5 ways to take care of your inner child

As they grow older, we not only gain but also lose a lot of importance to quality of life. Among them the ability to enjoy the little things, open-mindedness, self-love. To return them to learn to enjoy life and stop blaming yourself for everything you need to establish contact with the inner child who is in each of us. We tell you how to do it.

1. Take care of what you liked as a child

5 ways to take care of your inner child

Who said that the amusement park, passion colorings or picking puzzles for children only? All that you enjoyed as a child, and is available now, just you yourself restricts your way to pleasure.

According to clinical psychologist Angela Kenzslou working with the inner child, the man must ask himself what his happy childhood. Maybe you loved the costume holidays and still dream to dress up in different characters, but we believe that at your age that's stupid. To encourage inner child, go to the carnival or to note the following Halloween in a big way.

Succumbing to the children's hobbies, people give yourself permission to once again experience the joy and enjoy life.

2. Talk with old friends

Communicating with people with whom you spend your time a little more - is also an act of domestic child care. Keep in touch with someone who remembers what you were before, and walk their inner children together. Maintaining contact with childhood friends can be beneficial to our inner child, because it is people who remember us when we were children, - says Vladimir Mushitsky therapist. - Therefore, as a rule, it is much easier to feel a sense of playfulness and silliness with them than with people we met adults.

3. Treat yourself with compassion

Another useful exercise - to talk with him as an adult with a child. Assigned to their irrational emotions with compassion. When you feel hurt or shame, instead of reject, accept them and show little sympathy to him before you start to think what to do next.

Ask whether the words you say to yourself is usually appropriate, in communication with a parent their child. Whatever expression you picked to support your son or daughter is in a similar situation? It is unlikely that they contained rudeness, humiliation and devaluation of the child emotions.

This exercise will help to better relate to themselves and to cope with the constant feeling of guilt.

4. Write a letter to his inner child

5 ways to take care of your inner child

If you remain dissatisfied with the needs of childhood, a good way to compensate for this - to write a letter to his little girl. Remember, as soon as the students wrote an appeal to his grown-up, and do the same thing, only in reverse. Tell me everything that you then need to be heard. This will help restore the emotional connection with the inner child.

You can write about anything: how hard you are given adult life as you were as a child, and which of these qualities do you miss right now. Tell me what you plan to do to get in touch with your inner child and stop living in denial.

5. Send a journey

5 ways to take care of your inner child

An adult way to awaken your inner child - go to a new place. The drastic change of scenery and less planning, the better.

Familiarity with different cultures, the study of unusual locations, tasting the unfamiliar food, new people - all this is a sense of wonder, awe, excitement, which is closely linked with childhood.

A particularly powerful way to show the inner child: to travel independently and without a carefully thought-out plan and goals.