Boxing workout at home

Are you a boxing fan? Your dream - to become like the stars of the ring? You believe that the boxer training at home - this is not serious, and no success is impossible to achieve?

Indeed, the house is absent and the ring ropes and cables, and other equipment. There is not a coach or sparring partner.

But independent training boxers possible under such conditions. If serious efforts, the results can be very, very decent. You will gain a good physical shape and become a real fighter. What exactly does it take?

How effective home workout boxer?

Of course, the victories in the ring without training in the hall - with its partners and the coach - to dream seriously is not necessary. Employment in the sports section of the future champion could not avoid.

If your goal - to master the techniques of self-defense for their own safety and to feel confident in the streets, it is best to train individually for an agreed fee from an experienced trainer and boxing in this case is not the only and not the best option.

Boxing workout at home

But the goal pursued by independent training boxers at home, somewhat different - working out the nuances of sports equipment, honing combat moves, time between speed and power punches. The point of all of this - in the improvement of the general physical condition, increase agility and speed of each movement, strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the body, the purchase of a beautiful sporty silhouette, as well as sports (Fight) image and strong-willed character.

On the advantages of home occupations

If you basically this is what you need, then the home classes - the best choice, because there are no gym disadvantages and advantages are many. Which ones?

First of all, you are not the average plan of training of boxers, you are engaged on an individual program. That is the one that best suits your body in terms of load and psychologically you as a person. The start and end of training - at your discretion.

There are no dangerous blows to the head and other vital places that does not add health to you. That is inevitable in the boxing harm to the body negated classes go only benefit.

But is it possible to train in the small room, and in this case, be with the inventory?

Boxing workout at home

What do I need a boxer at home

Here is a list, which is indispensable to the normal boxing training (namely, working out of your strike force):

  • Let's start with boxing gloves - without the heavy pear peel does not work.
  • Preferably the presence of bandages, gloves are worn under boxing. They eliminate the long and not very user-friendly procedures rewinding each brush conventional bandages.
  • Be sure to have a heavy pear (bag).
  • Do not do without kilogram dumbbells. They need to and in addition to pears effectively work out blows.
  • In addition, strength training will need to carry out with dumbbells weighing more. This is the best shell for such activities, combining reasonable cost with a small size.
  • For certain exercises need a bench.

And that's all?

If you do only for myself, nothing more special to you, and do not need.

These "gadgets" such as hat, cap, dynamic pear, legs and so on., Can be safely attributed to the category of excesses.

Very well, when the apartment has at least an elementary horizontal bar, not to mention the set with a bench, wall bars and parallel bars. But the urgent need in all of this, in general, no.

Buy Shoes and Dress in the most ordinary objects sports wardrobe - for any workout.

Boxing workout at home

Let's warm up

Training novice boxer is impossible without high-quality workout. We begin to walk slowly in our home gym - own room, at the same time moving and rotating the head. The goal - to stretch the neck muscles. Then the pace a little faster, move your hands in different directions, rotate the housing. Three minutes walk of so-called "duck walk" with simultaneous rotation of the wrists and hands to warm up. Then - Walking in place, raising your knees as high as possible. After warm-up is necessary to stretch the muscles, what to do exercises for each group of them, do not forget about the spine. He should also get their portion of movements for the purpose of stretching, because the program includes the obligatory training of the back.

Mash, go directly to boxing classes. Pound dumbbells while beginners are not recommended to take them into the hands should be after the first two or three months of training.

Boxing rack

Learn and remember a few starting points (out of three) of them will do the exercises.

  • Front desk (its abbreviated FS) is a position in which the feet are placed shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent, arms with clenched fists held near the breast.
  • His desk (or SS) - such as forward exhibited the weakest leg, the one of the hands, which is also less strong, pushed forward (its task - to cover the jaw), while others hold at chest level. More often than right-handers is the left arm and leg, left-handed, respectively law;
  • At the opposite stand (referred to as PS) forward put forward a strong arm and a leg.
Boxing workout at home

What are the exercises

The program assigns a boxer training to perform for each round (who do not know - the duration of the round is three minutes). Intervals for rest between rounds - one minute.

