bulges? And you sit and meditate, how to lose weight in a week for 5 kg? There are several ways to do this. As far as they are safe, will depend on you.

Extra diet

It is no secret that the first thing you should pay attention to a woman who decides to lose weight - is food. Many books have been written on the topic of how to correctly make your own menu that it was a maximum value and a minimum of calories. But this is not quite true for us. We both want to lose weight quickly. 5 kg per week - that such a result will suit us. Here you need a very rigid diet. On the one hand, it is still not fasting, which is engaged in extremely dangerous alone at home. On the other hand, the calories in this "power" mode, there is very little. This is absolutely not enough for our body to cover his needs. And he would have to actively spend their reserves, which we deposited in the form of fat. However, there this method and cons. The first - a sharp decline in performance. Prepare to be that you will feel "squeezed lemon" 24 hours a day. But you have to work and perform domestic duties ... Therefore, before applying a sober assessment of their capabilities. Extra-diet (7 days):

- 1 day: water only;

- 2 hours: 1 liter of milk during the day, evening, 1 apple, water;

- day 3: Once the water; - 4 hours: from cabbage lettuce, carrots and green salt free with a teaspoon of olive oil, mineral water, green tea;

- 5 hours: 1 liter of milk, water;

- 6 day: boiled egg, vegetable soup with carrots, potatoes and cabbage, a small slice of boiled beef with green peas, green tea (all during the day);

- 7 day 100 g of grated cheese with apple, 2 cups of milk green tea.

Kefir diet

How to lose weight in a week to 5 kg without risk to health?

This method is more gentle. It will also help to lose weight quickly. 5 kg per week for this diet - is not the limit. This will require each day 1, 5 liters of 1% kefir.

- 1 day: 4-5 pieces of boiled potatoes in their skins + yogurt;

- 2 hours: 100 g of boiled chicken breast + yogurt;

- day 3: 100 g of boiled beef + yogurt;

- 4 hours: 100 g fish steam + yogurt;

- 5 hours: 500 g of any fruit or berries (except bananas and grapes sweet) + yogurt;

- 6 day: yogurt;

- 7 day: yogurt.

Water can be drunk in unlimited quantities.

Buckwheat diet

How to lose weight in a week to 5 kg without risk to health?

It is also designed for seven days. This diet refers to the so-called mono-diet. This name means that at all times, as long as they met, a person consumes only one type of product at least 2-3. It is believed that in this case, the device is similar to the diet the body expends much more energy than the varied and nutritious menu. However, greater efficiency of such diets are likely associated with a sharp loss of appetite due to the use of only one product. And if we do not feel like eating, then we give up food.

Very effective Buckwheat diet. Lose weight by 5 kg in seven days with its help it is possible, in particular those whose weight exceeds the limit of 100 kg. On each day is over 100 g of dry cereal. Her to cook without sugar, salt and other additives. Then distribute buckwheat into several portions and absorb it all day long. Can drink only green tea and water ad libitum. Last meal - 4 hours prior to sleep. The first 2-3 days of the diet is pretty easy. But then buckwheat porridge without sugar and salt is so boring that you do not want to eat at all. Nevertheless, you need to adhere to these guidelines exactly one week.

bowel cleansing

This method is effective. But alone it does not work well and will not help to lose weight in a week to 5 kg. Exercise, diet plus purgation - that's a good base to quickly lose weight. Many may wonder, does not understand why in order to cleanse the body diet. Firstly, the bowel movements have to help get rid of 2-4 kg of excess weight. Secondly, this unnecessary "baggage", accumulating in the colon, impairs digestion, promotes the release of toxins into the bloodstream and degradation products. All this slows down the metabolism in our body. And this is a direct path to overweight. Therefore the process of losing weight is important not only to start a diet, but also to cleanse the bowel and the organism as a whole. The main thing here - do not overdo it with laxatives such as these:

• Preparation "Izaman". The effect is 6-12 hours after consumption. Enhances the motility of the colon and small intestine, resulting in evident laxative effect.

