Fasting on water. Out starvation. Fasting on the water: reviews

When sport and diet do not help to lose weight, you can try this method of weight loss, as fasting on water. Do not be afraid, you will not die of hunger, even if there is nothing there for quite a long time. A person can live without food for about a month, but no water - only a few days.

Fasting on water. Out starvation. Fasting on the water: reviews

Classic fasting always involves drinking copious mode and it differs from the extreme dry fasting. This article provides useful information for people who want to starve in the name of gaining a slim figure. What happens in the body during starvation, how to conduct fasting on water, this method reviews - read all right now.

How much can lose weight during the fasting on the water?

I do not think that giving up food for a day or two, it is possible to radically deal with excess fat. Short hunger will help to get rid of all of the two or three kilograms (about one kg per day). In this case, the bulk of the weight lost will hold excess fluid, which is always present in the body of fat people in abundance.

Fasting on water. Out starvation. Fasting on the water: reviews

The longer the hunger strike (for 7-10 days or even several weeks) allows you to lose weight much more efficiently. Weight will go faster in the first few days, then the body will be able to adapt to new conditions and will consume fat reserves more economical. You can not specify the exact figures on how much you can lose weight during a famine, then a lot will depend on your individual characteristics and duration of the hunger strike.

How to drink water during the fasting?

As mentioned earlier, fasting on water for weight loss requires special drinking regime. How much should you drink water during this diet? Authoritative sources recommend to stick to the norm of 1, 5-2 liters per day. This amount of water allows the body to cope with intoxication and maintain health at the proper level.

Fasting on water. Out starvation. Fasting on the water: reviews

At the same time you do not need to drink water through force. You must listen to your body and its needs.

Can I during fasting drink anything else but water?

No! You can drink only water, pure, preferably spring. No teas, juices, herbal infusions, and so on. E., No matter how useful they may be! Any other liquid other than water, would interfere with the purification process in the body during fasting. In summer, in warm weather can do simple cold waters. But in the cold season is better if it is warm or slightly hot. The fact is that during starvation lasting 2-3 days, the body starts to feel cold and cold liquid entering the body can enhance the chills.

one-day fasting

One-day fasting on the water is almost not dangerous to health, and so they can be practiced at least every week. Choose a day that you particularly suitable, for example, Wednesday or Friday, and regularly at this time let your body rest of the meal.

Fasting on water. Out starvation. Fasting on the water: reviews

This unloads the digestive system and allows it to be renewed. Can you lose weight with the help of short-term positions? This will depend entirely on you. If after a hungry day you will eagerly pounce on the food and not to observe moderation, it is unlikely to be able in this way to lose weight significantly.

What happens in the body during fasting

The human body - is a very clever and perfect system. When it is not supplied in the food for a long time, it is triggered by a variety of complex processes to purification and recovery. You will be interesting to consider more starvation in the water? By the second or third day of hunger qualitatively change the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastric juice stops the stomach from the inside is filled with proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, which activate the neurohormone cholecystokinin, which suppresses the feeling of hunger.

From the second day from the mouth begins to proceed sufficiently strong smell of acetone, which indicates the beginning of the growing stage ketoacidosis, which lasts from 6 to 8-day five. During this period, the person may be concerned about severe weakness, headache, sleep disturbances, and sometimes nausea and even vomiting. At this time there is an active breakdown of fats. 6-8 th day starvation occurs a so-called acidotic crisis, after passing which the body moves to a fully powered internally.

Fasting on water. Out starvation. Fasting on the water: reviews

The state of health is improving, there comes a surge of strength, fading smell of acetone, urine lighter, headache, dizziness pass. After passing acidotic crisis body weight loss of 500-300 grams per day, and this tempo it persists almost until the end of the post. Such fasting on water. Reviews of people tried to imagine this way of losing weight, they say that it is very effective.

Complete the "offline mode" after passing acidotic crisis may continue for a very long time - up to 40 days. But in the home is not recommended for such a long hunger strike. The final stage is a way out of hunger. This is a very important period, from how well it performed, to a large extent depends on the result of all the effort.