Exercise 1 to make small, stubby jumping (also called shuttle) in the direction of back and forth, taking the position of the SS (ie, taking its stand), the front arm is straight punches.

Exercise 2. Repeat the same movement in the opposite stand (SS).

Exercise 3: Having the front rack (PS), are making on the ground direct blows to the growth of their pace and power. Exercise 4. Lies in the slopes of the SS.

5. Exercise adopting, as in the third exercise, the front rack at the site produce lateral impacts.

Exercise 6. Consists of dives in the SS.

7. Exercise is done on the same principle as the exercise №3 and №5 (from FS on the spot), and is to hit bottom, called uppercuts.

Exercise 8. Shadowboxing.

Upon completion of this complex it is to do what is called "strength training boxers for the feet." Could not be more suited then jumping rope. With a good level of preparation you can jump in for three rounds, each time making a break between them for a minute.

Boxing workout at home

How to beat on a pear

Before you begin to it, make a short break to rest for five or ten minutes. You can at this time leisurely stroll at their home gym. Then put on gloves and come to the pear.

The rules by which to fight with pear, are as follows:

  • As a starting position taking its stand (SS).
  • Attempts should be alternated - a straight left alternates with an uppercut, straight right - side impact.
  • Do not stop at the individual beats, go to the whole series and combinations.
  • Try to get into the center of the projectile.
  • To increase the speed, as well as the force of impacts, it should be gradually, without sudden jerks.
  • Upon entering the fast pace and taking blows almost without pauses, you will ensure yourself, in addition to technical development, good cardio.

Individual parts

When self-training start better with the impacts of the SS position, then move on to the SS. But if you are comfortable with each sequence, guided by their individual preferences. Sporting activities should deliver muscular joy.

Boxing workout at home

What is the period of time to devote to training with pear - it's up to you. The body itself will tell you when to engage in time to stop. Necessarily easy occurrence of fatigue as a signal of the work well. But a strong surge to admit it is not necessary.

If under your blows pear sways too much, then it's time to replace it with a more severe.

Power training boxer

Do I need to pump up the muscles of a boxer?

It does not just have to - it is necessary. The fact is that without a well-developed muscles can no longer speed bumps, and other movements. Feet in this sport are also important, and strengthening them with the muscles of the buttocks must be paid no less attention than the training arms.

About the importance of strong, inflated abdominal muscles, I think, to speak too. In this weak back would nullify all the achievements - that is, it is necessary to strengthen her.

Strength training to help the novice athlete and boxer (approximate range):

  1. The best way to swap shoulders, arms, chest muscles - push-ups regularly.
  2. The lower part of the abdominals strengthen leg lifts from the supine position.
  3. The lower part of the back - Lean forward, keeping it straight and arms - heavy dumbbell.
  4. Legs - squats with dumbbells in the weight.
  5. The lateral abdominal muscles are trained, leaning from side to side and holding each hand dumbbell.
  6. In addition to push-ups on the hands, the shoulder girdle and the entire upper part of the body affected by great pull. If you do not have a horizontal bar, you can substitute curls with dumbbells (performed after the second exercise), but instead of the sixth - to pull the dumbbells in the slope of the belt.
  7. Strengthening the buttocks made attacks back and forth, holding dumbbells in his hands.
  8. "top" swing the press corps rises from lying (on the back) position.
Boxing workout at home

If you want to improve the appearance of any specific parts of the body to be found and added to the proposed exercise certain muscle groups.

How to train?

Newcomers should start with just a pair of approaches, no longer, three months later, you can add another. The optimal number of repetitions - from six to ten. But if this load is not enough, and the heavier dumbbells you do not, it can be more.

The transition to the implementation of strength exercises should be done, but how to recover after a battle with a punching bag. Rest should last at least a quarter of an hour.

Training is important to correctly complete - as it approaches the end of the walking very slowly with slight shaking of hands, contributing to overall relaxation.

Follow these simple recommendations, you can achieve a very decent physical shape and become a true king of his small home ring.