Charge, a charge for the day

• Charging, which will charge for the day

Remember how often we were told as a child about the benefits of morning exercise - and how quickly you threw her to perform as adults. The vast majority of people neglect the morning warm-up: neither the time nor the energy. However, scientists have long proved the undoubted benefit of early training. Properly lined up exercises not only help to wake up, but also energized the whole day.

Charge, a charge for the day

Charging or workout

It is important to remember that the morning exercise should give you energy for the whole day, not to take away from the rest of the night. Full workout with heavy exercise will only harm the body. Heart, just quietly to pump blood to the body relaxed, will be forced to abruptly switch to a hyperactive mode: load such a negative impact on its strength.

Charge, a charge for the day

Cooking body

Jump out of bed in a fighting stance, too, should not be. Give your body to understand that you're awake. Wash, drink a glass of water and begin a peaceful, leisurely workout. First knead the neck, wrist and elbow joints, then move on to larger muscle groups.

Charge, a charge for the day


After the workout, you can go directly to the very charging. Make split from the slopes of the body to touch the ground with your fingers hand, a circular motion pelvis and trunk bending to the left and right sides. Believe me, this will be enough.

Charge, a charge for the day


Here we help the most usual push-ups. A small set of the two sets of 10 repetitions in each suffice. The minute you can make a straight bar as the final load - Bleed the press bonus.

Charge, a charge for the day


There is also no need to invent any special exercises. Start with a small stretch that leads to the leg muscles working condition. Then do three sets of 10 repetitions of squats each. Take your time and do not release your foot from the ground, focus on what you are doing at the moment. The Do 10 repetitions as a fourth approach Burpee.