Preparing for fasting

When one-day fasting on the water do not require any special training, except for determination and firm commitment to, the long refusal of food needs a more serious approach. Firstly, it is unwise to assign themselves a long period of abstinence from food, without first few one-day fasting has been conducted. A series of short weekly fasts, lasting for 24 hours, well prepare the body for the next attempt and give you experience and confidence in their own abilities. 7 days prior to prolonged fasting should abandon the heavy greasy food and meat, hot spices and seasonings, as well as alcohol. It is best to observe the plant-milk diet. If you have decided that the next morning will start fasting, then spend the evening special cleaning procedures for the gut - an enema. Some experts advise to prolonged fasting to do cleaning the liver, joints, kidneys, and blood vessels. This will help to pre-discharge the body of toxins, and thus facilitate the well-being during the famine. But it is necessary to resort to such measures, if you really dare to embark on a very "long voyage" (30-40 days of hunger); a week-long hunger strike could well do without such extra effort. However, you decide.

How to withdraw from the famine

Very important is the correct way out of starvation. The general principle here is this: a gradual return to normal diet should come about as many days as he went on hunger. Ie. If you refused to eat for a week, then the output should last 7 days. Only natural juice can be consumed on the first day, and it should be diluted with water at a ratio of 1: 1.

Fasting on water. Out starvation. Fasting on the water: reviews

On the second day before dinner, again, you can only drink the juice, but it is clean, without water, and after dinner to eat pureed vegetables or fruits. On the third day to the fruit and vegetable purees allowed porridge we add water, a small amount of bread and dried fruits. The fourth day is even more diverse: allowed vegetarian soups, vegetable oil. On the fifth day already can be used in food kefir, fermented baked milk and butter (a little bit). Sixth day: a diet enriched with sour cream, cheese, and salt. But on the seventh day it is already possible to eat eggs and cheese. After a seven-day recovery period, you can gradually begin to eat fish, chicken, and so on. D.

The rules of conduct during fasting

Fasting on healthy people the water is transferred well enough. Besides drinking regime, starving person recommended daily cleansing enemas. It contributes to the removal of the colon debris. If you do an enema, the toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream, which can cause severe self-poisoning organism. Also relies every day to take a shower.

Well, if a starving man leads an active lifestyle and spends much time in the open air, and not just lying on the bed. I must say that during fasting the body can strongly feel cold, so dress warmly. Avoid stressful situations.

Should I starve longer than 7 days?

Effectively whether in terms of weight loss a week-long fasting on water? 7 days have passed, you have experienced the brunt of ketoacidosis, overcame hardships acidotic crisis, and if so, you probably would be able to continue the hunger strike to continue. Why not try to take a great height, especially if you are well prepared and know perfectly the theory. Still, if it's your first week fasting, then it is better to stop, make a right way, to evaluate the effect. How many kilograms did you manage to lose weight, if you are happy with your results? After a while you will be able to venture to a great height, starting already from your own experience gained.

Health effects of

Enhance immunity, rejuvenation, improvement of the intestinal microflora, getting rid of many chronic diseases, etc. -.. All this can give a person fasting on water. Results after leaving the famine can be truly stunning! But this is only if all done according to the rules and avoid independent action. Improving the health and general well-being will be a nice bonus to the lost weight, and the prize for the willpower and the patience manifested during the complete rejection of food.


Fasting on the water, if it is carried out independently at home, it is recommended to practice only for healthy people. And it is not so important, for what purpose you are starving in order to lose weight or for general health. Absolute contraindications are:

  • severe heart disease;
  • tuberculosis in an active form;
  • severe blood diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • type I diabetes mellitus;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thrombosis;
  • underweight;
  • after infarct period;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

There are also relative contraindications for fasting on water. It:

  • of type II diabetes;
  • gout;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hypotension;
  • peptic ulcer disease;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • children or old age;
  • fevers.

The positive and negative reviews about fasting

The benefits of fasting on water has been known to people since the most ancient times. The mechanisms of this method has long been studied by doctors, has accumulated vast experience in the use of hunger for getting rid of a variety of diseases and for the normalization of body weight. On the Internet, you can read a lot of reviews from people who have tried the full force of healing fasting and were satisfied with the results.

Fasting on water. Out starvation. Fasting on the water: reviews

But unfortunately, there are not only positive reviews about fasting, but also negative. Basically, they express the people who have made any mistakes, for example, the output of starvation was conducted improperly, leading to health disorders. Before testing the method on itself, it is recommended to better understand the theory - it will help avoid the most common mistakes.