Dispelling myths about the supposedly healthy dish

Sometimes, while watching the video interview of the eminent specialist in serious television program we can not be surprised joke to hear that the dishes that our mothers and grandmothers (and not only!) Was presented to us as the most that neither is a useful, are actually very harmful for the body. This material will be 5 debunked popular myths about the supposedly healthy dish.

Dispelling myths about the supposedly healthy dish

1. Soup with meat and pasta / potato

Dispelling myths about the supposedly healthy dish

Defer myasko soup with potatoes and hot dishes to harmful refuse those over 30, as well as many representatives of the stronger sex, which is unknown way into gyms. But, unfortunately, the process of simultaneous cooking of meat (protein food) and potatoes or pasta (fast carbs + flour + starch) makes the famous "grandmother sytnenky soup" into a huge portion of the liquid hamburger. This soup is not much different from the cooked dumplings. Its use leads to bloating and constipation.

No matter how painful it is to realize, but the appearance of the soup to the meat and potatoes (later - even with pasta) - a phenomenon purely Soviet, and it was connected with the hungry from time to time during the period of the Great Patriotic War and after it. Food was scarce, so the wife and mother pre-, post- and generations of soldiers have sought to make available products of the most satisfying dish to satiate the family breadwinners. And there was this scary harmful soup.

Dispelling myths about the supposedly healthy dish

unwritten rule all worthy chefs is the doctrine: the soup must be either meat or vegetables. Correct variations are broth (meat only permissible adding whole bulb to taste, but not for food) Vegetable Soup (only vegetables, in which case the potatoes say), soups (potato, mushroom with the addition of milk products, onion, etc. . d.). In an extreme case, you can make soup from chicken and frozen vegetable mixtures without potatoes content - this is a relatively dietary option for the whole family.

2. Cutlets from minced meat with the addition of bread

Dispelling myths about the supposedly healthy dish

Stuffing with the addition of bakery products - another child of the postwar era, when caregivers were required to feed posytnee. It is very strange that everyone recognizes the harmfulness of a hamburger, but the meat patty, fried in a pan of a mixture comprising 20-30% of bread and 70-80% meat, hamburger refusing to accept twin.

In addition to meat stuffing is allowed to add raw onions and spices to taste. More in stuffing anything should not be. Otherwise, chop turn into a hot dog or sandwich. Frying in vegetable oil in a frying pan - and so it is enough, "the carcinogenic process." Should not aggravate the situation further and adding bakery products.

3. Packaged juices

Dispelling myths about the supposedly healthy dish

In our opinion, the myth about the benefits of packaged juices podzaderzhalsya in the 21st century. When the mother and grandmother in the supermarket talking to their children something like "Do not take these chips bad, better take a juice box!", Then there is serious doubt that harmful chips packaged juice. After all, given the amount of sugar in the juice such as a natural preservative cheap, we can safely say that drinking a glass of juice from the package is equivalent to ingestion of 4-5 teaspoons of white granulated sugar. But not crispy!

The only variation useful juice is fresh squeezed (using either manual or automatic juicer) Juice or Fresh. But it should be noted that Fresh still never replace for its use of fresh fruits and vegetables, as in the juice has vitamins, but no solid fibers of cellulose, which is extremely important for human digestion. Fresh juices can be one serving per day, but it must be maintained for 2-3 servings of raw fruits and vegetables per day.

4. Kashi milk

Dispelling myths about the supposedly healthy dish

Yes, yes, you would not believe, but again, our grandmothers, and post-war times. Themselves dolgousvaivaemymi cereals are carbohydrates, therefore, are useful and nutritious. But if you cook them with the addition of dairy products, instead of good we get an overdose of gluten and gluten natural, and the result thereof will be indigestion, constipation and gastritis.

Boiling milk destroys all the useful properties of cereals. Compare this process can be boiling water: clean drinking water - useful, boiled water - useless and dead, is good only for zapivaniya tablets. The same happens with cereals. Thus, a useful option of porridge for breakfast - not Hercules requiring cooking flakes, filled with boiling water. Even more useful option - raw oatmeal, filled with yogurt. Neutral option - porridge, cooked only in water (salt is allowed to add to taste).

5. Herring under a fur coat

Dispelling myths about the supposedly healthy dish

This dish is a favorite of many during grand feasts and celebrations (such as New Year or birthday). And do you know how it appeared? In post-revolutionary restaurants in 1918 I got such a problem: how to feed the proletariat, who orders a bit too much vodka and quickly hmeleet? This dish was used as ultrasytnaya appetizer, which helped to get home on foot family caregivers of the proletariat. The salad was generously seasoned with French mayonnaise sauce (either as a sign of respect for the creators of the Great French Revolution, or, on the contrary, in a reminder of the external enemies of the Bolsheviks, the Entente, which included a and France). Name of the dish was appropriate: "chauvinism and decline - Boycott and Anathema" and abbreviated - "S. W. BA ". If you really like the combination of taste of boiled beet and herring, then use these two products in its pure form (together, but separately), without adding to the ensemble of mayonnaise and boiled potatoes to prevent entry into the gastroenterological department of the local hospital.