"Magic" diet. Menus, reviews, contraindications

Name a diet can bring on the idea that when it is subject to anything special do not have to - sit yourself, cast spells, and hateful kilos will disappear by themselves. But it is not so. Like any other diet, "Magic" requires careful balanced approach and strict observance of all rules.

Well, its name it has received for efficiency and a great result, as indeed happened a miracle. Now surely you do not give rest to the questions that and swirling in my head: "How to throw off the" magic "diet? ? Is it the result of a spectacular "to both questions one answer: to 7 kg per week. How do you? Interesting? It remains to find out what the diet is "Magic", and finally declare war on excess weight.

The basic principles of

This diet is a low calorie, it is very strict and belongs to the category of protein weight loss methods. Due to the lack of elements such as fats and carbohydrates, the body uses its internal resources, so leave all unnecessary. It suggests to lose weight in seven days diet "Magic" (4-7 kg). 1 week - it's pretty difficult for many people, since not everyone will be able to sustain such a hunger strike, does not permit liberties and privileges.

Approved Products

The slimming diet includes a limited set of non-fat containing protein products:

  • Cheese - cheese, tofu, chechil.
  • vegetables - pumpkin, onion, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, celery, any kind of cabbage, radish, zucchini and cucumber.
  • Prunes.
  • fruit - plums, green apples, oranges, grapefruit.
  • chicken or quail eggs.
  • Low-fat dairy products - yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • Green tea or black coffee without cream, sugar and milk.

Let yourself something that is not in this list, it is strictly prohibited.

Unresolved products

All the products that are not listed in the allowed fall into the category of prohibited. A person who wants to lose weight in all seriousness, in principle, able to last a week without goodies. Diet "Magic" is indeed very strict, and any liberties may badly affect the final result.


The main advantage of this method of weight loss is that it is designed only for one week. Increase or decrease during this period can not be. Cutting it, you will not get a positive result, and continuing beyond the allotted timeframe, can undermine health. Therefore it is recommended to give the body a break of one month, but it's not on your nelly not mean that in a period of respite can lean on flour and sweet. All should be the measure.

Power Mode

This is nothing new, should eat three meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. The last meal should take at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Snacks and afternoon tea are forbidden. Muffle feeling of hunger will help ordinary water, you can drink up to 2 liters per day. The liquid should not be boiled, it is better to take the non-carbonated mineral water or to resort to its purification via filters.


Those who are not very fond of exercise, diet, "Magic", clearly enjoy. It does not provide for jogging or going to the pool or the gym, as well as any kind of gymnastics. This is due to the method of the carbohydrate-free. Sports only harm the weakened body. Therefore it is also not advisable to plan any serious events for this period. It is best to resort to such a diet in a relaxed atmosphere for you.

Exit from the "magic" diet

Caution - this is the most important thing when you exit from the diet. It is important not to harm the weakening of the body and not to gain its former weight.

  • Do not enter the first day of the new products, it is better to increase the portion of permitted and add lunch and afternoon tea.
  • On the second day is to eat cooked lean meat or fish.
  • The third allows to include in the menu, cereals and pasta.
  • Then it is already possible to expand the range of fruit and vegetables.
  • It was only a week after the release, you can return to the old diet, limiting itself only in sweet and starchy foods. Such foods are better to eat before dinner.

The magic diet - a menu for the week

The peculiarity of this method is that there is a rough menu, and have an accurate list of products that must be followed with the utmost rigor. Dosage as well as the components are the same. That is what is different from other weight loss methods from such as "magic" diet. The results will be achieved only if all the rules.


  • Coffee without milk and sugar - 1 cup.
  • Two boiled hard-boiled eggs, a little piece of cheese (20 g).
  • Any vegetables in the total amount of 150 grams.


  • A cup of coffee, as well as on the first day.
  • A small green apple and an egg.
  • One boiled egg.


  • Green Tea - 200 ml (without the addition of sugar and milk).
  • half a pack of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 150 g of any fresh vegetables.


  • The cup of coffee.
  • One egg and 8 plums (prunes can be replaced).
  • One chicken egg and two quail.


  • Green Tea.
  • Stewed vegetables on the water, no more than 100 grams.
  • One egg.


  • Coffee.
  • A large orange or two small green apple (overall weight must not exceed 200 grams).
  • A glass of kefir or yogurt.


  • A cup of green tea or coffee.
  • Cheese - 30 grams, one grapefruit - 100 grams.
  • Two eggs.

Those who have lost weight using this technique as "magic" diet reviews are left only the most positive. According to them, if not to deviate from the planned course, it is possible to achieve excellent results. However, such a strict diet to sustain not all the strength. Especially since it has a lot of contraindications.

Side effects and contraindications

"Magic" Diet has a number of contraindications, as provides the most severe restrictions on food, and the absence of these components in the diet, fats and carbohydrates can even be fatal in some cases. So before you decide to use this method, it is necessary to consult specialists. This ensures security.

The diet is absolutely contraindicated:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • People under the age of 18 and after 55 years.
  • Individuals who have had an operation within six months.
  • In acute infectious and chronic diseases.
  • In severe physical and mental stress.
  • People who suffer from kidney disease, liver, heart and stomach.

method, the results are really impressive, but according to the try out, there are side effects, so it is not so smooth for such a method to lose weight, as "magic" diet. Reviews show that such sensations, weakness, dizziness, decreased performance, nervousness and mood decline accompany a person throughout the week.

In order to reduce these unpleasant symptoms, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Do not sit within four walls, a walk in the fresh air will invigorate you.
  • Be sure to sleep at least 7 hours.
  • Do not overwork.
  • Take a shower twice a day.
  • Drink plenty of water.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to eliminate the side effects and to achieve an effective result.


Many say that, despite the severity, "magic" diet is very popular. The method is designed for a daily weight loss of one kilogram. But, of course, it all depends on the strength of will and individual characteristics. The greater the initial weight, the faster and more productively, he will leave.

If you adhere to a strict menu, weekly weight loss will be from 7 to 10 kg. But for non-compliance of the recommendations will be able to throw 3-4 kg, not more.

The method is excellent for healthy people who are in need as soon as possible to remove the extra inches. Many women say that the strict observance of the diet kgs leave, opening the eyes the outlines of a beautiful figure.

Are you ready for this? Confident in his good health and strength of will? Then go ahead! Put your appetite at the circuit and go to their goal!