• A "Senadeksin". The preparation plant. In its structure there antraglikozidy of senna leaves, known for its laxative properties. The effect is achieved after 8-12 hours after administration. Not addictive.

• Preparation "Laksakodil". The active substance - bisacodyl. Influences directly on the intestinal mucosa, thereby enhancing peristalsis and increasing the amount of mucus in the colon. The effect occurs over 6 hours after ingestion.

• Preparation "Regulaks". Chewable lozenges and tablets with a laxative effect. Of vegetable origin. In its structure - antraglikozidy of senna leaves. Effect occurs within 8-12 hours after the beginning of reception. Medication with a soft effect. It is not known whether it will quickly lose weight by 5 kg. Consumer reviews say that often choose it and similar drugs for bowel cleansing in body weight control period.

A few words about the fat burners

How to lose weight in a week to 5 kg without risk to health?

Everyone decides which of the methods of weight loss to choose. Many people in this end use drugs. It's so easy and convenient: tabletochku drunk and forget about diets and unbearable physical exertion. But many drugs are not only ineffective, but also very dangerous. But it does not stop our women seeking to buy chiseled figure for the shortest possible time. Therefore, it is better to talk about the properties and side effects of certain medications, fat burners:

• The drug "Xenical". It operates as follows: it blocks the absorption of fat from food. In the opinion of women, medication is very effective in losing weight. Possible side effects: diarrhea, malaise.

• A "Lindaksa". A drug that helps a lot to lose weight well. 5 kg per month - it is small, which can be achieved with it, using additional diet. In its structure there is sibutramine, a substance which is the basis of many medicines for weight loss. It affects the brain. Its effect is manifested in the suppression of appetite and enhance satiety even after eating small portions.

• A "Meridia". The preparation is similar to the previous one. It includes all the same sibutramine. Side effects: diarrhea, tachycardia, and so on.

• Preparation "Turboslim-drainage" from "Evalar." Drink with peach flavor. In its structure - cherry stalk extract, cassia, green tea, guarana, and many other plants that are used in weight loss. Acts in two directions - it burns fat, and outputs the excess water from the body. The manufacturer promises that the waist will decrease for two days on 2-3 cm due to deep drainage.

Meditate, how to lose weight in a week for 5 kg? Try to use these drugs. Just do not forget before the application to consult a doctor.

Without exercise anywhere

Perhaps the safest and most useful way to lose weight - it's exercise. However, they will not help quickly achieve noticeable results - for a week to lose weight by 5 kg. The exercises are designed for you to gradually burn fat and strengthen muscles. Result from their use can be assessed no earlier than 2 weeks after the start of regular classes. But if we have decided to fight for the perfect figure, we will not retreat. In the end, there is nothing that will decorate it as a completely flat stomach, round hips, buttocks and Defined thin waist. And to achieve all this will help to exercise, such as these:

1. Lie on the floor, hands behind head, legs bent at the knees, feet firmly pressed to the floor. Perform lifting and lowering of the body. Repeat 30 times.

2. Squat "plie". We will try a little feel the dancers: stand up straight, feet together, socks are deployed in different directions. Try to sit down until it stops. Repeat 20 times.

3. side bends. Strengthen the abdominal muscles and back.

4. Mahi feet ahead and to the sides alternately.

5. Sit on the floor, legs straight. Straining the muscles of the buttocks, to go back and forth, alternately moving the right leg, then the left.

6. Lunges feet with dumbbells.

7. Exercise "bicycle". Lie on your back, lift your feet up and make them poocherdno circular motion.

How to lose weight in a week to 5 kg without risk to health?

Only it is necessary to bear in mind that if we need to lose weight by 5 kg or more kilograms for 2-3 weeks, then you must do the exercises on a regular basis. Let the lesson takes only 20 minutes, but every day.

