Fasting for weight loss: a sound approach

Dieting or fasting?

Having set a goal - to get rid of the hated overweight, many are thinking of what to choose - a diet or starvation diet? Some believe that simply establish a proper diet and the body immediately would start to function normally, the other still understand that without cleansing and fasting days the situation with pleats on the sides are not correct. And accept absolutely the right decision - to combine these two methods. Fasting for weight loss can be divided into dry and using water.

The difference between the dry and wet starvation

Fasting for weight loss: a sound approach

The dry, or as it is called "absolute" fasting, do not require you to additional purification procedures such as enemas. Dry fasting for weight loss is carried out without the use of water and food. This is the main difference. As the name implies, wet starvation (or "complete") is carried out with the use of water and cleansing enemas. There are also hybrid techniques that combine both types.

Step and cascading fasting

Fasting slimming is also subdivided into a stepwise (or cascade) and fractionated. Threaded more complex embodiment, hunger is replaced and the power is restored at a constant gradual increase in the period of abstinence. One by one, two by two, and so on. Fractional variant - more gentle when fasting diet is held equal portions over a prolonged period (six months, one year). Dry fasting

Fasting for weight loss: a sound approach

This type of refusal of food is based on the principle of gradualness. From cascading fasting, do not try to go at once to increase the abstinence from food and water. In order to prepare the body and try your hand, try to first give up food day after day. Stick to this scheme a month, and you typed 15 hungry days. Once you have assessed your real possibilities, you can proceed to the second stage - to refuse food and water for 2 days. Pay special attention to the door of the hunger strike. The first thing you need to get drunk. You only need to drink clean water, tea and juice set aside for the "well-fed" days. After 2 hours after the water reception can drink a cup of yogurt.

The wet starvation

Practice shows that in order to achieve weight loss, it is sufficient

Fasting for weight loss: a sound approach

to hold a weekly 24-hour wet starvation. If you need a more powerful effect, term refusal of food can be increased up to 2 weeks to conduct such courses can be no more than 2-3 times per year. With this approach, you will lose a year of 10-15 kg. A simplified version of a wet hunger strike the following: in the evening held enema and, starting from the next day, it stops eating. to starvation Contraindications

Fasting for weight loss - it's great stress to the body, which aims to make the body produce natural selection and revision of cells. All can not stand poor and diseased cells such experiments and die are replaced by new, young and strong. Refusal of food is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • diabetes;
  • rest angina;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • acute tuberculosis;
  • blood disease;
  • tumor of any nature;
  • advanced age (60 years);
  • pregnancy and lactation.

be sure to check with your doctor before you start fasting!