I Do with a hoop

Our good helper in the fight against obesity - it hulahup. In order to burn the most calories per session, you need to select a hard shell with a large rubber ball on the inner diameter. Of course, we do not have to hope for a speedy result.

How to lose weight in a week to 5 kg without risk to health?

Do not get him to lose weight quickly. 5-7 kg per month of regular employment without additional measures - quite a decent result. Experts estimate that 1 hour of training burns up to 600 calories. Only here it is important not to twist the hoop to exhaustion. Short sessions of 10 minutes is acceptable to all. Total training time should be about 40 minutes a day.

Radical measures

For those who do not want to wait, and wants to buy a slim figure at once, and those who are unable to deal with hunger and their own laziness, suitable surgical method of exterior changes. True, decide to drastic measures at times very difficult. That today offer plastic surgeons?

How to lose weight in a week to 5 kg without risk to health?

• Liposuction. Operation is as follows: the physician through punctures in the skin pumps out excess fat. The advantage is that it allows you to remove the excess weight exactly where it is needed. The second plus - quick results. Liposuction will really help solve the problem of how to lose weight in a week to 5 kg without starvation and exercise. Less of this operation is that the lost weight without additional measures to control it back pretty quickly. For an organism all this is a lot of stress. No one knows what it may turn out in the future.

• Gastric bypass. The essence of operations as follows: in the upper part of the stomach surgeon forms a so-called "small stomach", to which is stitched a certain part of the small intestine. Displacement "small stomach" is only 20 ml. For this reason, people just can not eat a lot. Furthermore, due to the correction of the digestive tract is reduced nutrient absorption. Effectiveness of the method for losing weight is estimated at 70-90%. The risk of complications after surgery is minimal.

• Imposition of a gastric band. Operation is as follows: the surgeon installs on top of the patient's stomach a special ring, which pulls it to the principle of an hourglass. This method has a lot of contraindications. Moreover, the patient, who imposed a gastric band, then you need to follow certain recommendations: do not take the liquid and solid foods together, be sure to drink water before eating and after eating, constantly monitor the volume of food and so on. All of these methods, of course, will help you quickly lose weight: 5 kg, 10, 20 or more. But before you decide on them, you need to weigh all the "pros" and "cons." Own health is more important than illusory hope of finding the perfect figure.

Cons too fast weight loss

Extra diet, cleansing the stomach, surgery, will undoubtedly help to perform seemingly impossible task quickly get rid of excess weight and will answer the question of how to lose weight in a week to 5 kg. At home, it is possible. But we must be prepared for the negative consequences of such "miracle techniques":

• indigestion;

• decreased performance, poor health, terrible mood, depression;

• metabolic disease;

• deterioration of the external condition of the skin, hair and nails due to lack of nutrition.

If you are not afraid of possible consequences, then we can try to apply these methods in practice. In the end, they are designed only for a week.

Reviews Women

All these recommendations. Interestingly, and what methods are used by our women to lose weight in a week for 5 kg? Reviews of saying that the favorite method is the use of medications to solve the problem of excess weight. It is unlikely that this is due to the high efficiency of these funds. Most likely, this method is the easiest on the way to achieving the goal. In second place in popularity are dieting. Indeed, the reduction of weight, especially in the first week of their application, takes place rapidly. Very often you can hear from women such complaints: "To sit on a diet and starve simply can not. Play sports do not have time. Help to lose weight by 5 kg, 10 and so on. " I want to say to these women, that there is a wonderful, easy and completely secure way to quickly acquire a beautiful figure. All high-speed techniques have their negative consequences. Moreover, sudden changes in body weight are also very bad for our health. So why should they be unchained? Better to drop extra weight slowly, but correctly.

How to lose weight in a week to 5 kg without risk to health?

We have seen several ways how to lose weight in a week to 5 kg. All of them are effective. But before applying them should assess their strength and health status.